示例中的React.Js Router v5

All you need to know about using React.js react-router-dom package and how to use it (with code and result GIF examples).

您需要了解有关使用React.js react-router-dom软件包以及如何使用它(带有代码和结果GIF示例)的所有知识。

本文将介绍的内容: (What will be covered in this article:)

  • 1. Installing

  • 2. Creating your first Routes using Switch

  • 3. Nested Routing

  • 4. Prompt component

  • 5. NavLink component

    5. NavLink组件
  • 6. 404 page (page not found)

    6. 404页(找不到页面)
  • 7. Getting Route props (match, location, history)

  • 8. Route Parameters

  • 9. URLSearchParams

    9. URLSearchParams
  • 10. Redirect component

  • 10.1. Private routes

    10.1。 私人路线
  • 10.2. Redirect from an old page to a new one

    10.2。 从旧页面重定向到新页面
  • 11. Animation

  • 12. Secure your application


I will be using a starter Typescript React.js project that was created using the most popular create-react-app script. No additional packages (only eslint and prettier, but that is for code formatting )

我将使用使用最受欢迎的create-react-app脚本create-react-app的入门Typescript React.js项目。 无需额外的软件包( eslint prettier ,但这是代码格式化 )

npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript
# oryarn create react-app my-app --template typescript

… and I removed all styles. They will only distract us from the main topic.

…我删除了所有样式。 他们只会分散我们的注意力。

示例中的React.Js Router v5_第1张图片
示例中的React.Js Router v5_第2张图片

1.安装 (1. Installing)

To start using React Router we need to add it to our dependencies :

要开始使用React Router我们需要将其添加到我们的依赖项中:

yarn add react-router-dom// Because we are using typescript project
// we need to istall @types/react-router-dom package tooyarn add @types/react-router-dom

And that’s it, we are totally ready!


2.使用Switch创建您的第一条路线 (2. Creating your first Routes using Switch)

Before we will use the functionality of React Router we will need to create first component pages that we will use for showing changes when a User clicks on a Link:

在使用React Router的功能之前,我们需要创建第一个组件页面,用于在用户单击Link时显示更改:

示例中的React.Js Router v5_第3张图片

Next, we need to add Navigation and Routes components. (Obviously, we could write all in one Component but in this case, it will be harder to read and understand what is happening)

接下来,我们需要添加导航路线组件。 ( 显然,我们可以在一个组件中编写所有组件,但是在这种情况下,将很难阅读和理解正在发生的事情 )

Navigation component:


Routes component:


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And a final touch… We need to wrap our application with BrowserRouter component (as Router):

最后一点……我们需要用BrowserRouter组件(如Router )包装应用程序:

In Router version 3 instead of using BrowserRouter -> HashRouter was used. When Router version 4 was released HashRouter became deprecated.

在路由器版本3中,而不是使用BrowserRouter > HashRouter 。 当路由器版本4发布时, HashRouter弃用了

Let’s test it out:


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Image for post
Warning icon 警告图标

!!! I want to notice one thing about Route — it is not comparing routes in strict mode like “some-string” === “some-other-string”. To solve this issue you need to pass exact={true} property, or to wrap you routes with Switch and place them in right order.

!!! 我想注意到有关Route一件事-它不是在严格模式下比较路由,例如“ some-string” ===“ some-other-string”。 要解决此问题,您需要传递exact={true}属性,或使用Switch封装您的路由并将其以正确的顺序放置。

Let’s position our three routes in “wrong” order, like this:


… then your Routes will not change, even if path is changing:


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Switch will “get” first route, and Router will think this way:


  • User want “/second” route to be shown;


  • First route’s path is “/” ;


  • Does “/second” starts with “/” — yes;

    “/second”开始用“/” -是的;

  • Show First Page

    显示First Page

To solve this issue, you need to pass exact={true} prop to Route, or place routes in the right order in Switch:

要解决此问题,您需要将exact={true}属性传递给Route ,或以正确的顺序在Switch放置路由:

3.嵌套路由 (3. Nested Routing)

With React Router you can nest your routes inside other routes just like any other routes, like this:

使用React Router,您可以像其他路由一样将路由嵌套在其他路由中,如下所示:

Image for post
Warning icon 警告图标

!!! In this example, you must be aware of one thing. Do you remember how we added exact={true} to our previous root routes components?

!!! 在此示例中,您必须意识到一件事。 您是否还记得我们如何在以前的根路由组件中添加exact={true}

Because of that, ThirdPage sub-pages will not be rendered, because the route path "/third/3–1" or “/third/3-2”, etc will not be the exact match of “/third”.

因此,将不会呈现ThirdPage子页面,因为路由路径为" /third/3–1" or “/third/3-2”, etc ThirdPage " /third/3–1" or “/third/3-2”, etc 不会与“/third”完全匹配。

In this case, React Router will render “nothing”.

在这种情况下, React Router 将呈现“ ”。

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After removing exact={true} we will get this result:


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4.提示组件 (4. Prompt component)

What if we want to notify a User that all his inputted data will be lost if he will leave the page?


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5. NavLink组件 (5. NavLink component)

The main difference from Link component, is that you can add some styling for “active” state — when a path is matched the current URL.


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6. 404页(找不到页面) (6. 404 page (page not found))

It is not the best practice to show “nothing” to a User if the route is not found. For this case we will add a new component “PageNotFound”:

如果找不到路由,最好的做法是不向用户显示“无”。 对于这种情况,我们将添加一个新组件“ PageNotFound”:

And after that, we will need to add it to our Switch Routes without specifying path prop.


