/* Complex Matrix Add: matrixC = matrixA + matrixB */
void AddMatrix(const Matrix* matrix_A, const Matrix* matrix_B, Matrix* matrix_C)
// Size Incompatability
if (matrix_A->row == matrix_B->row || matrix_A->column == matrix_B->column)
puts("ERROE: An incompatable matrix!\n");
// Validity of Known Matrice
else if (IsNullComplexMatrix(matrix_A) || IsNullComplexMatrix(matrix_B))
puts("ERROE: An invalid matrix!\n");
ComplexType tempCell_C;
int indexC;
for (int row_i = 0; row_i < matrix_C->row; row_i++)
for (int column_j = 0; column_j < matrix_C->column; column_j++)
tempCell_C = AddComplex(matrix_A->arrayComplex[row_i * matrix_A->column + column_j],
matrix_B->arrayComplex[row_i * matrix_B->column + column_j]);
indexC = row_i * matrix_C->column + column_j;
matrix_C->arrayComplex[indexC] = tempCell_C;
// matrix_C->arrayComplex[i * matrix_C->row + j]._Val[0] = \
// creal(matrix_A->arrayComplex[i * matrix_A->row + j]) + creal(matrix_B->arrayComplex[i * matrix_A->row + j]);
// matrix_C->arrayComplex[i * matrix_C->row + j]._Val[1] = \
// cimag(matrix_A->arrayComplex[i * matrix_A->row + j]) + cimag(matrix_B->arrayComplex[i * matrix_A->row + j]);
/* Add Complex: Complex_C = Complex_A + Complex_B */
ComplexType AddComplex(const ComplexType Complex_A, const ComplexType Complex_B)
ComplexType Complex_C;
Complex_C._Val[0] = creal(Complex_A) + creal(Complex_B);
Complex_C._Val[1] = cimag(Complex_A) + cimag(Complex_B);
return Complex_C;
/* Subvision Complex: Complex_C = Complex_A - Complex_B */
ComplexType SubComplex(const ComplexType Complex_A, const ComplexType Complex_B)
ComplexType Complex_C; // Change Pointer to a Variable
Complex_C._Val[0] = creal(Complex_A) - creal(Complex_B);
Complex_C._Val[1] = cimag(Complex_A) - cimag(Complex_B);
return Complex_C;
/* Point Multiple: Complex matrixB = Complex matrixA .* Complex_c */
void MatrixPointMulComplex(const Matrix* matrixA, ComplexType c, Matrix* matrixB)
if (IsNullComplexMatrix(matrixA))
puts("ERROE: An invalid matrix!\n");
int row_i, column_j;
for (row_i = 0; row_i < matrixB->row; ++row_i)
for (column_j = 0; column_j < matrixB->column; ++column_j)
matrixB->arrayComplex[row_i * matrixB->column + column_j] =
_Cmulcc(matrixA->arrayComplex[row_i * matrixA->column + column_j], c);
/* Point Multiple: Complex matrixB = Complex matrixA .* Double_c */
void MatrixPointMulDouble(const Matrix* matrixA, DoubleType c, Matrix* matrixB)
if (IsNullComplexMatrix(matrixA))
puts("ERROE: An invalid matrix!\n");
int row_i, column_j;
for (row_i = 0; row_i < matrixB->row; ++row_i)
for (column_j = 0; column_j < matrixB->column; ++column_j)
matrixB->arrayComplex[row_i * matrixB->column + column_j] = \
_Cmulcr(matrixA->arrayComplex[row_i * matrixA->column + column_j], c);
(1) 这里笔者贴上复数矩阵与复数和复数矩阵与实数的点乘运算两个函数;
(2) 核心就是调用复数与复数乘法函数_Cmulcc()和复数与实数乘法函数_Cmulcr(),其函数原型:
_ACRTIMP _Dcomplex __cdecl _Cmulcc(_In_ _Dcomplex _X, _In_ _Dcomplex _Y);
_ACRTIMP _Dcomplex __cdecl _Cmulcr(_In_ _Dcomplex _X, _In_ double _Y);
(3) 同样在主程序之前都加上一个if判断语句,用于保证传入的实参矩阵是有效,才有计算的意义;
