logstash关联mysql,有没有一种方法可以使用Logstash将两个不同数据源(即Mysql和Postgres SQL)的数据库连接起来并对其进行索引以进行弹性搜索?...

I am very new to ELK and want to know if there is a way around to join two databases from different sources (ie. MYSQL and Postgres) and indexing it to a single index in elasticsearch using logstash.

As I am able to achieve the same with the help of pyspark. But I want to achieve the same thing using log stash if it's possible!

Also, suggest some other feasible ways to achieve the same apart from the spark and logstash.

Thanks in Advance!


You can definitely achieve this by sourcing data from one database using a jdbc input and then joining it with data coming from another database that is sourced with either the jdbc_static (if the data doesn't change too often) or jdbc_streaming (if the data changes more often) filters.
