应用即兴17(下)-Leadership Development-Tiffany & Co. Says Yes, And

Applied Improv throughout the Three-Day Program--在为期三天的节目中应用即兴表演

Approximately one-third of MDP involves AI activities. Each was strategically designed to bring to life key theories and best practices around topics such as collaboration, trust, motivation, assertiveness, active listening, and giving feedback. We typically start each new topic with an AI activity, then discuss the theory in depth. Starting with an activity helps make that theory tangible, ideally heightens participants’ self-awareness, and gives them the chance to practice new behaviors.


To broach the topic of collaboration, we start with an activity called What I Like about That (Workbook 7.2). This is one of my favorite Yes, And activities because, for facilitators, it so clearly reveals which participants are still struggling with listening and building on other’s ideas. Once you know this is a challenge for someone, you can better help them explore the reasons why sharing control is hard, and support them in practicing new ways of doing so.


In small teams, participants must design something mundane, like a toaster. The first person suggests a characteristic of the toaster, such as, “I’d like the toaster to have six slots for toast.” The person to her left responds by saying, “What I like about that is ...” and finishes the sentence explaining why having six slots is valuable. What I like about that is that my husband, my son, and I can all have toast at the same time. Then she adds another characteristic, “And I would like the toaster to be blue.” The person to her left responds in kind, “What I like about that is ...” and finds something to say about why blue is a good color. What I like about that is that blue matches my eyes, and ... When I set up the activity, I also add two more key variables: They have an infinite budget and the rules of physics do not apply! Typically, the first round of ideas for the toaster stays within the realm of the practical. By the end of the activity, the toaster has the ability to levitate and follow its owner around, travel in time, and fold up to fit in your pocket.


After each team describes their fabulous creation to the others, we discuss this process of creating together. What was it like to offer an idea knowing the person next to you will find something they like about it? It made me feel safe to say even goofy ideas because I knew they’d accept them. And what did you have to do if the person to your right made a suggestion you didn’t really like? I knew the rules instructed me to finish the sentence, “What I like about that,” so even though I really wanted the toaster to be multicolored and not blue, I had to throw away the multicolored idea and go with blue. Once I let go of my own idea, I realized it was more fun to build together than to show how brilliant I was. Plus, the others made me feel brilliant because they kept saying what they liked about my ideas!I realized it was more fun to build together than to show how brilliant I was. Plus, the others made me feel brilliant because they kept saying what they liked about my ideas!


Additional activities in MDP include doing a Trust Walk (Workbook 7.3) to address the topic of which behaviors build or undermine trust as a leader. And to heighten their self-awareness of how well or not they actively listen, and to practice Building with What They Are Given, we do Word-at-a-Time Stories.



If a facilitator has experience directing and side-coaching improv in formats like Keith Johnstone’s (1999) Gorilla Theatre and Maestro, you have an even greater set of skills to draw on at any point in a program. You can spontaneously ask a couple of volunteers to improvise a “role-play” and side- coach them, enabling them to better illustrate topics like ways to give feedback. You can take it even further and freeze the role-play, ask the observers what they think should happen next, just as you would with an audience at a show, and continue the role-play from there. You can swap out one of the “performers” with someone else, or require someone to speak in sentences that are a maximum of five words long or only using questions. Consider all the techniques you use in performance and how they can be used here.



All Tiffany leadership programs are grounded in the belief that self-awareness is the foundation of good leadership. One of the signature benefits of AI is that participants continually practice, in the safety of the classroom, behaviors we want them to apply to the workplace. This gives them opportunities to immediately experience how well or not they did something, try a behavior in a new way, get immediate feedback from others, and deepen their self-awareness, all while developing skills.


One participant, I’ll call Sue, proceeded to draw the entire face by herself in Quick Draw, leaving her partner with nothing to do. Her partner commented on it during the debrief discussion and Sue sheepishly said she just got “lost” in the drawing. Then in Snap Pass, twice she did not notice when someone had passed her a snap nor did she make eye contact when she passed it. Later that day when we played What I Like about That, she added her feature to the toaster without first saying what she liked about the previous offer. Her teammates corrected her, and she admitted she didn’t fully listen to the instructions, nor to the previous person’s offer. In the discussion that followed, Sue very candidly shared that she was becoming aware that she does not share control easily or listen to the contributions of others. This was on the afternoon of the first day of MDP. By Day 3 she was still challenged by sharing control and listening, but she was consciously trying these new behaviors, and laughing with her colleagues when she didn’t always succeed.