(4) 结合前面的函数,这里我给出测试复数矩阵与数乘的demo,顺便把第一章中的几个函数也测试了:
typedef _Dcomplex ComplexType;
typedef double DoubleType;
typedef struct
int row, column;
ComplexType* arrayComplex;
typedef struct
int row, column; // Size
DoubleType* arrayDouble;
typedef enum
False = 0, True = 1
}Bool; // Boolean
Validity of Complex Matrix
Bool IsNullComplexMatrix(const Matrix* matrix)
int size = matrix->row * matrix->column;
if (size <= 0 || matrix->arrayComplex == NULL)
return True;
return False;
Initiation of Complex Number
void InitComplex(ComplexType* Complex)
Complex->_Val[0] = 0.0;
Complex->_Val[1] = 0.0;
Initiation of Complex Number
void InitComplexMatrix(Matrix* matrix, int row, int column)
int size = row * column * sizeof(ComplexType);
if (size <= 0)
puts("ERROE: An invalid matrix!\n");
matrix->arrayComplex = (ComplexType*)malloc(size);
if (matrix->arrayComplex)
matrix->row = row;
matrix->column = column;
for (int row_i = 0; row_i < row; ++row_i)
for (int column_j = 0; column_j < column; ++column_j)
InitComplex(matrix->arrayComplex + row_i * matrix->column + column_j);
Free Memory of Complex Matrix
void DestroyComplexMatrix(Matrix* matrix)
if (!IsNullComplexMatrix(matrix))
matrix->arrayComplex = NULL;
matrix->row = matrix->column = 0;
Return Matrix Row Size
int MatrixRow(const Matrix* matrix)
return matrix->row;
Return Matrix Column Size
int MatrixColumn(const Matrix* matrix)
return matrix->column;
Return Complex Matrix Size
int MatrixSize(const Matrix* matrix)
return MatrixRow(matrix) * MatrixColumn(matrix); // Size Refers to Numbers of Cell of Matrix
Point Multiple: Complex matrixB = Complex matrixA .* Complex_c
void MatrixPointMulComplex(const Matrix* matrixA, ComplexType c, Matrix* matrixB)
if (IsNullComplexMatrix(matrixA))
puts("ERROE: An invalid matrix!\n");
int row_i, column_j;
for (row_i = 0; row_i < matrixB->row; ++row_i)
for (column_j = 0; column_j < matrixB->column; ++column_j)
matrixB->arrayComplex[row_i * matrixB->column + column_j] =
_Cmulcc(matrixA->arrayComplex[row_i * matrixA->column + column_j], c);
Point Multiple : Complex matrixB = Complex matrixA.*Double_c
void MatrixPointMulDouble(const Matrix * matrixA, DoubleType c, Matrix * matrixB)
if (IsNullComplexMatrix(matrixA))
puts("ERROE: An invalid matrix!\n");
int row_i, column_j;
for (row_i = 0; row_i < matrixB->row; ++row_i)
for (column_j = 0; column_j < matrixB->column; ++column_j)
matrixB->arrayComplex[row_i * matrixB->column + column_j] = \
_Cmulcr(matrixA->arrayComplex[row_i * matrixA->column + column_j], c);
int main(void)
Matrix matrix_A;
InitComplexMatrix(&matrix_A, 3, 3);
matrix_A.arrayComplex[0]._Val[0] = 2; matrix_A.arrayComplex[0]._Val[1] = 2;
matrix_A.arrayComplex[1]._Val[0] = 3; matrix_A.arrayComplex[1]._Val[1] = 7;
matrix_A.arrayComplex[2]._Val[0] = 3; matrix_A.arrayComplex[2]._Val[1] = -6;
matrix_A.arrayComplex[3]._Val[0] = 6; matrix_A.arrayComplex[3]._Val[1] = 2;
matrix_A.arrayComplex[4]._Val[0] = -4; matrix_A.arrayComplex[4]._Val[1] = 14;
