2021-08-17 1494 new life

The sun inthe sky shine me a lot.

1, Big Lv sent chlothes to her mom and dad with Little Lv.

2, Big Lv ate rolls which made by a pie, an egg, a Youtiao and some cooked vegetables, and drink a bowl of Doumo.

3, Mr. and Mrs Lv bought a table for new kichen room and something ralated to life.

4, Big Lv want to interview some families in the house. The first is the most important.

5, Big Lv can discard all bad learning habits which have been formed for almost 20 years, and pursue new efficient approaches.

6, Firstly, one should know that one knows nothing now; secondly, one should learn with an open mind.

7, Big Lv checked Little Lv's homework about typing and became mad for the Little's inaction.

8, there are noodles, the scrambled egg with tomato, fried gourd and pickles in the lunch table.

9, Big Lv had a nap after learning.

10, The lifting corner always shows upon Big Lv's face.

11, The one cannot read a poeam if he is not calm.

12, When there are too many unfamliar words in an artical, Big Lv will feel sick heavily.

13, The real politics in C makes Big Lv feel extremely sick.

14, Ate delicious supper, which consisted of boiled coin, steamed bread, thick chilli sauce, bitter melon scrambled eggs and sweet potato porridge.

15, Big Lv felt that she is so tiny comparing the world. Although only few things can do, just do them well.


1, Too timid always.

2, Too rough to teach others a skill that is new for others.

3, Have wasted lots of time.

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