

  • 一、CSDN的博文《如何优雅的在 Microsoft word中插入代码》提到使用一个在线的网站PlanetB对代码进行格式化,该网站确实效果不错。但因为是在线的方式进行格式化,因此可能存在代码泄露的问题。
  • 二、在百度经验中有一个方法是使用word 的脚步实现格式化代码,链接地址是:word中插入漂亮的代码。该方法亲测是可用的,就是需要自己先创建一个“ccode”的样式,在执行其中的脚步程序,并且格式化后显示的效果不如第一个方法明显。


  • 在Notepad++中编辑好需要显示的程序或者伪代码,注意文件的格式最好设置成.c 或者.h等,便于Notepad识别出关键词,进行关键词的显示(关键词自动有各种不同颜色进行显示)。选中所需要的内容,依次完成“插件”->“NppExport”->“Copy HTML to clipboard”.
Uint8_t GetChar(UART_PACKGE *x,uint8_t *pData)
	if pData 为空 or x 为空 or x->u8EmptyFlag 为 true then
		return false
		*pData ← x->pDataBuffer[x->u8HeadIndex++]
		if x->u8HeadIndex >= TX_BUFFER_LEN then
			x->u8HeadIndex ← 0
		if x->u8HeadIndex == x->u8TailIndex
			x->u8EmptyFlag ← true
			x->u8FullFlag ← false
		return true
  • 在word中粘贴上述步骤拷贝的内容,并选中所有内容,并执行如下步骤的宏脚本(文末列出),即可以得到最终的效果的代码。在word中插入格式漂亮的代码_第1张图片



Sub formatCode()
' formatCode 宏

    With Selection.ParagraphFormat
        With .Borders(wdBorderLeft)
            .LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
            .LineWidth = wdLineWidth300pt
            .Color = 4185357
        End With
        .Borders(wdBorderRight).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone
        .Borders(wdBorderTop).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone
        .Borders(wdBorderBottom).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone
        .Borders(wdBorderHorizontal).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone
        With .Borders
            .DistanceFromTop = 1
            .DistanceFromLeft = 0
            .DistanceFromBottom = 1
            .DistanceFromRight = 4
            .Shadow = False
        End With
    End With
    With Options
        .DefaultBorderLineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
        .DefaultBorderLineWidth = wdLineWidth300pt
        .DefaultBorderColor = 4185357
    End With
    With ListGalleries(wdNumberGallery).ListTemplates(1).ListLevels(1)
        .NumberFormat = "%1."
        .TrailingCharacter = wdTrailingSpace
        .NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleArabic
        .NumberPosition = CentimetersToPoints(0)
        .Alignment = wdListLevelAlignLeft
        .TextPosition = CentimetersToPoints(0.74)
        .TabPosition = wdUndefined
        .ResetOnHigher = 0
        .StartAt = 1
        With .Font
            .Bold = wdUndefined
            .Italic = wdUndefined
            .StrikeThrough = wdUndefined
            .Subscript = wdUndefined
            .Superscript = wdUndefined
            .Shadow = wdUndefined
            .Outline = wdUndefined
            .Emboss = wdUndefined
            .Engrave = wdUndefined
            .AllCaps = wdUndefined
            .Hidden = wdUndefined
            .Underline = wdUndefined
            .Color = wdUndefined
            .Size = wdUndefined
            .Animation = wdUndefined
            .DoubleStrikeThrough = wdUndefined
            .Name = ""
        End With
        .LinkedStyle = ""
    End With
    ListGalleries(wdNumberGallery).ListTemplates(1).Name = ""
    Selection.Range.ListFormat.ApplyListTemplateWithLevel ListTemplate:= _
        ListGalleries(wdNumberGallery).ListTemplates(1), ContinuePreviousList:= _
        False, ApplyTo:=wdListApplyToSelection, DefaultListBehavior:= _
    LineNum = Selection.Range.Sentences.Count
    For i = 0 To LineNum - 1 Step 1
        Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine, Extend:=None
        Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine, Extend:=wdExtend
        Call changeListLevel
        Selection.MoveDown Unit:=wdLine
    Next i    
End Sub

Sub changeListLevel()
' change List level
'    Selection.Range.SetListLevel Level:=1

    CurList = Selection.Range.ListFormat.ListLevelNumber
    If CurList > 1 Then
       Selection.Range.SetListLevel Level:=1
       Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine
       For i = 0 To 2 * (CurList - 2) - 1 Step 1
           Selection.InsertSymbol CharacterNumber:=160, Unicode:=True, Bias:=0
       Next i
    End If
End Sub

