NodeJS——Query String

Query String——NodeJS 6.9.1 官方文档


querystring.parse(str[, sep[, eq[, options]]])
  • str The URL query string to parse
  • sep The substring used to delimit key and value pairs in the query string. Defaults to '&'.
  • eq . The substring used to delimit keys and values in the query string. Defaults to '='.
  • options

    decodeURIComponent The function to use when decoding percent-encoded characters in the query string. Defaults to querystring.unescape().

    maxKeys Specifies the maximum number of keys to parse. Defaults to 1000. Specify 0 to remove key counting limitations.


    > querystring.parse('name=zdy&ability=js&ability=python&from=')
    { name: 'zdy', ability: [ 'js', 'python' ], from: '' }
    > querystring.parse('name=zdy,ability=js,ability=python,from=',',')
    { name: 'zdy', ability: [ 'js', 'python' ], from: '' }
    > querystring.parse('name:zdy,ability:js,ability:python,from:',',',':')
    { name: 'zdy', ability: [ 'js', 'python' ], from: '' }
    > querystring.parse('name:zdy,ability:js,ability:python,from:',',')
    { 'name:zdy': '',
      'ability:js': '',
      'ability:python': '',
      'from:': '' }
    > querystring.parse('name:zdy,ability:js,ability:python,from:')
    { 'name:zdy,ability:js,ability:python,from:': '' }


    querystring.stringify(obj[, sep[, eq[, options]]])
    • obj The object to serialize into a URL query string
    • sep The substring used to delimit key and value pairs in the query string. Defaults to '&'.
    • eq . The substring used to delimit keys and values in the query string. Defaults to '='.
    • options
    • encodeURIComponent The function to use when converting URL-unsafe characters to percent-encoding in the query string. Defaults to querystring.escape().


      > querystring.stringify({name:'zdy',ability:['js','python'],from:''})
      > querystring.stringify({name:'zdy',ability:['js','python'],from:''},',')
      > querystring.stringify({name:'zdy',ability:['js','python'],from:''},',',':')



      The querystring.escape() method performs URL percent-encoding on the given str in a manner that is optimized for the specific requirements of URL query strings.

      > querystring.escape('<张丹阳>')



      The querystring.unescape() method performs decoding of URL percent-encoded characters on the given str.


      > querystring.unescape('<张丹阳>')

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