Notes from Michele Whaley’s lecture “Embedded Reading”.
Why did Embedded Reading develop?
Reading is complex.
Students have negative experiences.
Teachers have high expectations.
But we can help students look forward to reading!
Why do students read at school in language classes?
Traditional classroom reading:
For memorization;
To prepare for role play;
To prepare for speaking;
To simulate immersion;
To precede testing.
It is easy to assess reading with testing.
Reading in a traditional classroom may not be fun.
Reading in a CI classroom is comprehensible and compelling.
Compelling, comprehensible reading gives students joy and satifaction. Joy and satisfaction motivate students.
Traditional beliefs about reading:
Students should search for what they understand in text.
If students read enough difficult text, they will eventually improve.
What are teacher beliefs in a CI classroom?
Students in a CI classroom…
Should be focusing on the message in the text.
Ideally, they are seeing a movie in their mind or understanding the message with their heart.
“The purpose of language used in communication is to put a picture in the heart and/or the mind of another.” - Laurie Clarcq
Comprehensible level: what percentage do you hope your students understand when they read a new text?
“Language acquisition proceeds best when the acquirer is open to the input, not on the defensive; not anxious about performance.” – Stephen Krashen
“Teachers must help students find reading materials at their level.”
“Hirsch and Nation (1992) claim that in order to reach text comprehension, readers and listeners need to be familiar with 85% of the words in a text.” – Thornber
Level of Comprehension:
Students should understand 90-95% of a text when reading with a teacher.
Students should understand 95-100% of a text when reading without a teacher.
What are students doing when they read in a CI class?
Why Embedded Reading?
Embedded Reading helps students interpret the communication in text by starting with the core message.
The target image is like the core that we aim for.
An Embedded Reading is…
A text;
An adjusted text for students.
A teacher-adjusted text for students that develops skills and deepens understanding.
A teacher-adjusted text created for students that develops skills and deepens the understanding of the text’s content.
Creating Embedded Readings:
From a complex text (Top Down)
OR from a basic text that the teacherembellishes (Bottom Up).
Either way, students start with the core.The teacher assures that all can see and feel the message.
Activities between versions:
To help students “see” the text in their mind’s eye.
To help them understand and enjoy traditional text.
To meet the goals the teacher has for the students.
But start with clarifying the first version.
More ideas:
The core story can stand alone. When teacher creates different versions for students, don’t forget to save some excitement for each version so that students can always hold their interest.
When creating versions from a complex text, you can cut out some details, and then cut to the core.
What texts can you use?
You can use almost anything, short texts, news articles, song lyrics, chapters, movie reviews, poems…but remember it should be compelling and comprehensible, and save the best for last!
Two levels of an ER:
Notice: long pre-reading session, slow reading, interruptions to clarify, background information;
Listen for: student excitement, personalization, connection to students, comprehension checks.
Go slowly to go fast.
In beginning classes, teacher should watch for: personalization, comprehension checks, ways to build community, repetition, activites, compelling additions to second and third versions.
How to reach your target?
Pick a text to layer and try it!
Consider it your first version. Keep learning!