B2B2B2C 电商系统过滤solr搜索结果


自有商品SKU库的表: shop_goods

alter table shop_goods modify column `goods_pools` varchar(255) DEFAULT '';

这个很重要,保证 goods_pools 字段不为null

自有商品分类就是表: shop_goods_class_custom

自定义的商品库的表: bus_goods_pool

商品池定义: bus_goods_pool

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bus_goods_pool;
CREATE TABLE bus_goods_pool (
  pool_id varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  pool_name varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  effective_time TIMESTAMP null default now() COMMENT '有效期起始时间',
  failure_time TIMESTAMP null default now() COMMENT '有效期结束时间',
  create_time TIMESTAMP null default now() COMMENT '创建时间',
  update_time TIMESTAMP null default now() on update now() COMMENT '更新时间',
  operator_id varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '操作人id',
  operator varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '操作人',
  pool_type int(10) DEFAULT 1 NULL COMMENT '商品池类型',
  pool_status int(10) DEFAULT 0 NULL comment '状态:0 未启用 1 启用 2 失效',
  PRIMARY KEY (pool_id),
  key pool_name (pool_name) using btree,
  key effective_failure_time (effective_time, failure_time) using btree

) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 comment '商品池定义';

insert into bus_goods_pool (pool_id, pool_name, effective_time, failure_time, update_time, pool_type, pool_status) values 
((select replace(uuid(), '-', '')), '狗东商品池1', NOW(), DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL 100 day), NOW(), 1, 1),
((select replace(uuid(), '-', '')), '狗东商品池2', NOW(), DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL 101 day), NOW(), 1, 1),
((select replace(uuid(), '-', '')), '二手东商品池1', NOW(), DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL 102 day), NOW(), 1, 1),
((select replace(uuid(), '-', '')), '二手东商品池2', NOW(), DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL 103 day), NOW(), 1, 1),
((select replace(uuid(), '-', '')), '网易严选商品池1', NOW(), DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL 104 day), NOW(), 1, 1),
((select replace(uuid(), '-', '')), '网易严选商品池2', NOW(), DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL 104 day), NOW(), 1, 1);


select * from bus_goods_pool;
f536fc9151a011e8b1b5005056bf65f0    狗东商品池1  2018-05-07 10:47:18 2018-08-15 10:47:18 2018-05-07 10:47:18         1   1   2018-05-07 20:38:15
f536ff8a51a011e8b1b5005056bf65f0    狗东商品池2  2018-05-07 10:47:18 2018-08-16 10:47:18 2018-05-07 10:47:18         1   1   2018-05-07 20:38:15
f537014951a011e8b1b5005056bf65f0    二手东商品池1 2018-05-07 10:47:18 2018-08-17 10:47:18 2018-05-07 10:47:18         1   1   2018-05-07 20:38:15
f537029551a011e8b1b5005056bf65f0    二手东商品池2 2018-05-07 10:47:18 2018-08-18 10:47:18 2018-05-07 10:47:18         1   1   2018-05-07 20:38:15
f53703d451a011e8b1b5005056bf65f0    网易严选商品池1    2018-05-07 10:47:18 2018-08-19 10:47:18 2018-05-07 10:47:18         1   1   2018-05-07 20:38:15
f537054751a011e8b1b5005056bf65f0    网易严选商品池2    2018-05-07 10:47:18 2018-08-19 10:47:18 2018-05-07 10:47:18         1   1   2018-05-07 20:38:15