matrix_A.arrayComplex[5]._Val[0] = 3; matrix_A.arrayComplex[5]._Val[1] = 6;
matrix_A.arrayComplex[6]._Val[0] = -4; matrix_A.arrayComplex[6]._Val[1] = 9;
matrix_A.arrayComplex[7]._Val[0] = -5; matrix_A.arrayComplex[7]._Val[1] = 4;
matrix_A.arrayComplex[8]._Val[0] = 3; matrix_A.arrayComplex[8]._Val[1] = -7;
ComplexType complex;
complex._Val[0] = 3.5;
complex._Val[1] = -7.25;
Matrix matrix_B;
InitComplexMatrix(&matrix_B, MatrixRow(&matrix_A), MatrixColumn(&matrix_A));
MatrixPointMulComplex(&matrix_A, complex, &matrix_B);
for (int row_i = 0; row_i < matrix_B.row; ++row_i)
for (int column_j = 0; column_j < matrix_B.column; ++column_j)
int index = row_i * matrix_B.row + column_j;
printf("%lf, %lf\n", creal(matrix_B.arrayComplex[index]), cimag(matrix_B.arrayComplex[index]));
DoubleType dl = 2.45;
Matrix matrix_C;
InitComplexMatrix(&matrix_C, MatrixRow(&matrix_A), MatrixColumn(&matrix_A));
MatrixPointMulDouble(&matrix_A, dl, &matrix_C);
for (int index = 0; index < matrix_C.row * matrix_C.column; ++index)
printf("%lf, %lf\n", creal(matrix_C.arrayComplex[index]), cimag(matrix_C.arrayComplex[index]));
// free memory
return 0;
测试结果我直接通过截图的形式给出,VS C(上)和matlab(下):
Complex Matrix Multiple: matrixC = matrixA * matrixB
void MatrixMulMatrix(const Matrix* matrixA, const Matrix* matrixB, Matrix* matrixC)
if (IsNullComplexMatrix(matrixA) || IsNullComplexMatrix(matrixB)) // Validity of Known Matrice
puts("ERROE: An invalid matrix!\n");
else if (matrixA->column != matrixB->row) // Incompatability of Size
puts("ERROE: An incompatable matrix!\n");
int row_i, column_j, ij;
int indexA, indexB, indexC;
ComplexType tempCell_C; // Save Temp Value of Cell of Matrix C
for (row_i = 0; row_i < matrixC->row; ++row_i)
for (column_j = 0; column_j < matrixC->column; ++column_j)
tempCell_C._Val[0] = 0;
tempCell_C._Val[1] = 0;
for (ij = 0; ij < matrixA->column; ++ij)
indexA = row_i * matrixA->column + ij;
indexB = ij * matrixB->column + column_j;
tempCell_C = AddComplex(tempCell_C, \
_Cmulcc(matrixA->arrayComplex[indexA], matrixB->arrayComplex[indexB]));
/* temp._Val[0] = creal(temp) + creal(_Cmulcc(matrixA->arrayComplex[indexA], matrixB->arrayComplex[indexB]));
temp._Val[1] = cimag(temp) + cimag(_Cmulcc(matrixA->arrayComplex[indexA], matrixB->arrayComplex[indexB]));
indexC = row_i * matrixC->column + column_j;
matrixC->arrayComplex[indexC] = tempCell_C;
(1) 这里我加入了多个if-else语句来约束矩阵乘法运算的行列大小要求,保障运算安全;
(2) 中途注释掉的是我之前没有调用_Cmulcc()函数自行实现的复数乘法运算,读者可以忽略;
(3) 测试此函数:
typedef _Dcomplex ComplexType;
typedef struct // Matrix Structor
int row, column; // Size
ComplexType* arrayComplex; // Pointer to Cell
Initiation of Complex Number
void InitComplex(ComplexType* Complex) // Transmiss of Pointer
Complex->_Val[0] = 0.0;
Complex->_Val[1] = 0.0;
Initiation of Complex Matrix
void InitComplexMatrix(Matrix* matrix, int row, int column) // Transmiss of Pointer
int size = row * column * sizeof(ComplexType);
if (size <= 0)
puts("ERROE: An invalid matrix!\n");
matrix->arrayComplex = (ComplexType*)malloc(size); // initiate pointer/row
