
  1. 媒体 movie, book, TV series, advertisement, song
  2. 实物 traditional product, furniture, electronic devices
  3. 抽象 a big company...
  1. direct answer 类型,名称
    movie/book/TV: suspense, fantasy, thriller, horror, romantic~, comedy, science fiction
    advertisement: commercial, public service advertising
    music: classical, pop, rap, jazz, hip-hop, blues, folk~, country~, lullaby, electronic dance
  2. detail

(1) background:

  • director/author/writer/composer, lyrics writer
  • cast: a star-crowded cast
    奥斯卡 the academy award 金球奖 golden globe 艾美奖 the Emmy award
    winner, nominee
    the best motion picture 最佳电影
    the leading actor/actress 最佳主角 supporting~配角
  • 剧本 screenplay, script
    be adapted from / to
    be based on a true story
    the director wrote it himself
  • 获奖情况
    格莱美 the Grammy award
    Nobel Prize
  • 票房、收视、销量、榜单
    box office: ...has sold...USD worth of tickets around the world
    rating: watch, follow
    ...has sold over...[copies]
    billboard, iTunes: ...has stayed the top 3 on...for...
  • after effects 特效
    fire breathing dragon
    stunts 动作特技
    catchy phrase


  • be filled with ups and downs/twists and turns
    couldn't take my eyes off the screen/book, not even for a second (for the fear of missing sth)
  • intense
    ...got my adrenaline rush 肾上腺素
  • hilarious
    scene, description, line ——break the intensity
  • the movie/book mainly tells a story about...
  • lyrics:inspiring, heart-breaking/wrenching
  1. feeling
    OST(original sound track)/BGM
  1. direct answer 类型 名称
    dairy product
  2. detail


  • 来源
    has been passing down in our family for quite a few generations
    my parents bought it when they got married (it is the only thing that has witnessed their marriage)
    got it from...as a gift/reward celebrating me stepping into the adulthood / doing well in college entrance exam
  • I first got to know...from...and was impressed by...
  • 创作背景

(2)外观:颜色、形状、尺寸(大小 厚薄)、材质、外部构造+基本功能
the battery runs out of juice
power bank / charger
operation system couldn't function smoothly
takes me ages to try to initiate an app

  • touchscreen
  • front camera: take selfies, video chat
  • the camera built in the back: take high quality photos owing to high pixel, zoom in/out
  • flashlight:take decent photos even under poor lightings, torchlight
  • it provides its users with a wide range of colors from...
  • rectangular
  • as big as an adult's palm
  • be getting increasingly thinner
  • plastic/mental

crash on

  1. feeling


  • a traditional Chinese handcraft, a festive ornament for room decoration
  • from art class in my primary/elementary school, impressed by how delicate it was
    it is our tradition to stick jianzhi on our walls or windows during...
  • jianzhi is basically a piece of red wax paper with various patterns carved on it
  • comes with different sizes...as big as a giant painting or as small as a coaster
  • the most common patterns seen on it: a chubby kid with a big fish in his arms and a calabash because the word "fish" shares the same pronunciation with the word "extra" in Chinese...we believe that it could help to bring extra luck and income in the out coming year
  • feeling: be hunted by...
    not only a traditional product, but also a piece of fine art
  • a school rule that you agree or disagree with
    dye one's hair
    get a perm
    wear a jar head
    a violation of human rights
