// thread example
void foo()
// do stuff...
void bar(int x)
// do stuff...
int main()
std::thread first (foo); // spawn new thread that calls foo()
std::thread second (bar,0); // spawn new thread that calls bar(0)
std::cout << "main, foo and bar now execute concurrently...\n";
// synchronize threads:
first.join(); // pauses until first finishes
second.join(); // pauses until second finishes
std::cout << "foo and bar completed.\n";
return 0;
main, foo and bar now execute concurrently...
foo and bar completed.
std::thread_local 变量
std::mutex 互斥锁
用于保存某一线程中的重要区域(critical section),该区域内的代码必须在当前线程内连续执行,mutex会发出信号保证当前线程的该段代码能够独占资源,等运行完之后再解锁。
// mutex example
std::mutex mtx; // mutex for critical section
void print_block (int n, char c) {
// critical section (exclusive access to std::cout signaled by locking mtx):
for (int i=0; i std::cout << '\n'; mtx.unlock(); } int main () { std::thread th1 (print_block,50,'*'); std::thread th2 (print_block,50,'$'); th1.join(); th2.join(); return 0; } output: ************************************************** $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 若去掉互斥锁,则运行结果为: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*$$**$**$*$*$$**$*$$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$***$*$***$*$***$*$$$*$*$**$*$$$*$** ************ 在这个程序中,加上互斥锁之后使得两个线程顺序执行。