企业和自定义商品库的映射关系: bus_enterprise_goodspool

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bus_enterprise_goodspool;
CREATE TABLE bus_enterprise_goodspool (
  id varchar(50) not null,
  enterprise_id varchar(50) NOT NULL comment '企业id',
  enterprise_no varchar(50) NOT NULL comment '企业ep_no',
  pool_id varchar(50) NOT NULL comment '商品池id',
  -- effective_time datetime null default now() COMMENT '有效期起始时间',
  -- failure_time datetime null default now() comment '有效期结束时间',
  priority int(10) DEFAULT 1 null comment '优先级',
  discount double(10, 2) default 1.0 comment '折扣',
  create_time TIMESTAMP null default now() COMMENT '创建时间'
  primary key (id),
  key enterprise_id(enterprise_id) using btree,
  key pool_id(pool_id) using btree
  -- key effective_failure_time(effective_time, failure_time) using btree

) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 comment='企业商品池关联表';

insert into bus_enterprise_goodspool (id, enterprise_id, enterprise_no, pool_id, priority, discount) values 
((select replace(uuid(), '-', '')), '93fcf2a17a9b4e82af36891726a8e448', '11', 'f536fc9151a011e8b1b5005056bf65f0', 1, 1.0),
((select replace(uuid(), '-', '')), '93fcf2a17a9b4e82af36891726a8e448', '11', 'f536ff8a51a011e8b1b5005056bf65f0', 2, 1.0),
((select replace(uuid(), '-', '')), '93fcf2a17a9b4e82af36891726a8e448', '11', 'f537014951a011e8b1b5005056bf65f0', 3, 1.0),

((select replace(uuid(), '-', '')), '33a6aeed50f011e8b1b5005056bf65f0', 'NO002', 'f537029551a011e8b1b5005056bf65f0', 1, 1.0),
((select replace(uuid(), '-', '')), '33a6aeed50f011e8b1b5005056bf65f0', 'NO002', 'f53703d451a011e8b1b5005056bf65f0', 2, 1.0),
((select replace(uuid(), '-', '')), '33a6aeed50f011e8b1b5005056bf65f0', 'NO002', 'f537054751a011e8b1b5005056bf65f0', 3, 1.0);


select * from bus_enterprise_goodspool;

ab13591851a411e8b1b5005056bf65f0    93fcf2a17a9b4e82af36891726a8e448    11  f536fc9151a011e8b1b5005056bf65f0    1   1   2018-05-07 20:38:33
ab135c0251a411e8b1b5005056bf65f0    93fcf2a17a9b4e82af36891726a8e448    11  f536ff8a51a011e8b1b5005056bf65f0    2   1   2018-05-07 20:38:33
ab135d7851a411e8b1b5005056bf65f0    93fcf2a17a9b4e82af36891726a8e448    11  f537014951a011e8b1b5005056bf65f0    3   1   2018-05-07 20:38:33
ab135e8651a411e8b1b5005056bf65f0    33a6aeed50f011e8b1b5005056bf65f0    NO002   f537029551a011e8b1b5005056bf65f0    1   1   2018-05-07 20:38:33
ab135faf51a411e8b1b5005056bf65f0    33a6aeed50f011e8b1b5005056bf65f0    NO002   f53703d451a011e8b1b5005056bf65f0    2   1   2018-05-07 20:38:33
ab1360e751a411e8b1b5005056bf65f0    33a6aeed50f011e8b1b5005056bf65f0    NO002   f537054751a011e8b1b5005056bf65f0    3   1   2018-05-07 20:38:33

商品池、商品映射关系表: bus_rel_goods_pool

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bus_rel_goods_pool;
CREATE TABLE bus_rel_goods_pool (
  id varchar(50) NOT NULL ,
  pool_id varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL comment '商品池id',
  goods_id varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL comment '商品id',
  goods_price decimal(10,2) DEFAULT NULL comment '商品池对应的价格',
  partner_id varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  status int(10) DEFAULT NULL comment '状态',
  store_flag int(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  key pool_id(pool_id) using BTREE,
  key goods_id (goods_id) using BTREE

-- 生成商品池、商品关联数据
concat('((select replace(uuid(), ''-'', ''''))', ', ''f537054751a011e8b1b5005056bf65f0'', ''', g.goods_id, ''', ', goods_store_price, '),')
FROM shop_goods g
LIMIT 500;


