
  • 项目名称:母婴商城系统
  • 作者:李虹糈
  • 项目时间:2021年12月28日


    • 1、摘要
    • 2、系统开发的工具与相关技术
      • 1.1、JetBrains Pycharm
      • 1.2、Python
        • 1.2.1、Python概述
        • 1.2.2、Python的应用
      • 1.3、Django框架
        • 1.3.1、Django概述
        • 1.3.2、Django的优点
          • 一、拥有全自动的管理后台
          • 二、强大数据库功能Django
          • 三、url动态配置
          • 四、强大的模板系统
          • 五、表单处理
          • 六、强大的缓存机构
          • 七、国际化
        • 1.3.3、Django的开发流程
      • 1.4、Mysql数据库
    • 3、网上商城的需求分析
      • 2.1、功能需求分析
      • 2.2、系统功能结构图
      • 2.3、系统功能模块设计
        • 2.3.1、具体功能模块
        • 2.3.2、管理员系统管理流程图
      • 2.4、数据库设计
    • 4、项目详细设计
      • 4.1、搭配开发环境
      • 4.2、项目的功能配置
      • 4.3、设置模板信息
      • 4.4、添加中间件
      • 4.5、配置数据库
      • 4.6、配置静态资源和媒体资源
      • 4.7、设置路由分发规则
      • 4.8、设置商城路由地址
      • 4.9、定义商城的数据模型
        • 4.9.1、数据迁移创建数据表
        • 4.9.2、数据的导入与输出
      • 5.1、项目的视图函数
      • 5.2、商城基础模板设计
      • 5.3、Session的配置与操作
    • 5、项目运行效果截图
    • 6、结论及感想


Computer network was invented just 50 years ago, but it is promoting social to develop at an unprecedented rate and
permeating every aspect of your life. People saw business opportunities from computer network, which leading to the birth of
e-commerce. Then, people achieved convenience constantly from the Internet economy, which leading to the rapid
development of e-commerce. With the increasingly maturing of network technology, the advantages of e-commerce are
more and more obvious. To the merchants, e-commerce is a treasure which can lower the cost and risks. To the customers who are gradually busy, e-commerce is an option that provides convenience. Thus, developing an online mall shopping
system is necessary.
Python is an interpreted language which is fully object-oriented. It has lots of advantages such as easy grammar. Also, it’s
quite easy to read and learn. Python can run fast at different environments. Django is one of the most popular web
framework of python, which is widely used into developing website quickly. Django has automatic management background.
It can configure URL dynamically. Besides, Django provides convenient APIs for using database and has strong template
system. Based on above advantages, this article is about developing online mall shopping system using Django framework
and based on Pyhton.
Online mall shopping system’s function modules can be divided into foreground and background. Using bootstrap
framework, foreground’s function modules includes many modules such scanning commodity, purchasing commodity,
remarking commodity and express query. Background function modules includes revising users’ information, commodities’
information, advertisements’ information, commodities’ categories, commodities’ tags and issuing advertisement, checking
orders, managing remarks, checking report forms.
Key words:Online mall shopping system;Python;Django framework;


1.1、JetBrains Pycharm