Image for post
Route with no path specified is equivalent to:
<Route path="*">

Let’s see how it will look like in our app:


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7.获取路线道具(比赛,位置,历史) (7. Getting Route props (match, location, history))

There are thee main routing props:

有主要的路由道具 :

  • match

  • location

  • history

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What are four main approaches to get them?


  1. If you will pass your component to Route as a component prop:


<Route path="/" exact={true} component={FirstPage} />

2. If you will pass your component to Route as a render prop:


render={(props) => {
return <FirstPage {...props} />;

3. If you will wrap your component using withRouter:


Our routes:


And our FirstPage component:


4. Use hooks useHistory, useLocation, useRouteMatch


8.路线参数 (8. Route Parameters)

What if you we want to show a list of items on a “/items” path and a specific item on a “/items/:itemId” path:


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This is where match props will be useful. As you remember we can get match props using 4 different ways, and I will be using the first one.

这是match道具会有用的地方。 您还记得我们可以使用4种不同的方式来获得比赛道具,而我将使用第一种。

<Route path="/items" component={Items} exact={true} />
Route path="/items/:userId" component={Item} exact={true} />

Items component:


As you can see here that we are using history to redirect User to the “/users/:userId” page when he clicks on a row;


And we are using location.pathname to show User’s current path, just for a demonstration


Item component:


The main difference in an Item component is that we are redirecting User back using history.goBack() function;

Item组件的主要区别是我们使用history. goBack()将用户重定向回history. goBack() history. goBack()函数;

Row and Column components that are just a simple divs. And users — array of simple objects.

组件只是一个简单的div。 和用户 -简单对象数组。

9. URLSearchParams (9. URLSearchParams)

What if you want to add some search params like: order/sort, filter, exclude, page etc.

如果您想添加一些搜索参数,例如: order/sortfilterexcludepage等,该怎么办?

It will be not very nice to use match.params because your Route path will look really weird and you will need to match the order each time you redirect to this page:



In this case, URLSearchParams will come in handy.

在这种情况下, URLSearchParams上用场。

Let’s take a look at how sort and order search params could work together:


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I have updated Items component with implemented sort and order search params handlers:


10.重定向组件 (10. Redirect component)

10.1私人路线 (10.1 Private routes)

What if User is trying to get a Route to which he doesn’t has access? This is where Redirect component can be in handy:

如果用户尝试获取他无权访问的路由怎么办? 这是Redirect组件可以派上用场的地方:

Private page:




Each time user will try to get content of a Private page -> he will be redirected to the root page.


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Another popular approach for redirecting is to use history.push() method. It will do exactly the same as Redirect.

另一种流行的重定向方法是使用history.push()方法。 它将与重定向完全相同。



import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';... component ...const history = useHistory();history.push('/third');

10.2从旧页面重定向到新页面 (10.2 Redirect from old to new page)

What if you got an old link or a route that you app been using years ago, and now you’ve created a new awesome page that should be visible to the user, but you want to show his new page by the old route, simple:

如果您有一个旧链接或您的应用程序在几年前一直在使用的路线,现在又创建了一个新的页面,该页面应该对用户可见,但是您希望通过旧的路线来显示他的新页面,该怎么办呢? :

This is it! Now, if a User will try to reach ‘/oldPage’ he will be automatically redirected to the new one.

就是这个! 现在,如果用户尝试访问'/oldPage'他将被自动重定向到新的页面。

11.动画 (11. Animation)

What if we would like our routes to change in a smooth way. How can we do that?

如果我们希望我们的路线能够平稳地改变,该怎么办? 我们该怎么做?

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First, we would need to install react-transition-group package:


npm install 
// oryarn add

if you are using TS project you will need @types/react-transition-group too.


After that, you can wrap your component with TransitionGroup component:


import { TransitionGroup, CSSTransition } from 'react-transition-group';
import './styles.css';<TransitionGroup>

and add simple CSS styles:


.anim-enter {
opacity: 0;
z-index: 1;}.anim-exit {
display: none;}.anim-enter.anim-enter-active {
opacity: 1;
transition: opacity 1s ease-in;}

12.保护您的应用程序 (12. Secure your application)

Image for post

This example is not about React Router only, it’s more about using React Routes in combination with other features, that React provides. We will be using Redirect, useLocation, useContext, useEffect, useState, and localStorage.

这个例子不仅涉及React Router ,还涉及将React Routes与React提供的其他功能结合使用。 我们将使用RedirectuseLocationuseContextuseEffectuseStatelocalStorage

Previous example is nice and simple, but what if we want to secure all our routes, not only the PrivatePage. And what if user logged-in, closed the application, and returned after some time and want to open “/third” page. Login again? Let’s see one of the approaches, how we can solve this.

前面的示例很简单,但是如果我们想保护所有路由,而不仅是PrivatePage ,该怎么办? 如果用户登录,关闭应用程序并在一段时间后返回并想要打开“/third”页面,该怎么办。 重新登录? 让我们看看其中一种方法,我们如何解决这个问题。

First, let's create a context:


Next, we need to add AuthHandler component:


And AuthValidation component:


Wrap our App component with AuthHandler:


After that, we need to modify our LoginPage component:


And add LogOut component:


Add final modification, we need to add Logout link to our Navigation component:


NavLink to="/logout" activeStyle={{ color: 'green' }} exact={true}>
Logout page

让我们测试一下: (Let’s test it out:)

Login/Logout result:


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Login/Exit application example:


示例中的React.Js Router v5_第18张图片

If I forgot to describe some valuable features, or if you got some questions — I will be glad to answer. Happy codding!

如果我忘记描述一些有价值的功能,或者您有任何疑问,我将很乐意回答。 祝大家高兴!

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/react-js-router-in-examples-93c778a37888