通过企业id,去 bus_enterprise_goodspool 表查询其对应的商品池,然后通过商品池的id,去 goods_pool_goods 查询对应商品的总和,根据优先级排序、去重。获得所有的商品。然后再根据商品的 goods_idshop_goods 表里查询 商品的状态,并根据 折扣 * 价格,生成价格。

goodspool.priority, pg.goods_price as pool_price, distinct(g.goods_id), g.* 
from bus_enterprise en 
left join bus_enterprise_goodspool goodspool on en.id = goodspool.enterprise_id 
left join bus_goods_pool pool on goodspool.pool_id = pool.pool_id and pool.pool_status = 1
left join bus_rel_goods_pool pg on goodspool.pool_id = pg.pool_id
left join shop_goods g on pg.goods_id = g.goods_id
where en.id = '93fcf2a17a9b4e82af36891726a8e448'
and pool.pool_status = 1
and pool.effective_time < now() and pool.failure_time < DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL 100 day)



select x.*, gp.goods_price as pool_price , g.*
max(goodspool.priority) as priority, g.goods_id
from bus_enterprise en 
left join bus_enterprise_goodspool goodspool on en.id = goodspool.enterprise_id 
left join bus_goods_pool pool on goodspool.pool_id = pool.pool_id and pool.pool_status = 1
left join bus_rel_goods_pool pg on goodspool.pool_id = pg.pool_id
left join shop_goods g on pg.goods_id = g.goods_id
where en.id = '93fcf2a17a9b4e82af36891726a8e448'
and pool.pool_status = 1
and pool.effective_time < now() and pool.failure_time < DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL 104 day)
group by g.goods_id
-- order by g.goods_id
) x, bus_rel_goods_pool gp, bus_enterprise_goodspool ep
, shop_goods g
where x.goods_id = gp.goods_id 
and gp.pool_id = ep.pool_id 
and x.priority = ep.priority 
and ep.enterprise_id = '93fcf2a17a9b4e82af36891726a8e448'
and x.goods_id = g.goods_id
order by g.recommend


  1. 在登陆的时候,通过获得 企业id,通过企业id,去 bus_enterprise_goodspool 表查询 该企业有哪些商品池,把这个 数据存到redis里面。

应该存入redis,而不是session。session 是每个用户存一份,redis 是所有用户共享的。

  1. LucenePager 这个类加一个 goodsPool 字段

  2. 调用 search/goodsSearch?searchType=gcIdSearch&keyword=831 这样的接口的时候,从 redis 读该企业都有哪些 商品池的编号,把这个编号数据 赋给 LucenePager 的 goodsPool 字段

  3. 修改 \solr\serviceImpl\SolrServiceImpl.javasearchGoodsIndex 方法,把goodsPool 这个查询条件,加到solr的 queryString 里。

  4. 搜索出结果之后,价格的处理,要依赖于商品池。遍历LucenePager,去商品池查对应的价格。 需要要一个独立的任务维护商品池的数据更新。



是遍历 lucencePager 这个结果集。


\welfare-solr\src\main\java\com\xxyouxx\extend\module\solr\serviceImpl\SolrServiceImpl.java 增加了yige过滤条件,商品池id:

                query.addFilterQuery("goodsPools:" + lucenePager.getPoolIds());
                query.set("q", "*:*");

\welfare-service\src\main\java\com\xxyouxx\service\module\search\service\impl\GoodsSearchServiceImpl.java 增加了获取当前企业的商品池id列表

            String enterpriseId = null;
            // 根据当前企业的商品池,修改搜索结果的价格

            String poolIds = null;
            Subject subject = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
            Session session = subject.getSession();

