

break out (战争、打斗等不愉快事件)突然发 生, 爆发;

break down 损坏, 拆散, 失败;

break in 非法闯入;插话

breakthrough 突破, 突围

breakoff中断, 中止

2、bring 和come的搭配

bring about 导致, 造成, 引起, 产生;

come about发生;

bring back 带回, 还回, 使想起;

bring out 使出版;出现, 呈现= arise;

come out 出现, 出版, 显现;

bring up 提出、教育, 养育;

come up 出现;

come up with 提出…想法;

come upagainst 遭到….反对;

bringdown 1, 减少, 降低,2, 打败, 击垮;

bring forward 提出;

bring off 成功完成….;

come across= run into= happen to meet = encounter偶然相遇;

come to 共计。


call for 去接, 去取….、需要、要求;

call on拜访、号召, 呼吁;

call out大声叫喊, 大声说出;

call up 给….打电话、使回想起, 使回忆起;

call off 取消、停止

4、carry 的搭配

carry off 抢走、窃走;

carry on 经营, 从事、继续进行….;

carry out 执行, 贯彻、完成, 实现

5、Count 的搭配

count in 把…算在内

count out 不把…考虑在内;

count up 加起来, 算出总数;

count down 倒数到零或规定的时间;

count on 依赖, 依靠 = depend on = rely on


get over 克服, 解决。困难, 疾病等;

get along 1, 进行, 进展;get along with = get on with 与某人和睦相处;

get through 1, 穿过; 通过 2, 接通电话

7、give 的搭配

give in 让步, 屈服。=give away to= yield to;

give back 归还, 恢复 另:bringback带回, 还回;

give off指烟, 热, 光等散发, 释放;

give up 放弃;

give out= hand out 分发, 分给

8、Go 的搭配

go off 1, 离开, 离去:2,(水电等)被切断, (煤气等)用完

go after追求, 追捕

go (a)round 1, 四处走走, 2, (消息等)传开;

go along with 1, 陪伴, 陪同(简单)=keep sb company 2,支持, 赞同= agree with ;

go into 1,进入2, = investigate 调查, 研究;

go over = review复习;

go out1,外出, 出去。2, 熄灭

9、hand 的搭配

hand out 分发, 分给;

hand down 传承, 传递

hand over 交出, 交给

hand in 上交,递交


hang up 1, 挂断电话, 2, 把…..挂起来;

hang about 徘徊, 闲荡

hang on 1.坚持下去: 2.抓紧不放, 紧紧握住:。