Another benefit of a psychologically safe climate is participants are free to spend more of the class time exploring real management issues of concern, rather than assessing if they can trust their colleagues to support them—and not judge them—when they reveal shortcomings, such as a fear of giving feedback to a pushy direct report or the inability to handle emotional outbursts. This safety, and the laughter generated from the games, usually helps form strong bonds between the participants that often last beyond the classroom. This is an intense three-day program, and participants often comment on how surprised they were that they stayed engaged the whole time. 心理安全环境的另一个好处是,当参与者暴露出缺点时,他们可以自由地花更多的课堂时间探索真正关注的管理问题,而不是评估他们是否可以信任他们的同事支持他们,而不是评判他们,比如害怕对虚假的直接报告提供反馈,或者无法处理情绪爆发。这种安全,以及游戏产生的笑声,通常有助于在参与者之间形成牢固的联系,通常持续在课堂之外。这是一个为期三天的紧张项目,参与者经常评论他们对自己一直保持投入感到多么惊讶。

For facilitators, AI activities provide multiple opportunities to discover which participants might be struggling with specific leadership challenges by observing how they participate in the activities. Looking again at Snap Pass, occasionally I get a participant who looks in one direction but passes the snap in another, calling attention to himself (see how clever I am) and causing confusion. I might deduce that this person tends to be more concerned about himself than his team, perhaps he is hungry for attention, or he may not be comfortable trying new things. I may augment or direct later discussions or activities to help him work on these challenges, or meet with him one-on-one later to share my observations  and explore ways to support him.


Another benefit of integrating AI into your program is, if facilitators feel that the participants’ attention is waning, it’s very easy to get everyone on their feet and engaged in an activity, regardless of the agenda. AI activities and improv principles also create a sense that all parties, including facilitators, are invited to be leaders of their own learning. And finally, when co-facilitating, it is a joy when a colleague is doing their best to “make you look good” and you are doing the same for them.


I frequently get unsolicited feedback from former participants months or years after a training session saying they still find an empty room and do superhero poses before leading a difficult conversation, or how playing with being assertive, as compared to aggressive, opened their eyes to how they were being too aggressive at work. Many participants lead these same activities with their teams, and I have heard of more than one Tiffany store whose morning huddles have included Snap Pass. Phrases such as “What I like about that” have become commonplace at one of our service locations (to the point where they now use it in a sarcastic fashion—undermining its value?). Additional feedback includes gratitude that Tiffany invested this kind of time and attention in their development. And I am always delighted when MBA graduates tell me that they learned more about themselves and how to lead in these three days than they did in their graduate program.


Impact on the OE Department

My colleagues in the OE Department were already a very Yes, And kind of team when I arrived, so the improv tenets merely reinforced what they were already striving to put into practice. To my eye, the two biggest changes that have happened with this team since being exposed to a regular diet of AI is the expanded toolkit of options they can draw from, and the precision with which they think about creating their learning opportunities. I watch my colleagues verbalize a learning objective, then explore a whole raft of experiences that might help their participants better achieve that objective. They think about how the setup of the room supports or limits their objectives, and they make sure to craft rich debrief questions to help their participants make meaning from each experience. They courageously ask participants to try new things. In a word, they are fearless!


I am especially pleased with the work that our team did to craft experiences for the Tiffany Leadership Development Program, a four-day offsite for a select number of senior leaders. Because of the high-stakes nature of the program, the activities we used were carefully chosen, modified, rehearsed, and set up. Activities included Walk/Stop (inspired by Augusto Boal’s [1992] Space Series) and storytelling exercises like Story Spine,5 and ended with the leaders writing haiku about each other’s successes. One of the participating leaders is now working with our department to create a year-long initiative using AI activities to help her 140-member team communicate and collaborate better.


Among my OE colleagues and former participants, the conversation has shifted from, “Why would we play games to help people learn?” to “What games can we use and how?”


Tiffany Today

In the past five years, AI has been incorporated into three of Tiffany’s four core leadership development programs, the eighteen-month rotational program called the Tiffany Academy for Excellence and Diversity in Retail Leadership, as well as customized initiatives for finance, HR, distribution, and other departments. Close to 1,000 employees have experienced an improv game at work, whether they know it or not.


My hope is that these leaders will be able to draw on their experiences and implicitly or explicitly influence their colleagues to courageously be vulnerable and share their stories and assumptions (Be Obvious); to model what it looks like to collaboratively solve problems (Build with What You Are Given); and if appropriate, even throw up their hands in celebration of learning from a mistake and say, “whoo-hoo” (Treat Mistakes as Gifts). I believe this will influence the 12,000 people currently at Tiffany to better navigate the challenges that every company faces and welcome the opportunities such as embracing diversity, fostering a sense of inclusion, improving cross-cultural communication, creating the ultimate customer experience, developing colleagues, and nimbly adapting to external economic challenges. It all starts by saying Yes, And ...



