[20180611] 0723

He also said he blew the whistle on your internet porn career

Now how about you start telling me the truth

We found a glass vial and some syringes in the dumpster behind your appartment

They all had traces of antifreeze

Money saved for a rainy day

Let's get a good night's sleep, we have the whole weekend ahead of us.

I got to chase Twice as many bad guys tomorrow to burn it off.

Why don't we skip all that and lay our cards on the table.

Wow, we really are putting our cards on the table.

I'm technically married, so anything we do is adultery.

I think you're a knockout.

It's refreshing to find a man whose morality isn't compromised by his libido.

Unless you're a suicidal diabetic, that's pretty suspicious.

The woman hacked off two her fingers to frame someone else.

To implicate Felicia, we'd need some evidence the she was actively trying to kill Paul.

two minute warning till bath time.

Why on earth do you need a gun?

Juanita swears she's been seeing this mystery man skulking around our lawn at night.

The guy's kind of freaking me out.

I'll handle my own transportation.

What could be better.

What are you guys up to today? We'll probably just hang out. We are going candle dipping.

Any chance you want to come with?

I don't like to spreading vicious gossip

It's a very masculine culture.

What's the point of making the big bucks if you can't spread it around?

Who's up for a game of spades?

holding the golf club like a machete.

Who's waiting to get the Easter bunny's autograph.

You jump in and steal the punch line.   punch line点睛之笔

I am sorry I am not a gifted raconteur like my wife.

He was ready to pour molten wax  directly into his ears.

I figured you were busy counting your big bucks.

I got to interview a robbery witness.

And as luck would have it, I'm free for dinner, too.

Last year thy went on a camping trip together.

Pete put in for a transfer, and no one on the force knows what happened.

Chuck must have had a huge crush on this guy.

In a tent, alone. Couple of bears, then chunk pounces, and his partner's all like, "Stop. Get off me"

I may just have to offer myself up as desserts. 

We spent every day waiting for the past to catch up with us.

Are you up for a nightcap?

So to blend in, I pretended to be a gay.

Checkstand 1 is now open, talking all customers.

You say someone took your pocketbook, But isn't that your pocketbook?

Pretty damn good.Got to admit, I'm surprised to see you back here.

We found a pick-your-own apple orchard.

would you mind upping my dose?

There's one thing I'll go to my grave sure of The world will never stop thinking you're crazy.

If your casseroles had been any better, he would have had seconds.

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