
Linux 安装:




First step: Install Anaconda:

1.Check your computer's configuration

2.Download Anaconda:[https://www.anaconda.com/download/](https://www.anaconda.com/download/)

3. Install anaconda. Double click on the downloaded program(Anaconda.exe) and click run button.

4. Click  button.

5.click  button.

6.Click  button.

7.Click  button.

8.Click  button.

9.Click  button.

10. Clickbutton.

11. Clickbutton.

Second step: Install labelme:

1.From the Start menu, click the Anaconda Navigator desktop app.

2. Input , and then click the button on keyboard

3. Input , and then click the button on keyboard

4. Input , and then click the button on keyboard

5.Input , and then click the button on keyboard

6. After the following information, means labelme installed successfully.

Third step: Use labelme

1. From the Start menu, click the Anaconda Navigator desktop app, like the one in the second step.

2. Input , and then click the button on keyboard, like the one in the second step.

3. Input < labelme>, and then click the button on keyboard.

last step: Quit labelme

Input < deactivate labelme>, and then click the button on keyboard.

Or turn off labelme from the button.
