2022-08-03 Learn to play the long game

“I have always been more interested in experiment, than in accomplishment.” — Orson Welles

Successful people spend countless hours practicing their craft, hoing their skills, learning new habits and developing new techniques. When you become successful, invest in a creative process that allows to keep doing what brings out the best in you.

If you live your life on purpose, it pays to consistently invest in intentional habits, routines and behaviours that can guarantee the life you want.

Conscious living is a skill. You can improve your awareness of everything that can help you become a better version of yourself — deliberate living is a skill you must practice every day.

Even people who successfully design a better life maintain their sense of wonder and curiosity. They still upgrade what works. As long as you live, you must consistently take control of the direction of your life; otherwise, entropy (gradual decline into disorder) takes over.

Science is intentional, but its success depends on many experiments. Like any scientific process, life is an experiment in progress. You can experiment in lots of different ways and wherever you see opportunities to do so.

“The true method of knowledge is experiment,” William Blake said. You can find what works with practice. All experiments won’t be successful, though, but you will learn from your actions. Even when you get things right, maintain your experiment mindset.

When we experiment, the outcomes aren’t always positive. Sometimes they are inconclusive or yield unexpected results. Sometimes experiments fail. Sometimes they succeed, but not in the way that we intended.

Your chances of seeing substantial results in life will decrease dramatically if you don’t maintain a scientific mindset.

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