1121 - Goodbye, Mr. Chips 晨读笔记 08

一 我的问题清单:

(心理活动:一句话不简单 紧张的要死啦 真的很紧张 连读书都是发抖的 都不知道是冷还是紧张 …)

需要注意的是语音语调 简单的事 重复做 要读好 认真练习~ 

二 积累知识点

1 He felt very fit, and the actual work was not taxing .


造句:Writing dissertation was intellectually and physically taxing for me.

I do not enjoy working in the supermarket, which is physically taxing for me.


eg: Overcrowding has taxed the city's ability to deal with waste...

造句:Teaching British children Chinese has taxed my patience. 

students who always ask the same questions has taxed my patience.

很喜欢tax sb's patience 这个表达,很好用!!!


(fit 这个单词是第二次见到,很好用的一个小词,代替healthy, eg: you look very fit. I feel very fit)

For the first time in his life he felt necessary — and necessary to something that was nearest his heart . 

平时用的是:Its my first time to do ... 现在可以用for the first time 来代替啦 ~

造句:For the first time I saw British volunteers gave out food to tramps yesterday.




3 I’m like all these new colonels and majors you see everywhere — just a wartime fluke.

/‘kɝnl/  (陆军、空军或海军陆战队的)上校

major用作名词:(英国) 陆军(或海军陆战队)少校; (美国)陆军(或空军、海军陆战队)少校

Fluke — /fluk/ 长元音 


shoe dog : 这一切都是凑巧吗?

Can it really be a fluke of geography that the oldest shoes ever discovered are a pair of  nine-thousand -year-old sandals… salvaged from a cave in Oregon?

造句:His success is something of a fluke.

I do not think their win is just a fluke.

4 And once,on a night of full moonlight, the airraid warning was given while Chips was taking his lower fourth in Latin.

given 还有另外一个意思:可以表示理所当然的,就应该这样

eg: Sandra will be at least 15 minutes late – that’s a given. (这个人将会迟到,这是肯定的)

造句:I think he will not win the competition -- that's a given 

5 So he went on with his Latin, speaking a little louder amidst the reverberating crashes of the guns and the shrill whine of anti-aircraft shells .

本身是发出响声,发出回身 但可以表示一个事情产生巨大反响

eg:News of 911 had reverberated across the world.

6 It had been a damp, foggy day, and the walk across the quadrangle to the Dining Hall had given him a chill

 given him a chill (散步)使他着了凉

造句:Wearing less clothes in a damp and foggy day gives me a chill。

give sb a chill 让某人有一声冷汗,起鸡皮疙瘩

give sb chills / goosebumps (因为惊吓而起了鸡皮疙瘩)

造句:His word gave me chills

第三个意思表示放松:chill out 

eg: Watching a movie is a good way to chill out.

总结今天学习的语言点:fit, tax, for the first time; taxi; major; fluke; given; reverberate; chill

三 语音现象:

Food - rationing /‘ræʃən, ‘rei-/    ratio —/’reiʃiəu/

Anti /'æntaɪ/ — pro 

school school 不要读的太夸张,

there were 没有强调,不要重读,弱读即可,除非是强调 ~细节地方 

Mrs. /’misiz/ 注意发音,

felt  /felt/

Roman /‘rəumən/ 

lessons /‘lesən/



不要有省音的概念, 例如:jokes

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