豪华摆脱游戏中大奖_中大奖! 如何找到赚钱的领域


Investing in registered or expired domains can increase the visibility of your Website and help direct traffic that will convert to sales. However, with over 60 million domains currently registered, it can be daunting to try to find the right domain — one that will drive quality traffic to your Website or parked domain.

投资于已注册或已过期的域可以提高您网站的可见性,并有助于引导将转化为销售的流量。 但是,由于目前已注册了超过6000万个域,试图找到正确的域可能会令人生畏,因为这将为您的网站或托管域带来高质量的流量。

How can you ensure you’re making the right decision when you purchase registered and expired domains? Do your research and you’ll feel confident in your purchase.

购买注册的和过期的域时,如何确保做出正确的决定? 进行研究,您会对购买充满信心。

In this article, I’ll explain the tools and techniques domain pros use to determine — or at least reasonably guesstimate — how much, and what type, of traffic a domain receives. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be able to predict approximately how much money a given domain will make, and thus gain a better understanding of the domain’s true value. We’ll discuss three methods for evaluating the traffic a domain receives:

在本文中,我将解释域专业人员用来确定(或至少合理地估计)域接收的流量和流量类型的工具和技术。 有了这些知识,您就可以预测给定域名将赚多少钱,从而更好地了解该域名的真实价值。 我们将讨论三种评估域接收流量的方法:

  • Trackers/Direct Methods

  • Predictors/Indirect Methods

  • Traffic Source


The educated buyer always comes out ahead, so read on to unlock the mysteries of domain traffic and learn how to determine scientifically if a domain is really worth buying.


追踪器/直接方法 (Trackers/Direct Methods)

Ideally, you could skip all of the guesswork and find out how much traffic a domain receives directly from the domain owner. The easiest way to do this is simply to ask the seller. However, the seller may make a mistake (or simply be dishonest), so it’s always a good idea to double-check the numbers using one or more of the following methods.

理想情况下,您可以跳过所有猜测,找出一个域直接从域所有者那里收到多少流量。 最简单的方法就是问卖家。 但是,卖方可能会犯错(或只是不诚实),因此使用以下一种或多种方法仔细检查数字始终是一个好主意。

Developed Website


Traffic counting scripts are one of the simplest and most reliable methods for determining traffic to a developed Website. Many free professional statistics programs are available. These can be integrated easily into Website code to give buyers the additional reassurance of a third-party-verified system. Most trackers will provide sellers even more information, such as top referrers, the geographic and chronological breakdown of visitors, and more.

流量统计脚本是确定到已开发网站的流量的最简单,最可靠的方法之一。 提供许多免费的专业统计程序。 这些可以轻松地集成到网站代码中,从而使购买者可以放心使用第三方验证的系统。 大多数跟踪器会向卖方提供更多信息,例如热门引荐来源,访问者的地理和时间细分等等。

Parked Domains


If a domain name is parked, the parking program may make traffic statistics available automatically through the domain’s sales listing page. For example, at the time this article was written, the traffic attracted by the parked domain, Wifi.com could be viewed on the domain’s sale page.

如果域名被寄存,则寄存程序可以通过域名的销售列表页面自动提供流量统计信息。 例如,在撰写本文时,可以在域名的销售页面上查看托管域名Wifi.com吸引的流量。

It’s worth noting that visitor numbers can be manipulated by malevolent sellers, but in general, parked domain visitor stats serve as a very helpful guideline for potential buyers.


预测器/间接方法 (Predictors/Indirect Methods)

What should you do if a domain is not parked and the seller is unable to provide you with visitor statistics? Fortunately, a few handy tricks can be used to help you get a rough indication of whether or not a domain receives any traffic.

如果没有寄存域名但卖家无法向您提供访问者统计信息,您该怎么办? 幸运的是,可以使用一些方便的技巧来帮助您大致了解域是否接收到任何流量。

I wouldn’t recommend relying exclusively on any of these tricks as a bulletproof way to guesstimate traffic. However, taken as a whole (and with a hefty spoonful of salt), they can shine a bit of light on the question of whether or not a domain will receive valuable traffic.

我不建议仅依靠这些技巧中的任何一种作为猜测流量的防弹方法。 但是,将它们作为一个整体(并带有大量勺子的盐),可以使人们对域是否会收到有价值的流量的问题有所了解。



Alexa ranks web sites based on the number of visitors they receive. For example, at the time this article was written, Yahoo.com ranked first, while blue.com ranked at 212,093 and camera.com at 717,298. These rankings are based on data derived from Alexa toolbar users. Translating these numbers into unique views, Camera.com received over 10,000 unique views in the month of September while Blue.com received over 70,000 uniques. (Statistics from Sedo.com).

