
#注:二叉搜素树的左子树结点小于根结点  右子树结点大于根结点
def Sequence(arr):
	if len(arr) == 0:
		return False
	#后序遍历,最后一个数是根结点  ==>左-右-根
	root = arr[-1]
	length = len(arr)
	index = 0
	for i in range(length-1):
		index = i
		if arr[i] > root:
	#判断右子树 从+1开始是因为默认在index时候值已经大于root了,肯定属于右子树了
	for i in range(index+1,length-1):
		if arr[i] < root:
			return False

	left = True
	if index > 0:
		left = Sequence(arr[:index])
	right = True
	if index < length-1:
		right = Sequence(arr[index:length-1])
	return left and right

array = [7, 4, 6, 5, 9, 11, 10, 8]

def Sequence1(arr):
	if len(arr) == 0:
		return False
	#前序遍历,第一个是根结点  ==>根-左-右
	root = arr[0]
	length = len(arr)
	index = 1
	for i in range(index,length):
		index = i
		if arr[i] > root:
	#判断右子树 从1开始是因为默认在index时候值已经大于root了,肯定属于右子树了
	for i in range(index+1,length-1):
		if arr[i] < root:
			return False

	left = True
	if index > 1:
		left = Sequence1(arr[1:index])
	right = True
	if index < length:
		right = Sequence1(arr[index:length])
	return left and right

array1 = [8, 4, 7, 3, 5, 9, 11, 10]
