BRISK(Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints)是BRIEF算法的一种改进,也是一种基于二进制编码的特征描述子,而且对噪声鲁棒,具有尺度不变性和旋转不变性。
尺度空间包含n个octave( ci 表示)和n个intro-octave( di 表示),原论文中n=4。 c0 是原始图像, ci+1 是 ci 的降采样图像,缩放因子为2,即 ci+1 的宽高分别为 ci 的1/2; d0 是相对于原图缩放因子为1.5的降采样图像,同样, di+1 是 di 的2倍降采样。 ci 、 di 与原图像的大小关系如下表所示。
image | c0 | d0 | c1 | d1 | c2 | d2 | c3 | d3 |
width | w | 2w/3 | w/2 | w/3 | w/4 | w/6 | w/8 | w/12 |
height | h | 2h/2 | h/2 | h/3 | h/4 | h/6 | h/8 | h/12 |
由于n = 4,一共可以得到8张不同尺度的图像。在多尺度空间中,利用FAST9-16检测算子定位特征点,即在特征点邻域边界圆上的16个像素,至少有9个连续像素与特征点的灰度差值大于给定阈值T。此外,对原图像进行一次FAST5-8角点检测,作为 d_−1 层,方便后续在做非极大值抑制处理时,可以对相邻尺度空间的图像特征点进行比对。在前面博文中已详细介绍FAST角点检测。
特征点邻域的采样模式如下图所示,以特征点为中心,构建不同半径的同心圆,在每个圆上获取一定数目的等间隔采样点,所有采样点包括特征点一共有 N 个。由于这种采样模式会引起混叠效应,需要对所有采样点进行高斯滤波,滤波半径r和高斯方差 σ 成正比,同心圆半径越大,采样点滤波半径也越大。
N 个采样点两两组合共有N(N−1)2个点对,用集合 A 表示, I(pi,σi) 为像素灰度值, σ 表示尺度,用 g(pi,pj) 表示特征点局部梯度值,其计算公式为
要解决旋转不变性,需要对特征点周围的采样区域旋转至主方向,得到新的采样区域,采样模式同上。采样点集合中包含 N(N−1)2 个采样点对,考虑其中短距离点对子集中的512个点对,进行二进制编码,编码方式如下:
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main()
//Load Image
Mat c_src1 = imread( "1.png");
Mat c_src2 = imread("2.png");
Mat src1 = imread( "1.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
Mat src2 = imread( "2.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
if( !src1.data || !src2.data )
cout<< "Error reading images " << std::endl;
return -1;
//feature detect
BRISK detector;
vector kp1, kp2;
detector.detect( src1, kp1 );
detector.detect( src2, kp2 );
//cv::BRISK extractor;
Mat des1,des2;//descriptor
detector.compute(src1, kp1, des1);
detector.compute(src2, kp2, des2);
Mat res1,res2;
int drawmode = DrawMatchesFlags::DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS;
drawKeypoints(c_src1, kp1, res1, Scalar::all(-1), drawmode);
drawKeypoints(c_src2, kp2, res2, Scalar::all(-1), drawmode);
BFMatcher matcher(NORM_HAMMING);
vector matches;
matcher.match(des1, des2, matches);
Mat img_match;
drawMatches(src1, kp1, src2, kp2, matches, img_match);
return 0;
// construct the image pyramids
void BriskScaleSpace::constructPyramid(const cv::Mat& image)
// set correct size:
// fill the pyramid:
if (layers_ > 1)
pyramid_.push_back(BriskLayer(pyramid_.back(), BriskLayer::CommonParams::TWOTHIRDSAMPLE));
const int octaves2 = layers_;
for (uchar i = 2; i < octaves2; i += 2)
pyramid_.push_back(BriskLayer(pyramid_[i - 2], BriskLayer::CommonParams::HALFSAMPLE));//
pyramid_.push_back(BriskLayer(pyramid_[i - 1], BriskLayer::CommonParams::HALFSAMPLE));//
//extract the feature points
void BriskScaleSpace::getKeypoints(const int threshold_, std::vector & keypoints)
// make sure keypoints is empty
// assign thresholds
int safeThreshold_ = (int)(threshold_ * safetyFactor_);
std::vector<std::vector > agastPoints;
// go through the octaves and intra layers and calculate fast corner scores:
for (int i = 0; i < layers_; i++)
// call OAST16_9 without nms
BriskLayer& l = pyramid_[i];
l.getAgastPoints(safeThreshold_, agastPoints[i]);
if (layers_ == 1)
// just do a simple 2d subpixel refinement...