Alexa根据收到的访问者数量对网站进行排名。 例如,在撰写本文时, Yahoo.com排名第一 , blue.com排名为212,093 , camera.com则为717,298 。 这些排名基于从Alexa工具栏用户获得的数据。 将这些数字转换为唯一视图,Camera.com在9月份获得了10,000多个唯一视图,而Blue.com则获得了70,000多个唯一身份。 (来自Sedo.com的统计数据)。

Many high-traffic domain names will receive an Alexa ranking just from their type-in traffic. In general, an Alexa ranking under 1,000,000 for an undeveloped site is a good indicator that the domain receives decent traffic (e.g. several thousand monthly uniques). Rankings over a million are less reliable, but usually any sort of Alexa ranking means the domain receives at least some traffic. As with all of these methods, Alexa should be used as a guideline only: sometimes even domains for which Alexa returns "No Data" (too low to rank) will still receive traffic. Ranking.com offers a tool that’s similar to Alexa’s.

许多高流量域名仅从其输入流量中就能获得Alexa排名。 通常,未开发站点的Alexa排名低于1,000,000可以很好地表明该域获得了不错的流量(例如,每月数千次唯一身份)。 超过一百万的排名不太可靠,但是通常任何类型的Alexa排名都意味着该域至少接收到一些流量。 与所有这些方法一样,Alexa仅应用作指导:有时,即使Alexa返回“无数据”(排名太低)的域仍会收到流量。 Rank.com提供了类似于Alexa的工具 。

Overture Searches


Yahoo! Search Marketing’s Keyword Selector Tool (known to many of us as Overture) tells you how often a given keyword was searched on the Yahoo! network. For example, "Yahoo" was searched 17,858,229 times in September 2005, while "Blue" was searched 178,124 times.

雅虎! Search Marketing的关键字选择器工具 (我们中许多人称为Overture)告诉您在Yahoo!上搜索给定关键字的频率。 网络。 例如,2005年9月,“雅虎”被搜索了17,858,229次,而“蓝色”被搜索了178,124次。

Naturally, a domain that contains a highly-searched keyword is more likely to receive traffic. However, the Overture Tool’s usefulness goes beyond that: if you use the exact domain name (with extension) as the keyword, Overture results can be used as a predictor for whether or not a domain name receives traffic. For example, "Yahoo.com" was searched over 11 million times in September, according to Overture. Our comparison sites fared as follows: "Blue.com" was searched 794 times, while "Camera.com" was searched 258 times.

自然,包含高度搜索关键字的域更可能接收流量。 但是,Overture工具的用途不止于此:如果您使用确切的域名(带有扩展名)作为关键字,则Overture结果可以用作域名是否接收流量的预测器。 例如,据Overture称,“ Yahoo.com”在9月份被搜索了1100万次。 我们的比较站点的结果如下:“ Blue.com”被搜索794次,而“ Camera.com”被搜索258次。

Research has shown that Overture searches do sometimes have a rough correlation with traffic (especially type-in traffic), but as with other methods, there are many exceptions to the rule.


流量来源 (Traffic Source)

If you want to better understand something, go to the source. This aphorism applies to domain traffic just as well as it does to other information. Thus, in addition to using the above methods to guesstimate the quantity of traffic a given domain receives, you may want to use these techniques to try to determine the source of that traffic.

如果您想更好地理解某些内容,请转至源头。 这种格言既适用于域通信,也适用于其他信息。 因此,除了使用上述方法来估算给定域接收的通信量之外,您可能还希望使用这些技术来尝试确定该通信的来源。

Traffic source will affect the longevity and conversion of the traffic. In simpler terms, it will have a huge impact on how much money the domain will make.

流量来源将影响流量的寿命和转换。 简单来说,它将对域名的收入产生巨大影响。

Link Popularity


A web site or formerly-developed domain name may receive traffic from old incoming links and directory listings. There are many online tools for checking link popularity; Marketleap.com offers one of the best tools.

网站或以前开发的域名可能会收到来自旧的传入链接和目录列表的流量。 有许多在线工具可用于检查链接的流行程度。 Marketleap.com提供了最好的工具之一 。

The important thing to look for here is not the quantity of links, but their quality. A single link from a major web site may be worth thousands of links from smaller sites. The longevity of link traffic varies widely: a link from a news article may generate a flurry of traffic that lasts only a week, while a directory listing may continue to generate steady traffic for years. Another similar tool worth checking out is URLtrends.com.

