DevExpress VCL Subscription 23 crack

  DevExpress VCL Subscription 23 crack

  SVG icons of QuickAccessToolbar buttons are colored incorrectly in certain skins.

  TdxBar in a floating panel is scaled incorrectly when a panel is undocked while it is not on the primary Monitor.

  TdxBar is incorrectly drawn in the WXI skin if it is placed at the bottom.

  TdxBarCustomizationForm - Link for a different item is created after an item is dragged to a toolbar.

  ExpressCharts Suite

  Simple diagrams - TdxChartControl.HitTest.Series property is nil on a total label click.

  ExpressDocking Library

  TdxBar in a floating panel is scaled incorrectly when a panel is undocked while it is not on the primary Monitor.

  ExpressEditors Library

  BlobEdit - The icon text register is changed for an empty value.

DevExpress VCL Subscription 23 crack_第1张图片

  cxCheckComboBox - EditValue property is null after clearing the editor with ClearKey.

  TdxActivityIndicator's color is incorrect in the WXI skin if SkinPaletteName is set to Darkness.

  ExpressGantt Control

  TdxGanttControl - Year is missing when ViewChart.TimescaleUnit is Months.


  dxX509SelectCertificate function does not work in a 64-bit application.


  dxOrgChart items are painted white if the application uses the WXI skin with the Darkness palette.


DevExpress VCL Subscription 23 crack_第2张图片

  Text from a PDF document is copied with an incorrect order.

  The TdxPDFBorderStyle enum conflicts with the standard Vcl.Graphics.TBrushStyle enum.

  ExpressQuantumGrid Suite

  An access violation error occurs on registering a COM-server with the TcxGrid Component - the application hangs.

  Banded table views - An Access Violation error occurs when dragging a column header from GroupByBox over the grid's right border.

  Banded table views - It is not possible to drag a column from Customization Form into an empty band.

  BlobEdit - The icon text register is changed for an empty value.

  TdxSpreadSheet generates corrupted XLSX files if the application runs on a machine with European locale settings.

  ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite

  An error occurs after validating TcxDBTreeList by the down arrow key if the OptionsData.SmartLoad property is active.

  ExpressScheduler Suite

  TcxSchedulerRecurrenceEventEditor does not take time zones into account.

  ExpressSkins Library

  Captions of TdxGalleryControl items are unreadable if an application uses the WXI skin with dark palettes.

  dxOrgChart items are painted white if the application uses the WXI skin with the Darkness palette.

  Maximized skinned form does not use the full screen mode.

  SVG icons of QuickAccessToolbar buttons are colored incorrectly in certain skins.

  TdxActivityIndicator's color is incorrect in the WXI skin if SkinPaletteName is set to Darkness.

  TdxBar is incorrectly drawn in the WXI skin if it is placed at the bottom.
