环境:CentOS7 64 和 win10 64
随着互联网发展,现在 emoji 表情越来越多,记得前几年还在做微信公众号时,此类表情就会在微信名字中出现了,在存储到 MySQL 时因为此类字符比较特殊(emoji为4字节字符,utf8 正常都是3字节)存储过程中会失败,后来将库表更改为了 utf8mb4 编码格式就好了,当时也没有记录下来。最近在写内容存储时再次碰到此问题,而且在更改 utf8mb4 编码后,存进去的表情符合不是变空白就是已 ???? 问好的形式存进去,现在解决了,是由于在连接 MySQL 数据库时设定的编码格式还是utf8,特来记录下。
default-character-set=utf8 改为 utf8mb4
default-character-set=utf8 改为 utf8mb4
[mysqld]# The TCP/IP Port the MySQL Server will listen on
character-set-client-handshake =FALSE
collation-server =utf8mb4_general_ci
init-connect='SET NAMES utf8mb4'
character-set-server = utf8mb4
查看数据库编码已经是 utf8mb4 了
CentOS 7 安装的数据库是 MariaDB
配置文件在 /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf
# These groups are read byMariaDB server.
# Use it for options that only the server (but notclients) should see
# See the examples of server my.cnf files in /usr/share/mysql/#
# this is read by the standalone daemon andembedded servers
[server]# this is only forthe mysqld standalone daemon
[mysqld]# this is only forembedded server
[embedded]# This group is only read by MariaDB-5.5servers.
# If you use the same .cnf file for MariaDB ofdifferent versions,
# use this group for options that older servers don't understand
# These two groups are only read by MariaDB servers, not by MySQL.
# If you use the same .cnf file for MySQL and MariaDB,
# you can put MariaDB-only options here
# These groups are read byMariaDB server.
# Use it for options that only the server (but notclients) should see
# See the examples of server my.cnf files in /usr/share/mysql/#
# this is read by the standalone daemon andembedded servers
# this is only forthe mysqld standalone daemon
character-set-client-handshake =FALSE
collation-server =utf8mb4_general_ci
init-connect='SET NAMES utf8mb4'
character-set-server =utf8mb4
# this is only forembedded server
[embedded]# This group is only read by MariaDB-5.5servers.
# If you use the same .cnf file for MariaDB ofdifferent versions,
# use this group for options that older servers don't understand
# These two groups are only read by MariaDB servers, not by MySQL.
# If you use the same .cnf file for MySQL and MariaDB,
# you can put MariaDB-only options here
配置文件在 我的在 C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\my.ini (一般找到安装目录就找到配置文件了)
更改前 截取的部分内容
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# The following options will be read bythe MySQL Server. Make sure that
# you have installed the server correctly (see above) so it reads this
# file.
[mysqld]# The TCP/IP Port the MySQL Server will listen onport=36973character_set_server=utf8
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# The following options will be read bythe MySQL Server. Make sure that
# you have installed the server correctly (see above) so it reads this
# file.
[mysqld]# The TCP/IP Port the MySQL Server will listen onport=3306
character-set-client-handshake =FALSE
collation-server =utf8mb4_general_ci
init-connect='SET NAMES utf8mb4'
character-set-server = utf8mb4