if (matrix->arrayComplex)
matrix->row = row;
matrix->column = column;
for (int row_i = 0; row_i < row; ++row_i)
for (int column_j = 0; column_j < column; ++column_j)
InitComplex(matrix->arrayComplex + row_i * matrix->column + column_j);
Add Complex: Complex_C = Complex_A + Complex_B
ComplexType AddComplex(const ComplexType Complex_A, const ComplexType Complex_B)
ComplexType Complex_C;
Complex_C._Val[0] = creal(Complex_A) + creal(Complex_B);
Complex_C._Val[1] = cimag(Complex_A) + cimag(Complex_B);
return Complex_C;
Subvision Complex: Complex_C = Complex_A - Complex_B
ComplexType SubComplex(const ComplexType Complex_A, const ComplexType Complex_B)
ComplexType Complex_C; // Change Pointer to a Variable
Complex_C._Val[0] = creal(Complex_A) - creal(Complex_B);
Complex_C._Val[1] = cimag(Complex_A) - cimag(Complex_B);
return Complex_C;
Complex Matrix Multiple: matrixC = matrixA * matrixB
void MatrixMulMatrix(const Matrix* matrixA, const Matrix* matrixB, Matrix* matrixC)
if (matrixA->column != matrixB->row) // Incompatability of Size
puts("ERROE: An incompatable matrix!\n");
int row_i, column_j, ij;
int indexA, indexB, indexC;
ComplexType tempCell_C; // Save Temp Value of Cell of Matrix C
for (row_i = 0; row_i < matrixC->row; ++row_i)
for (column_j = 0; column_j < matrixC->column; ++column_j)
tempCell_C._Val[0] = 0;
tempCell_C._Val[1] = 0;
for (ij = 0; ij < matrixA->column; ++ij)
indexA = row_i * matrixA->column + ij;
indexB = ij * matrixB->column + column_j;
tempCell_C = AddComplex(tempCell_C, \
_Cmulcc(matrixA->arrayComplex[indexA], matrixB->arrayComplex[indexB]));
indexC = row_i * matrixC->column + column_j;
matrixC->arrayComplex[indexC] = tempCell_C;
int main(void)
Matrix C;
InitComplexMatrix(&C, 3, 2); // 3 * 2
C.arrayComplex[0]._Val[0] = 2; C.arrayComplex[0]._Val[1] = 2;
C.arrayComplex[1]._Val[0] = 3; C.arrayComplex[1]._Val[1] = 7;
C.arrayComplex[2]._Val[0] = 3; C.arrayComplex[2]._Val[1] = -6;
C.arrayComplex[3]._Val[0] = 6; C.arrayComplex[3]._Val[1] = 2;
C.arrayComplex[4]._Val[0] = -7; C.arrayComplex[4]._Val[1] = 7;
C.arrayComplex[5]._Val[0] = 0; C.arrayComplex[5]._Val[1] = 6;
Matrix D;
InitComplexMatrix(&D, 2, 4); // 2 * 4
D.arrayComplex[0]._Val[0] = 6; D.arrayComplex[0]._Val[1] = 4;
D.arrayComplex[1]._Val[0] = -7; D.arrayComplex[1]._Val[1] = 5;
D.arrayComplex[2]._Val[0] = -10; D.arrayComplex[2]._Val[1] = -3;
D.arrayComplex[3]._Val[0] = -5; D.arrayComplex[3]._Val[1] = 4;
D.arrayComplex[4]._Val[0] = 10; D.arrayComplex[4]._Val[1] = 6;
D.arrayComplex[5]._Val[0] = 0; D.arrayComplex[5]._Val[1] = 9;
D.arrayComplex[6]._Val[0] = -4; D.arrayComplex[6]._Val[1] = 13;
D.arrayComplex[7]._Val[0] = -5; D.arrayComplex[7]._Val[1] = -4;
Matrix E;
InitComplexMatrix(&E, C.row, D.column); // 3 * 4
MatrixMulMatrix(&C, &D, &E);
for (int i = 0; i < E.row; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < E.column; j++)
printf("%lf, %lf\n", creal(E.arrayComplex[i * E.column + j]), cimag(E.arrayComplex[i * E.column + j]));
return 0;
测试结果我直接通过截图的形式给出,VS C(上)和matlab(下):