 1 V. Berger-Gross, personal communication, November 2011. 2 “Silos” in this context meaning separate business units that typically do not communicate well with each other. 3 We decided to use the term “activities” rather than “games” at Tiffany. “Games” have a connotation of being for fun only. Not only is the term “activities” more formal, and Tiffany is a formal organization, we wanted to be clear that each activity serves a specific pedagogical function. Nor do I mention that an activity will be “fun” when I set it up, because my goal is to give them an experience and help them learn from it, regardless of whether they had fun or not. 4 Common participant responses throughout the chapter are in italics. 5 Story Spine was invented by Kenn Adams. Daniel Pink (2012) calls this “The Pixar Pitch” because this structure has been adopted by Pixar as their “4th Rule of Storytelling.”


WORKBOOK 7.1 I Am a Tree

This is a very effective way to teach Yes, And to groups of six to twenty- four. It is playful and fun, great for people who are getting to know each other or learning to work together in a new way. The language requirements are minimal (good for groups who do not speak the same language) and because it is physical and not just verbal, when used in a corporate setting, it sets an expectation that the participants will not be passive, but must actively participate in their learning.


By the end of this exercise, participants will ... 

• have interacted with each other in a state of play;

 • have created a more psychologically safe climate, as evidenced by laughter, open body postures, eye contact, and supportive interactions with each other;


• have had a visceral experience with the concept of Yes, And; 

• be able to discuss the metaphor of I Am a Tree relative to Yes, And for use during the remainder of a session; and

 • have had a shared experience and will be able to refer back to moments in the exercise (e.g. “When Joe added to the picture of the rain by being an umbrella ...)


Running the Exercise

1. Ask the participants to stand in a circle. Go to the center of the circle and ask a volunteer to do the following: Join you in the center, pose in such a way that looks a bit like a tree, and say, “I am a tree.”


2. Thank the volunteer. Explain that the group is going to create a series of three-person pictures. The first picture will start with a tree.


3. Ask the group, what else might be in a picture with a tree?


4. When another participant responds, saying, for example “nest,” acknowledge that that is a great example of something that could be in a picture with a tree and ask that person to join the tree, and say, “I am a nest” (or whatever they suggested).


5. Invite one more person to add the final element to this first picture and state what they are (e.g. I am a baby bird).


6. Give instructions that the first person to start the picture is the first person to exit, and will take one of the other participants with them by saying, “I will take the nest” or “I will take the baby bird.”


7. The first volunteer (i.e. the tree) will take either the nest or the bird and both return to the edge of the circle. Ask the remaining participant, still in the center of the circle, to state again what they are, “I am a baby bird.” Then ask two more participants to come in, one at a time, to create a new three-person picture starting with the baby bird.


8. Rotate through until everyone has been in the center at least once.


9. End by creating one final picture that includes everyone in the room (e.g. if the picture starts with a football player, the additional elements may be a stadium, a coach, a fan, a football, etc.)



• What did you notice? About your colleagues? About yourself? 

 • What was easy about this exercise? 

• How would you describe the climate of the room? 

• How has the climate of the room changed, if at all?

 • Call out one word to describe how you feel? • Where did you see Yes, And? Commitment? Being obvious?





For those participants who may be reluctant to participate, suggest that they can always join the picture by matching an item (e.g. if one participant is a rabbit, a second participant could be a second rabbit). Urge everyone to go in at least once—the focus here is on trying new behaviors and keeping momentum, not on being the most brilliant “tree”—but allow those who do not join to observe.


Connections: The author learned this exercise at BATS Improv from cofounder Rebecca Stockley who learned it in Australia from someone who learned it in Edmonton who learned it from a German improviser! With an especially brave group, you can take I Am a Tree to the next level. After the group builds/deconstructs/builds pictures for a while, ring a bell and say, “Begin a scene,” and the three people in the picture (e.g. the tree, nest, and baby bird) must begin a scene animating their characters whether human, nonhuman, or inanimate. Then go back to building pictures again. It is not recommended to play scene after scene, instead wait until you feel a dynamic picture with interesting relationships present itself before animating it. At this level, I Am a Tree becomes a wonderful story-building exercise.


