1. Spark-shell 启动选择hive 还是in-memory?


报错:HiveMetaStoreClient:Failed to connect to the MetaStore Server


如果想使用in-memory的方式 ,可以在spark-shell启动时指定参数

spark-shell --conf spark.sql.catalogImplementation=in-memory



//from   StaticSqlConf.scala
val CATALOG_IMPLEMENTATION = buildStaticConf("spark.sql.catalogImplementation")
    .checkValues(Set("hive", "in-memory"))

// from SparkSession.scala
  private def sessionStateClassName(conf: SparkConf): String = {
    conf.get(CATALOG_IMPLEMENTATION) match {
      case "in-memory" => classOf[SessionStateBuilder].getCanonicalName

   * Helper method to create an instance of `SessionState` based on `className` from conf.
   * The result is either `SessionState` or a Hive based `SessionState`.
  private def instantiateSessionState(
      className: String,
      sparkSession: SparkSession): SessionState = {
    try {
      // invoke `new [Hive]SessionStateBuilder(SparkSession, Option[SessionState])`
      val clazz = Utils.classForName(className)
      val ctor = clazz.getConstructors.head
      ctor.newInstance(sparkSession, None).asInstanceOf[BaseSessionStateBuilder].build()
    } catch {
      case NonFatal(e) =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Error while instantiating '$className':", e)

   * State shared across sessions, including the `SparkContext`, cached data, listener,
   * and a catalog that interacts with external systems.
   * This is internal to Spark and there is no guarantee on interface stability.
   * @since 2.2.0
  lazy val sharedState: SharedState = {
    existingSharedState.getOrElse(new SharedState(sparkContext))

// SharedState.scala

  private def externalCatalogClassName(conf: SparkConf): String = {
    conf.get(CATALOG_IMPLEMENTATION) match {
      case "in-memory" => classOf[InMemoryCatalog].getCanonicalName

SPARK SQL Distribute by   sort by 子句过程 


   * Create a clause for DISTRIBUTE BY.
  override protected def withRepartitionByExpression(
      ctx: QueryOrganizationContext,
      expressions: Seq[Expression],
      query: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
    RepartitionByExpression(expressions, query, conf.numShufflePartitions)

决定了是什么类型的分区方式,如果同时有distribute by和 sort by ,则使用RangePartitioning方式对数据进行分区,如果只有distribute by 没有sort by则使用HashPartitioning。

class RepartitionByExpression(
    partitionExpressions: Seq[Expression],
    child: LogicalPlan,
    numPartitions: Int) extends RepartitionOperation {

  require(numPartitions > 0, s"Number of partitions ($numPartitions) must be positive.")

  val partitioning: Partitioning = {
    val (sortOrder, nonSortOrder) = partitionExpressions.partition(_.isInstanceOf[SortOrder])

    require(sortOrder.isEmpty || nonSortOrder.isEmpty,
      s"${getClass.getSimpleName} expects that either all its `partitionExpressions` are of type " +
        "`SortOrder`, which means `RangePartitioning`, or none of them are `SortOrder`, which " +
        "means `HashPartitioning`. In this case we have:" +
         |SortOrder: $sortOrder
         |NonSortOrder: $nonSortOrder

    if (sortOrder.nonEmpty) {
      RangePartitioning([SortOrder]), numPartitions)
    } else if (nonSortOrder.nonEmpty) {
      HashPartitioning(nonSortOrder, numPartitions)
    } else {

  override def maxRows: Option[Long] = child.maxRows
  override def shuffle: Boolean = true


