Modelsim SE-64 2020.4 不能关闭优化的错误及其解决 Error (suppressible): (vsim-12110)


Modelsim SE-64 2020.4 不能关闭优化的错误及其解决 Error (suppressible): (vsim-12110)_第1张图片

打开优化选项,勾选Apply full visibility to all modules选项就可以了。

Modelsim SE-64 2020.4 不能关闭优化的错误及其解决 Error (suppressible): (vsim-12110)_第2张图片


Modelsim SE-64 2020.4 不能关闭优化的错误及其解决 Error (suppressible): (vsim-12110)_第3张图片


Note: The new version of the program can no longer use the -novopt option vsim command, just replace -novopt with -voptargs=+acc, and there will be no situations where the signal is optimized and cannot be displayed.

