springboot - 2.7.8
dubbo - 3.1.11
dubbo-dependencies-zookeeper-curator5 - 3.1.11
模拟真实环境,将 windows 上的 zookeeper 迁移到虚拟机 linux 的 docker 环境
迁移到 linux 环境,突然出现连不上 zookeeper 的问题,springboot 报错
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: failed to connect to zookeeper server
at org.apache.dubbo.registry.zookeeper.util.CuratorFrameworkUtils.buildCuratorFramework(CuratorFrameworkUtils.java:100)
at org.apache.dubbo.registry.zookeeper.ZookeeperServiceDiscovery.(ZookeeperServiceDiscovery.java:82)
... 74 more
首先怀疑是 linux 上 docker 环境的 zookeeper 的问题,于是主机使用 zookeeper 的 zkCli.cmd 连接 docker 上的 zookeeper
zkCli.cmd -server 192.168.x.x
结果连接服务端成功,所以 zookeeper 端没有问题
那么问题应该出现在配置上了,因为之前都在本机是没有问题的,并且在本机用客户端去连接 docker 上的 zookeeper 时,响应会有一点慢。于是增加了 dubbo 中的配置超时时间,这样应该就万事大吉了
address: zookeeper://${zookeeper.address:}:2181
timeout: 60000 # 增加这个超时时间
CuratorFramework curatorFramework = builder.build(); # 构造
curatorFramework.start(); # 启动
BLOCK_UNTIL_CONNECTED_UNIT.getParameterValue(connectionURL)); # 阻塞直至连接
if (!curatorFramework.getState().equals(CuratorFrameworkState.STARTED)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("zookeeper client initialization failed");
if (!curatorFramework.getZookeeperClient().isConnected()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("failed to connect to zookeeper server");
CuratorFramework 构造,启动,阻塞直至连接这三步里面肯定有一个有问题,最让人怀疑的是这个阻塞的步骤,于是往下 BLOCK_UNTIL_CONNECTED_WAIT
* The enumeration for the parameters of {@link CuratorFramework}
* @see CuratorFramework
* @since 2.7.5
public enum CuratorFrameworkParams {
* Wait time to block on connection to Zookeeper.
BLOCK_UNTIL_CONNECTED_WAIT("blockUntilConnectedWait", 10, Integer::valueOf),
* The unit of time related to blocking on connection to Zookeeper.
BLOCK_UNTIL_CONNECTED_UNIT("blockUntilConnectedUnit", TimeUnit.SECONDS, TimeUnit::valueOf),
明显,这个阻塞时间是 10s,我超时时间是 60 秒,结果这里 10s 就报连不上。但是这个值可以配置还是写死的?于是全局搜索关键字 blockUntilConnectedWait
,发现并没有,于是我想着看看 starter 里面会不会有,这个依赖情况如下
根据 springboot 的 starter 的习惯,发现配置类 org.apache.dubbo.spring.boot.autoconfigure.DubboConfigurationProperties
public class DubboConfigurationProperties {
private Config config = new Config();
private Scan scan = new Scan();
private ApplicationConfig application = new ApplicationConfig();
private ModuleConfig module = new ModuleConfig();
private RegistryConfig registry = new RegistryConfig();
zookeeper 属于注册中心部分,所以继续查看 org.apache.dubbo.config.RegistryConfig
* RegistryConfig
* @export
public class RegistryConfig extends AbstractConfig {
public static final String NO_AVAILABLE = "N/A";
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5508512956753757169L;
* Register center address
private String address;
* Username to login register center
private String username;
* Password to login register center
private String password;
* Default port for register center
private Integer port;
* Protocol for register center
private String protocol;
* Network transmission type
private String transporter;
private String server;
private String client;
* Affects how traffic distributes among registries, useful when subscribing multiple registries, available options:
* 1. zone-aware, a certain type of traffic always goes to one Registry according to where the traffic is originated.
private String cluster;
* The region where the registry belongs, usually used to isolate traffics
private String zone;
* The group that services registry in
private String group;
private String version;
* Connect timeout in milliseconds for register center
private Integer timeout;
* Session timeout in milliseconds for register center
private Integer session;
* File for saving register center dynamic list
private String file;
* Wait time before stop
private Integer wait;
* Whether to check if register center is available when boot up
private Boolean check;
* Whether to allow dynamic service to register on the register center
private Boolean dynamic;
* Whether to allow exporting service on the register center
private Boolean register;
* Whether to allow subscribing service on the register center
private Boolean subscribe;
* The customized parameters
private Map<String, String> parameters;
* Simple the registry. both useful for provider and consumer
* @since 2.7.0
private Boolean simplified;
* After simplify the registry, should add some parameter individually. just for provider.
* such as: extra-keys = A,b,c,d
* @since 2.7.0
private String extraKeys;
* the address work as config center or not
private Boolean useAsConfigCenter;
* the address work as remote metadata center or not
private Boolean useAsMetadataCenter;
* list of rpc protocols accepted by this registry, for example, "dubbo,rest"
private String accepts;
* Always use this registry first if set to true, useful when subscribe to multiple registries
private Boolean preferred;
* Affects traffic distribution among registries, useful when subscribe to multiple registries
* Take effect only when no preferred registry is specified.
private Integer weight;
private String registerMode;
private Boolean enableEmptyProtection;
还是没有我们需要找的目标 blockUntilConnectedWait
* The customized parameters
private Map<String, String> parameters;
address: zookeeper://${zookeeper.address:}:2181
timeout: 60000 # 增加这个超时时间
blockUntilConnectedWait: 60 # 单位为秒,也是可以设置的
遇到这样的问题起初还是很沮丧的,然后百度也给的那种版本不一致什么的答案,但是明显我这个是跑起来过的,于是只能自己摸索,花了大概 6 个多小时,终于成功解决这个问题,所以想着记录一下自己的解决过程
curator 是 zookeeper 的一层封装,可以理解就是 mybatis 和 mysql 的关系