赛灵思的HDMI Receiver Subsystem 用户手册pg236翻译和学习(1)

今天开始,读一本新的赛灵思IP手册,HDMI 1.4/2.0 Receiver Subsystem v2.0 Product Guide,即HDMI接受器系统的手册。从概述开始。
赛灵思的HDMI Receiver Subsystem 用户手册pg236翻译和学习(1)_第1张图片



The HDMI 1.4/2.0 Receiver Subsystem is a feature-rich soft IP incorporating all the necessary logic to properly interface with PHY layers and provide HDMI decoding functionality. The subsystem is a hierarchical IP that bundles a collection of HDMI RX-related IP sub-cores and outputs them as a single IP. The subsystem receives the captured TMDS data from the video PHY layer. It then extracts the video and audio streams from the HDMI stream and converts it to video and audio streams.
The subsystem can be configured at design time through a single interface in the Vivado® Integrated Design Environment (IDE) for performance and quality.
P5 概述
HDMI 1.4/2.0接收器子系统是一个功能丰富的软IP,包含所有必要的逻辑,以正确连接PHY层并提供HDMI解码功能。子系统是一个分层IP,它捆绑了一组HDMI RX相关的IP子核心,并将其作为单个IP输出。子系统从视频PHY层接收捕获的TMDS数据。然后,它从HDMI流中提取视频和音频流,并将其转换为视频和音频数据流。


High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) is a common interface used to transport video and audio and is seen in almost all consumer video equipment such as DVD and media players, digital televisions, camcorders, mobile tablets and phones. The omnipresence of the interface has also spread to most professional equipment such as professional cameras, video switchers, converters, monitors and large displays used in video walls and public display signs.
For tested video resolutions for the subsystem see Appendix A, Verification, Compliance, and Interoperability.
赛灵思的HDMI Receiver Subsystem 用户手册pg236翻译和学习(1)_第2张图片

Unsupported Features
The following features are not supported in this subsystem:
• Lip sync
• HDMI 2.0 dual view
• HDMI 2.0 multi stream audio
•HDMI 2.0双视图
•HDMI 2.0多流音频
P7 Product Specification
This chapter includes a description of the subsystem and details about the performance and resource utilization.
A high-level block diagram of the HDMI 1.4/2.0 Receiver Subsystem is shown in Figure 2-1.
HDMI 1.4/2.0接收机子系统的高级框图如图2-1所示。
赛灵思的HDMI Receiver Subsystem 用户手册pg236翻译和学习(1)_第3张图片

The HDMI RX Subsystem is constructed on top of an HDMI RX core. Various supporting modules are added around the HDMI RX core with respect to your configuration. The HDMI RX core is designed to support native video interface, however many of the existing video processing IP cores are AXI4-Stream based. It is a natural choice to add a converter module (Video In to AXI4-Stream) to enable the HDMI RX Subsystem to output AXI4-Stream based video. By performing this, HDMI RX Subsystem is able to work seamlessly with other Xilinx video processing IP cores. The HDMI RX Subsystem has a built-in capability to optionally support both HDCP 1.4 and HDCP 2.2 decryption.
HDMI RX子系统构建在HDMI RX核心之上。HDMI RX核心周围添加了与您的配置相关的各种支持模块。HDMI RX内核旨在支持本机视频接口,但现有的许多视频处理IP内核都是基于AXI4流的。添加一个转换器模块(视频输入到AXI4流)以使HDMI RX子系统能够输出基于AXI4的视频是一个自然的选择。通过执行此操作,HDMI RX子系统能够与其他Xilinx视频处理IP核无缝协作。HDMI RX子系统具有内置功能,可选择支持HDCP 1.4和HDCP 2.2解密。
Figure 2-2 shows the internal structure of the HDMI RX Subsystem when AXI4-Stream Video Interface is selected as video interface. In this illustration, both HDCP 1.4 and HDCP 2.2 are selected and both Video over AXIS compliant NTSC/PAL Support and Video over AXIS compliant YUV420 Support are selected.
赛灵思的HDMI Receiver Subsystem 用户手册pg236翻译和学习(1)_第4张图片

图2-2显示了选择AXI4流视频接口作为视频接口时HDMI RX子系统的内部结构。在本图中,选择了HDCP 1.4和HDCP 2.2,并选择了符合AXIS标准的NTSC/PAL支持视频和符合AXIS的YUV420支持视频。
The HDMI 1.4/2.0 Receiver Subsystem supports two types of video interface:
• AXI4-Stream Video Interface
• Native Video Interface
HDMI 1.4/2.0接收器子系统支持两种类型的视频接口:
The HDMI RX Subsystem also provides an option to support a native video interface by constructing the HDMI RX Subsystem without the Video In to AXI4-Stream Bridging module. Therefore, the HDMI RX Subsystem is allowed to output native video to its own video devices. In native video mode, the HDMI RX Subsystem still has a built-in capability to optionally support both HDCP 1.4 and HDCP 2.2 decryption.
HDMI RX子系统还提供了一个选项,通过构建不带AXI4流桥接模块的HDMI RX子系统来支持本地视频接口。因此,HDMI RX子系统可以将本机视频输出到自己的视频设备。在本机视频模式下,HDMI RX子系统仍具有内置功能,可以选择支持HDCP 1.4和HDCP 2.2解密。
