Android eMMC 分区详解

1. fastboot flash boot boot.img



2. eMMC 分区表

Partition# Name# Size# Strat LBA-End LBR Description#
0 MBR & GPT   0x00000000-0x000000FF Master Boot Record and GUID Partition Table
1 x-loader(MLO) 256KB 0x00000100-0x000001FF First stage bootloader
2 bootloader(u-boot.bin) 384KB 0x00000200-0x000005FF Second stage bootloader
3 misc 128KB 0x00000600-0x000006FF Reserved.This partition can be used for internal purpose
4 recovery (zImage + recovery-ramdisk.img) 8MB 0x00000A00-0x000049FF recovery partition
5 boot (boot.img = zImage + ramdisk.img) 8MB 0x00004A00-0x000089FF Partition contains kernel + ramdisk images.
6 system (system.img) 256MB 0x00008A00-0x000889FF android file system
7 cache (cache.img) 32MB 0x00088A00-0x000989FF Partition will be used to store application cache
8 userdata (userdata.img) 32MB 0x00098A00-0x000A89FF Partition contains userdata supplied by oem vendor like configuration files,utilities etc..
9 media Remaining 0x000A8A00-0x00762761 Partition contains media files; supplied by oem vendor


    分区表定义了每个分区的起始地址和大小。Partition 0存放了所有的分区信息。


    手机Boot时,BootLoader(LK, uboot)从eMMC的第一个分区读取MBR信息,构建一个分区表。

3. 获取分区信息,烧写Image文件

      有了上一步构建的分区表,fastboot 可以查询 boot分区的起始地址,根据起始地址,fastboot可以调用eMMC写指令把Image文件烧写到相应的eMMC地址。

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