#英语笃学#lesson six

After much discussion,we've decided to buy the house.


-After much discussion, we’ve decided to buy the house.

-That house is the bee’s knees. Great choice!

-Is there any possibility of a discount?

-I’m sorry, sir. That is the best offer I can make.

-Well then, we are gonna to ask for a loan. What’s the down payment?

-Probably no less than 30% of asking price.

-Okay, I see. Thanks.

-My pleasure. Please excuse me, I’ll get the contract ready.

after much discussion 经过反复讨论

sb have/has decided to do sh 某人已经决定好了做某事了

decide to do sth  尤指仔细考虑后决定做某事

After a gap of two years, she’s decided to go back to work.

gap (时间上的)间断

sb have/had determined to do sth 侧重强调某人下定决心要达成某事,语气比decide更强

I’ve determined to be a pianist.我下定决心要成为一名钢琴演奏者。

be the bee’s knees 引申为出类拔萃的人或物

bee 蜜蜂 knee 膝盖

Have you tried this ice cream? It’s the bee’s knees.你吃过这种冰淇淋吗?超好吃。


1.be the cat’s whisker 引申为出类拔萃的人或物

whisker 动物的胡须

2.sth is top-notch …是一流的

top-notch 顶尖的,一流的

notch 等级,档次

The restaurant is really top-notch!那家餐厅真的是太赞了!

3.be the bomb 引申为非常棒

bomb 炸弹

The theme park is the bomb! 那个主题乐园超棒的!

Is there any possibility + (that)…?

Is there any possibility (that) you could pick me up from the station? 您能不能来车站接我一趟?

-We’re with the conference, is there any sort of discount…?

-I invented the bicycle.

-I love your work.

-Can I get a discount on a ten-speed? 我买辆变速车能给个折扣吗?

sort of 在某种程度上

can I get a discount on sth 询问某物能否打折

ten-speed 十段变速的自行车

make an offer 出价,报价

make an offer on sth 出价买了…

My father made an offer on a school district house

put in an offer on sth

I’ve put in an offer on a house. 我已出价购买了一套房子。

loan 贷款

ask for a loan 请求/申请贷款

Excuse me, how to ask for a loan? 不好意思,请问如何申请贷款?


-I’d like to apply for a loan.

-We can’t afford to keep a boat if we can’t run it, and we can’t run it if it’s got a broken motor.


-Let’s take out a loan.那我们去贷款吧。

apply for a loan 申请贷款

I’ve decided to apply for a loan to buy the car.

take out a loan申请贷款

down payment首付款

make/put down payment on sth 为…付首付

I just made a down payment on this new smartphone.我只交了个首付买这部新手机。

installment 分期付款

pay for sth by/in installment 分期付款买...

we paid for the car by/in installment 我们分期付款买了车。

probably 很可能 大概

no less than 不低于

There are no less than a thousand people there buying tickets.不下上千人在那里买票

no/not more than 不超过,不低于

She spends not more than one thousand each month. 她每月话费不超过1000块。

My pleasure. It’s a pleasure. 不客气

excuse me抱歉,失陪

Excuse me a moment, I’ll be with you shortly. 抱歉,失陪一会儿,我马上就回来。

get sth ready 准备好某事

Can you help me get everything ready for the party?

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