7.2 What I Like about That7.2我喜欢是什么

This exercise can awaken in participants the joy of discovery when using Yes, And, while also revealing how it feels to actively listen. By slowing down the communications process—requiring participants to first say what they like about another person’s idea before they can say their own— participants develop greater self-awareness around their own tendencies to actively listen to others, or not.


By the end of this exercise, participants will have ... • experienced collaborating with others in a climate in which all ideas are built upon; • reflected on their own tendencies to actively listen, or not; and • used their imaginations to expand on what is possible.


Running the Activity

1. Ask the participants to form small groups (of three to eight people).


2. Tell them that each group is now a product design team. They will design a new product, such as a toaster, using a specific procedure:


a. One person adds one feature to the toaster (e.g. I would like it to have six slots).


b. The person to their left will say, “What I like about that is ...” and finish this sentence based on something in their partner’s offer (e.g. What I like about that is my husband, my son, and I can all have toast at the same time). Then they add another feature to the same toaster, “And I would like the toaster to be blue.”


c. The person to their left will say, “What I like about that is ...”


3. Demonstrate with one of the teams.


4. Instruct them that there are two additional variables: They have infinite resources and the laws of physics do not apply.


5. Ask them to all design a sofa, and continue until everyone has had two or three chances to contribute.



• What was easy/difficult about having to say, “What I like about that ...”?

• What surprised you?

• What is the difference between accepting and agreement?

• What did your group have to do to be successful?

• How does this process compare to how you communicate at work?

• What would be different if you spent one day responding to everything you hear with “What I like about that is ...”?


Demonstrate at least three What I Like about That exchanges before they play—participants tend to skip the “what I like about that” step and move straight to adding their own feature to the item. Visit each group and observe how well they are supporting each other, or not, and who is paying more attention to their own ideas than focusing on their teammates. In the debrief, when some individuals struggle with building on their partner’s idea, make sure that that behavior is not characterized as bad or wrong—for some people, learning to listen like this is a challenge. Finally, you can ask the group to suggest the item to be designed—ideally, keep the item mundane so that the suggestions start simple then become more fanciful.


Connections: The author learned this exercise at BATS Improv. Several variations exist, for example, for generating ideas on specific projects, try using the prompt “YES, what I like about that idea is ... AND we could ...”


7.3 Trust Walk

This exercise is great for building trust between participants and illustrating the importance of building and communicating trust as leaders. There are many variations of this exercise—this version, using only a person’s name, also makes it easy to explore nonverbal communications techniques, such as tone of voice.


By the end of this exercise, participants will have ...

• reflected on their own ease or discomfort with adjusting their  communication style to meet their partner’s needs,


• experienced fundamental ways to give and sense trust, and


• reflected on their actions as leaders and the extent to which those actions build or undermine trust.


Running the Activity

1. Ask the participants to form pairs and remind each other of their names.


2. Explain that, in a moment, one person will close their eyes while their partner will lead them around the space, using only their names.


3. Make clear this is not the Run Your Partner into the Wall exercise. The intention is to make your partner look good, take care of them, and give them a good experience.


4. Ask a participant to help you demonstrate—they lead you, with eyes shut, around the room for thirty seconds, calling only your name.


5. Thank the volunteer and ask the group, what did my partner do to successfully lead me around?


6. Instruct them to build on the strategies they just named and invite them to discover their own. Remind the people with their eyes open that they will probably be walking backward and should be alert for others walking backward. The number one rule is to take care of their partners.


7. Ask the first person to lead their partner. After two minutes, ring a bell signaling they can switch roles and continue for another two minutes.



• Who preferred having their eyes closed/open and why?


• What did you and your partner have to do to be successful?


• What did you discover about yourself as a leader?



Prepare the room beforehand by clearing obstacles on the floor and, if possible, opening doors so participants can move in or out of the room. If you are timid when you demonstrate, the participants will be timid when they play, so demonstrate boldly. The debrief can include connections to neuroscience, such as describing amygdala hijacks and the idea that psychological risks trigger the same physiological reactions as physical risks.


Connections: For another fun exercise that builds trust through positive reinforcement, try Dolphin Training. This is an exercise that Keith Johnstone often plays with his students. It is similar to the traditional game Hot and Cold, but in this version, only positive reinforcement is allowed, that is, the group offstage side-coaches the player onstage by repeating the word “ding” louder and more frequently as the player gets closer (i.e. “hotter”) to the task the group has secretly decided they want the improviser to fulfill (e.g. to put on a hat, do a cartwheel, sit in someone’s lap, etc.). No one is to say “No” or give any negative feedback whatsoever. All side-coaching must be in the form of positive “dings!” Can be played in pairs, too.


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