const size_t num = agastPoints[0].size();
for (size_t n = 0; n < num; n++)
const cv::Point2f& point = agastPoints.at(0)[n].pt;
// first check if it is a maximum:
if (!isMax2D(0, (int)point.x, (int)point.y))
// let's do the subpixel and float scale refinement:
BriskLayer& l = pyramid_[0];
int s_0_0 = l.getAgastScore(point.x - 1, point.y - 1, 1);
int s_1_0 = l.getAgastScore(point.x, point.y - 1, 1);
int s_2_0 = l.getAgastScore(point.x + 1, point.y - 1, 1);
int s_2_1 = l.getAgastScore(point.x + 1, point.y, 1);
int s_1_1 = l.getAgastScore(point.x, point.y, 1);
int s_0_1 = l.getAgastScore(point.x - 1, point.y, 1);
int s_0_2 = l.getAgastScore(point.x - 1, point.y + 1, 1);
int s_1_2 = l.getAgastScore(point.x, point.y + 1, 1);
int s_2_2 = l.getAgastScore(point.x + 1, point.y + 1, 1);
float delta_x, delta_y;
float max = subpixel2D(s_0_0, s_0_1, s_0_2, s_1_0, s_1_1, s_1_2, s_2_0, s_2_1, s_2_2, delta_x, delta_y);
// store:
keypoints.push_back(cv::KeyPoint(float(point.x) + delta_x, float(point.y) + delta_y, basicSize_, -1, max, 0));
float x, y, scale, score;
for (int i = 0; i < layers_; i++)
BriskLayer& l = pyramid_[i];
const size_t num = agastPoints[i].size();
if (i == layers_ - 1)
for (size_t n = 0; n < num; n++)
const cv::Point2f& point = agastPoints.at(i)[n].pt;
// consider only 2D maxima...
if (!isMax2D(i, (int)point.x, (int)point.y))
bool ismax;
float dx, dy;
getScoreMaxBelow(i, (int)point.x, (int)point.y, l.getAgastScore(point.x, point.y, safeThreshold_), ismax, dx, dy);
if (!ismax)
// get the patch on this layer:
int s_0_0 = l.getAgastScore(point.x - 1, point.y - 1, 1);
int s_1_0 = l.getAgastScore(point.x, point.y - 1, 1);
int s_2_0 = l.getAgastScore(point.x + 1, point.y - 1, 1);
int s_2_1 = l.getAgastScore(point.x + 1, point.y, 1);
int s_1_1 = l.getAgastScore(point.x, point.y, 1);
int s_0_1 = l.getAgastScore(point.x - 1, point.y, 1);
int s_0_2 = l.getAgastScore(point.x - 1, point.y + 1, 1);
int s_1_2 = l.getAgastScore(point.x, point.y + 1, 1);
int s_2_2 = l.getAgastScore(point.x + 1, point.y + 1, 1);
float delta_x, delta_y;
float max = subpixel2D(s_0_0, s_0_1, s_0_2, s_1_0, s_1_1, s_1_2, s_2_0, s_2_1, s_2_2, delta_x, delta_y);
// store:
keypoints.push_back(cv::KeyPoint((float(point.x) + delta_x) * l.scale() + l.offset(), (float(point.y) + delta_y) * l.scale() + l.offset(), basicSize_ * l.scale(), -1, max, i));
// not the last layer:
for (size_t n = 0; n < num; n++)
const cv::Point2f& point = agastPoints.at(i)[n].pt;
// first check if it is a maximum:
if (!isMax2D(i, (int)point.x, (int)point.y))
// let's do the subpixel and float scale refinement:
bool ismax=false;
score = refine3D(i, (int)point.x, (int)point.y, x, y, scale, ismax);
if (!ismax)
// finally store the detected keypoint:
if (score > float(threshold_))
keypoints.push_back(cv::KeyPoint(x, y, basicSize_ * scale, -1, score, i));