

Xiao Yi, former vice chairman of the Jiangxi Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, was fired for abusing his power to introduce virtual currency "mining"


南方都市报 Southern Metropolis Daily

2021-11-13 16:24 The 2021-11-13 16:24


Xiao Yi, former party member and vice chairman of the CPPCC in Jiangxi Province, has been expelled from the CPC and removed from public office for serious violations of discipline and law, according to the ccDI website on Nov 13. Authorities notified Xiao of his arrest in May and placed him under investigation.


It was rarely mentioned in the notice that Xiao Yi violated the new development concept and abused his power to introduce and support enterprises to engage in virtual currency "mining" activities that did not meet the requirements of the national industrial policy. Nandu reporters noted that Xiao Yi had pushed the "digital economy" during his time in charge of Fuzhou, and had also gone to Germany to contact virtual currency "mining" enterprises.

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XiaoYi. Data figure

卸任抚州时“恋恋不舍”,50天后落马 He was "reluctant to part" when he left Fuzhou and resigned after 50 days


Xiao Yi is a native of Ganzhou, Jiangxi province. From the beginning of his career to his downfall, he has been working in Jiangxi province, successively serving as deputy director of Chongyi County Government office, deputy Head of Shangyou County Government, Secretary of Ruijin Municipal Party Committee, standing Member of Ganzhou Municipal Party Committee and other positions. In November 2006, Xiao was transferred to deputy director of the Jiangxi Provincial government office in Beijing. Six months later, he was promoted to director. In 2009, Xiao was promoted to deputy secretary-general of the Jiangxi Provincial government and director of the Beijing Office.


"Xiao yi stayed in the Beijing office for too long and became active in the later years, hoping to return to Jiangxi," the newspaper reported. In 2015, xiao returned to Jiangxi to serve as party secretary of Fuzhou after working in the Beijing office for nearly a decade. Three years later, he was appointed vice chairman of the Jiangxi CPPCC and party secretary of Fuzhou.


On March 21, the city held a general meeting of leading cadres and Xiao Yi stepped down as party secretary of Fuzhou. "Looking back at the 2,158 days and nights I spent in Fuzhou, I feel overwhelmed and reluctant to part," Xiao said in his farewell speech.


Xiao Yi stepped down after six years in charge of Fuzhou and 50 days after stepping down as party chief.


Xiao Yi, vice chairman of the CPPCC in Jiangxi Province, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is under disciplinary investigation by the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Commission for Supervision.


Report shows this time, after check, mission XiaoYi backing out of his mind, "two maintenance" political principle, implement the party central committee major decision deployment of severe deviation, contrary to the new development concept, abuse of introduction and support enterprises engaged in is not in conformity with the national industrial policy requirements of virtual currency "dig" activities, projects, build on bad debt, bad influence;


Disregarding the spirit of the Eight-point regulations of the CPC Central Committee, accepting gifts and cash in violation of regulations, accepting banquets that may affect the impartial performance of official duties; Failing to report personal matters as required;


Connive at or acquiesce in the use of the influence of their positions to seek personal gains, engage in profit-seeking activities in violation of regulations, and engage in power and money trading;


Improper performance of duties, arbitrary decisions to implement major projects, interference in judicial activities; Do not pay attention to the construction of family tradition, unscrupulous, moral corruption;


Collude with illegal private business owners, abuse their power for personal gain, use their positions to benefit others in promotion, project contracting, project development and other aspects, and illegally accept a huge amount of property.


Xiao yi 'seriously violated the Party's political discipline, organizational discipline, honesty discipline, work discipline and life discipline,' the notice said. 'He is suspected of taking bribes and abusing his power, and should be dealt with seriously after the 18th National Congress of the Party.'


Xiao Yi has been expelled from the COMMUNIST Party of China (CPC) in accordance with the CPC Disciplinary Action Regulations, the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Punishment for Public Officials. To be dismissed from public office by the State Supervisory Commission; His qualifications as a delegate to the 19th CPC National Congress and the 14th Jiangxi Provincial Party Congress were terminated; Confiscate their illegal gains; Transfer the suspected crimes to the procuratorial organs for examination and prosecution in accordance with the law, and transfer the property involved together.

滥用职权引进虚拟货币“挖矿” Abuse of power to introduce virtual currency "mining"


It is worth mentioning that xiao Yi, contrary to the new development concept, abused his power to introduce and support enterprises to engage in virtual currency "mining" activities that do not meet the requirements of the national industrial policy.


From his public speeches and research activities, Xiao Yi has pushed forward the construction of "digital economy" and "data center" during his term in charge of Fuzhou city. According to local media reports, Xiao yi led a delegation to Visit Germany at the end of 2017 to contact relevant companies.


According to the report, fuzhou High-tech Zone, GM Foundation and Fuzhou Genesis Technology Co LTD signed a tripartite framework agreement on building a supercomputing industry center. The agreed project will be constructed in two phases with a total investment of no less than usd 1.69 billion. In the first phase, the construction of 3 computer rooms will be completed, and 45,000 servers will be installed and put into operation. In the second phase, a supercomputing industry center with a total construction area of 300,000 square meters and 500,000 servers will be built and put into operation.