   * Returns a [[ShuffleDependency]] that will partition rows of its child based on
   * the partitioning scheme defined in `newPartitioning`. Those partitions of
   * the returned ShuffleDependency will be the input of shuffle.
  def prepareShuffleDependency(
      rdd: RDD[InternalRow],
      outputAttributes: Seq[Attribute],
      newPartitioning: Partitioning,
      serializer: Serializer): ShuffleDependency[Int, InternalRow, InternalRow] = {
    val part: Partitioner = newPartitioning match {
      case RoundRobinPartitioning(numPartitions) => new HashPartitioner(numPartitions)
      case HashPartitioning(_, n) =>
        new Partitioner {
          override def numPartitions: Int = n
          // For HashPartitioning, the partitioning key is already a valid partition ID, as we use
          // `HashPartitioning.partitionIdExpression` to produce partitioning key.
          override def getPartition(key: Any): Int = key.asInstanceOf[Int]
      case RangePartitioning(sortingExpressions, numPartitions) =>
        // Internally, RangePartitioner runs a job on the RDD that samples keys to compute
        // partition bounds. To get accurate samples, we need to copy the mutable keys.
        val rddForSampling = rdd.mapPartitionsInternal { iter =>
          val mutablePair = new MutablePair[InternalRow, Null]()
 => mutablePair.update(row.copy(), null))
        implicit val ordering = new LazilyGeneratedOrdering(sortingExpressions, outputAttributes)
        new RangePartitioner(
          ascending = true,
          samplePointsPerPartitionHint = SQLConf.get.rangeExchangeSampleSizePerPartition)
      case SinglePartition =>
        new Partitioner {
          override def numPartitions: Int = 1
          override def getPartition(key: Any): Int = 0
      case _ => sys.error(s"Exchange not implemented for $newPartitioning")
      // TODO: Handle BroadcastPartitioning.
    def getPartitionKeyExtractor(): InternalRow => Any = newPartitioning match {
      case RoundRobinPartitioning(numPartitions) =>
        // Distributes elements evenly across output partitions, starting from a random partition.
        var position = new Random(TaskContext.get().partitionId()).nextInt(numPartitions)
        (row: InternalRow) => {
          // The HashPartitioner will handle the `mod` by the number of partitions
          position += 1
      case h: HashPartitioning =>
        val projection = UnsafeProjection.create(h.partitionIdExpression :: Nil, outputAttributes)
        row => projection(row).getInt(0)
      case RangePartitioning(_, _) | SinglePartition => identity
      case _ => sys.error(s"Exchange not implemented for $newPartitioning")

    val isRoundRobin = newPartitioning.isInstanceOf[RoundRobinPartitioning] &&
      newPartitioning.numPartitions > 1

    val rddWithPartitionIds: RDD[Product2[Int, InternalRow]] = {
      // [SPARK-23207] Have to make sure the generated RoundRobinPartitioning is deterministic,
      // otherwise a retry task may output different rows and thus lead to data loss.
      // Currently we following the most straight-forward way that perform a local sort before
      // partitioning.
      // Note that we don't perform local sort if the new partitioning has only 1 partition, under
      // that case all output rows go to the same partition.
      val newRdd = if (isRoundRobin && SQLConf.get.sortBeforeRepartition) {
        rdd.mapPartitionsInternal { iter =>
          val recordComparatorSupplier = new Supplier[RecordComparator] {
            override def get: RecordComparator = new RecordBinaryComparator()
          // The comparator for comparing row hashcode, which should always be Integer.
          val prefixComparator = PrefixComparators.LONG
          val canUseRadixSort = SparkEnv.get.conf.get(SQLConf.RADIX_SORT_ENABLED)
          // The prefix computer generates row hashcode as the prefix, so we may decrease the
          // probability that the prefixes are equal when input rows choose column values from a
          // limited range.
          val prefixComputer = new UnsafeExternalRowSorter.PrefixComputer {
            private val result = new UnsafeExternalRowSorter.PrefixComputer.Prefix
            override def computePrefix(row: InternalRow):
            UnsafeExternalRowSorter.PrefixComputer.Prefix = {
              // The hashcode generated from the binary form of a [[UnsafeRow]] should not be null.
              result.isNull = false
              result.value = row.hashCode()
          val pageSize = SparkEnv.get.memoryManager.pageSizeBytes

          val sorter = UnsafeExternalRowSorter.createWithRecordComparator(
      } else {

      // round-robin function is order sensitive if we don't sort the input.
      val isOrderSensitive = isRoundRobin && !SQLConf.get.sortBeforeRepartition
      if (needToCopyObjectsBeforeShuffle(part)) {
        newRdd.mapPartitionsWithIndexInternal((_, iter) => {
          val getPartitionKey = getPartitionKeyExtractor()
 { row => (part.getPartition(getPartitionKey(row)), row.copy()) }
        }, isOrderSensitive = isOrderSensitive)
      } else {
        newRdd.mapPartitionsWithIndexInternal((_, iter) => {
          val getPartitionKey = getPartitionKeyExtractor()
          val mutablePair = new MutablePair[Int, InternalRow]()
 { row => mutablePair.update(part.getPartition(getPartitionKey(row)), row) }
        }, isOrderSensitive = isOrderSensitive)

    // Now, we manually create a ShuffleDependency. Because pairs in rddWithPartitionIds
    // are in the form of (partitionId, row) and every partitionId is in the expected range
    // [0, part.numPartitions - 1]. The partitioner of this is a PartitionIdPassthrough.
    val dependency =
      new ShuffleDependency[Int, InternalRow, InternalRow](
        new PartitionIdPassthrough(part.numPartitions),