            // 获取企业的id,通过企业的id,获取企业的商品池
            BusEnterprise busEnterprise = (BusEnterprise)session.getAttribute(SysConstants.SESSION_LOGIN_USER_ENTERPRISE);
            if(null != busEnterprise) {
                enterpriseId = busEnterprise.getId();
                if(null != enterpriseId && !"".equals(enterpriseId)) {

                    if(JedisConfig.JEDIS_STATUS) {
                        Object obj = JedisUtils.getObject(JedisConfig.GOODS_POOL + enterpriseId);
                        if(obj == null){
                            // 先获取商品池id
                            poolIds = busEnterpriseGoodsPoolService.getAllPoolIds(enterpriseId);

                            JedisUtils.setObject(JedisConfig.GOODS_POOL + enterpriseId, poolIds, 60 * 60);

                        } else {
                            poolIds = (String)obj;
                    } else {
                        poolIds = busEnterpriseGoodsPoolService.getAllPoolIds(enterpriseId);

            // 根据当前企业的商品池,修改搜索结果的价格
            if(org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank(poolIds)) {

和 根据 商品池里的价格,更新solr搜索结果价格的代码

            // 用商品池里的价格,来更新商品的价格
            // 根据当前企业的商品池,修改搜索结果的价格
            if(org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank(poolIds)) {

                // 商品池里的全部商品
                List poolGoodsList = null;
                PoolGoodsVo vo = new PoolGoodsVo();

                // 确保搜索出结果,再去处理价格
                if(lucenePager.getResult().size() > 0 ) {
                    if(JedisConfig.JEDIS_STATUS) {
                        Object obj = JedisUtils.getObject(JedisConfig.ENTERPRISE_POOL_GOODS + enterpriseId);
                        if(null == obj || ((List)obj).size() == 0) {
                            poolGoodsList = poolGoodsService.findPoolGoods(vo);

                            JedisUtils.setObject(JedisConfig.ENTERPRISE_POOL_GOODS + enterpriseId, poolGoodsList, 60 * 60);
                        } else {
                            poolGoodsList = (List)obj;

                    } else {
                        poolGoodsList = poolGoodsService.findPoolGoods(vo);

                    if(null != poolGoodsList && poolGoodsList.size() > 0) {

                        // 用小结果集,驱动大结果集
                        for(Object object : lucenePager.getResult()) {
                            Goods goods = (Goods)object;
                            for(PoolGoods poolGoods: poolGoodsList) {
                                // Mappper 里的sql 确保返回的第一个Goods就是优先级最高的

                                if(goods.getGoodsId().equals(poolGoods.getGoodsId())) {
                                    // 两个对象的goodsId 相同,则认为就是同一个商品,就可以用商品池里的价格更新商品的价格

                        // 修改价格之后的,也可以考虑放到缓存里。
                        // 这个让生成的HTML去缓存是不是更好?

                    } else {
                        // 配置的数据不对
                        // 处理异常配置


重新生成 solr 索引

为了避免分页问题,需要solr的搜索结果是一定要给定 满足商品池id 这个条件,这个怎么实现?

solr 的配置文件

对于goods_pools 字段的配置:


> 注意:shop_goods 表里的 `goods_pools` 字段不能为空,否则使用admin生成索引的时候会报错:

org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient$RemoteSolrException: Error from server at [doc=a100004458] missing required field: goodsPools

alter table shop_goods modify column `goods_pools` varchar(255) DEFAULT '';
update shop_goods set goods_pools = '' where goods_pools is null;

同时,针对java 的 entity 类做修改,给 goodsPools 字段赋默认值

    private String goodsPools = "";

更新 shop_goods 表里的 goods_pools 字段

select (select GROUP_CONCAT(pool_id SEPARATOR ',') from bus_rel_goods_pool pg where pg.goods_id = g.goods_id), g.* from shop_goods g;

update shop_goods g set goods_pools = (select GROUP_CONCAT(pool_id SEPARATOR ' ') from bus_rel_goods_pool pg where pg.goods_id = g.goods_id);
update shop_goods set goods_pools = "" where goods_pools is null;

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