2022-03-29Why I still wanna go to

In my defense,I have to say that the only one country I wanna get into is the United States.

But now I got too many obstacles and realistic things to care about.

I don't get enough money and I don't get proper skills.Maybe I really need to push myself to overcome lots of things. Cuz life should be fulfilled of different experiences instead of waiting to die.

So I have to make money and get skills as much as possible.This year I have been 22,it's a golden age.I should be more brave and determined.

Just focus on the targets and never stop.

First of all,you should know what your targets are.

把那些有可能的路全部写下来。然后用分解法去一个个分解,再把实现路径写下来,把实现路径与自己的能力挂钩,写好ddl,kpi killer绝对不认输。

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