The three parties had already established cooperative relations before this meeting. According to the report, genesis Technology and Lin Qingxing, a businessman from Fujian province, invested 4 billion yuan in June 2017 to build a supercomputing service center in Fuzhou High-tech Zone, which has installed 24,000 servers in two data centers and is now in operation. According to genesis company recruitment announcement posted in 2019, the company for the German GM foundation as the management and technology as the party of fujian merchants Lin Qingxing jointly set up sino-foreign joint ventures, mainly investing in super computer data centres, on June 23, 2017, signed a contract with fuzhou high-tech zone government in hong science and technology industrial park.


Although the official press release states that "GM Foundation is one of the largest blockchain technology companies in the world," it is actually a company that uses blockchain technology to "mine" virtual currencies. According to its website, the company has established multiple "mines" around the world that offer cryptocurrency mining capabilities of varying sizes, supporting 10+ mineable cryptocurrencies and six major mining algorithms.


In a civil ruling involving Genesis, the Supreme Court also pointed out that "the establishment of the fuzhou data center and the storage and operation of the equipment are actually the behavior of using the equipment for high-performance computing to obtain virtual currency rewards, which is an energy-consuming industry not encouraged by the state."


Xiao Yi also went to investigate the data center during its construction in Fuzhou. According to local media reports, Xiao yi visited the construction site and digital blocks of the Genesis High-tech data Center in Fuzhou in September 2020. He stressed that to speed up infrastructure construction, adhere to the "four" work standards, increase the intensity of digital economy enterprise's investment promotion and capital introduction, go all out to promote digital economy, ecological building, industry, expanding scale, rapid forming the lift force of the city development of the digital economy strong atmosphere, to forge a fuzhou industry core competitiveness of the digital economy.

“挖矿”被列入淘汰产业!禁止以任何名义发展虚拟货币“挖矿”项目 "Mining" was included in the eliminated industry! The development of virtual currency "mining" projects under any name is prohibited


On September 24 this year, the National Development and Reform Commission and other 11 departments issued a notice on the regulation of virtual currency "mining" activities (hereinafter referred to as the notice), said that investment and construction of "mining" new projects are strictly prohibited, accelerate the withdrawal of existing projects. At the same time, the circular also listed virtual currency mining as an industry to be eliminated. Enterprises that fail to be eliminated on schedule will be ordered to stop production or shut down according to relevant national laws and regulations.


The circular pointed out that virtual currency "mining" refers to the process of producing virtual currency through the calculation of special "mining machines". It has high energy consumption and carbon emissions, low contribution to the national economy, and limited driving effect on industrial development and scientific and technological progress. In addition, the risks derived from virtual currency production and transaction are increasingly prominent. Its blind and disorderly development has a negative impact on promoting high-quality economic and social development and energy conservation and emission reduction.


The notice requires that virtual currency "mining" increment and stock items should be distinguished. It is forbidden to invest in incremental projects and to develop virtual currency "mining" projects in any name; Accelerate the orderly withdrawal of existing projects, on the premise of ensuring a smooth transition, scientifically determine the withdrawal schedule and implementation path based on local conditions.


In terms of prohibited incremental projects, the circular lists virtual currency "mining" activities as eliminated industries. "Virtual currency mining" will be added to the "elimination category" of the Guidance Catalogue for Industrial Restructuring (2019 Edition), and investment will be banned in accordance with relevant regulations.


Wu Jianchun, Fang Baichun.

两名下属先后落马 Two of his subordinates have fallen


Xiao's downfall follows the downfall of two subordinates he worked with in Fuzhou.


Wu Jianchun, then a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Fuzhou Municipal Committee and vice mayor, was investigated in September 2017. Wu jianchun served as vice mayor of Fuzhou and chief of the public security Bureau. Two and a half months after his downfall, Wu jianchun was expelled from the Communist Party of China and expelled from public office. According to the jiangxi Provincial Commission for Discipline inspection related person in charge of the case, since 2009, Wu Jianchun has repeatedly sought feng shui master to see feng shui, calculate the journey, and feng shui master to give 'open light cloth bag', 'purse' and other superstitious items under the pillow and desk drawer to pray for safety; During the organization's initial review of his reported problems, he also repositioned his desk on the advice of feng shui masters.


After Wu Jianchun was investigated, fuzhou city had held a warning education conference for leading cadres. Xiao Yi, then the party secretary of Fuzhou, said that if ideals and beliefs are waver and lost, and ideas are alienated and deteriorated, people will lose their immunity to corruption and prevent degeneration, lose their party spirit and personality, lose their mind to pursue selfish interests and do whatever they want, and eventually slide into the abyss of corruption.


Fang Baichun, a member of the Party leadership Group and vice mayor of Fuzhou Municipal People's Government, was investigated while in office on August 4, 2020. Fang Baichun has been a member of the Party Leadership Group and vice mayor of Fuzhou Municipal People's Government since November 2016. He was expelled from the Party and from public office in January. According to the report, Fang Baichun was greedy and received gifts and money. The pursuit of material enjoyment, long-term loan management and service object vehicles; Want to be an official, but also want to make a fortune, illegal loans and get large returns, and illegal businessmen engaged in power money transaction; Life was corrupt.


The bureau noted that Xiao Yi was the "third tiger" in Jiangxi province after the 19th National Congress. Before him, li Yihuang, former vice governor of Jiangxi province, and Shi Wenqing, former party member and deputy director of the Standing Committee of jiangxi Provincial People's Congress were investigated successively.

南都记者 宋承翰 发自北京

Narada's song Chenghan is from Beijing


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