在此处查找的重要内容不是链接的数量,而是链接的质量。 来自大型网站的单个链接可能比来自小型网站的数千个链接有价值。 链接流量的寿命差异很大:新闻文章的链接可能会产生仅持续一周的大量流量,而目录列表可能会持续产生数年的稳定流量。 另一个值得一试的类似工具是URLtrends.com 。

Search Engine Listings


Search engine listings are a major source of traffic for many sites. You can guesstimate how much search engine-derived traffic a web site receives by looking at its "search engine saturation". This is an indicator of how often the domain appears in the various search engine indexes. Again, Marketleap.com offers an excellent tool for evaluating search engine saturation.

搜索引擎列表是许多网站的主要流量来源。 您可以通过查看网站的“搜索引擎饱和度”来估算该网站收到了多少搜索引擎衍生的流量。 这表明域在各种搜索引擎索引中出现的频率。 同样,Marketleap.com提供了一个用于评估搜索引擎饱和度的出色工具 。

Just keep in mind that it’s also important to look at how high the site is listed and how often the keyword is searched. And don’t forget that search engine listings change frequently, so if this is the primary source of traffic, expect fluctuations!

请记住,查看网站列出的位置以及搜索关键字的频率也很重要。 并且不要忘记搜索引擎列表经常变化,因此,如果这是主要的流量来源,请期待波动!

Paid Fluctuations


Some traffic may be coming from PPC advertisements, exit popups or banner ads that the seller has bought. This is the shortest-lived traffic, because as soon as you buy the domain, the seller stops paying for the ads! The best way to determine traffic origin is to ask the seller about traffic sources and view the traffic logs. To ensure the logs are not modified, ask for access to the logs instead of screenshot of the statistics.

某些流量可能来自卖家购买的PPC广告,退出弹出窗口或横幅广告。 这是寿命最短的流量,因为一旦您购买了域名,卖方便会停止为广告付款! 确定流量来源的最佳方法是向卖方询问流量来源并查看流量日志。 为确保不修改日志,请要求访问日志,而不是统计信息的屏幕快照。

Without access to the logs, it can be difficult to determine if a domain is receiving paid traffic, but a savvy domain buyer will look for a few key pieces of evidence: do the domain statistics align with the Alexa ranking and the number of incoming links? For example, a domain that receives a couple hundred views a day, and has no Alexa ranking and very few incoming links from low-traffic sites may likely receive paid traffic. But don’t discount such domains out of hand: they may be receiving typo traffic (see below for more information) or may be a seasonal domain (such as one related to the World Series).

如果无法访问日志,可能很难确定域是否正在接收付费流量,但是精明的域购买者将寻找一些关键证据:域统计信息是否与Alexa排名和传入链接数保持一致? 例如,一个每天接收数百次访问并且没有Alexa排名并且从低流量站点进入的链接很少的域可能会收到付费流量。 但是请不要低估这样的域名:它们可能会收到拼写错误的流量(请参阅下面的更多信息),也可能是季节性域名(例如与世界大赛相关的域名)。

Expired Traffic


If a domain was formerly developed, some users may continue to visit because of old links and references, or simply because they remember the domain name. This traffic may continue for years, but naturally, it decreases with time.

如果域是以前开发的,则某些用户可能会由于旧链接和引用,或者仅仅是因为记住了域名而继续访问。 此流量可能会持续数年,但自然会随着时间而减少。

If it’s not possible to speak with the current owner about the past development of the site, a few simple searches can help. In particular, use the hints above to examine the types of sites that link to the domain. With that information, you may be able to get some idea of the type of traffic that’s visiting the domain in search of old content. After the content is removed, many of the links will be updated or removed and this traffic will eventually dwindle or expire.

如果无法与当前所有者谈论网站的过去发展,则可以进行一些简单的搜索。 特别是,使用上面的提示来检查链接到域的站点的类型。 有了这些信息,您也许可以对正在搜索旧内容的域访问的流量类型有所了解。 删除内容后,许多链接将被更新或删除,并且此流量最终将减少或终止。

Typos and Variations


Don’t ignore traffic that’s diverted to the domain name as a result of typos from other high traffic sites. Check out the traffic that flows to similar or mistyped domains using the tools above. Also consider traffic generated from variations of names, such as an abbreviated form of your domain name, or an acronym. If these domains experience high volumes of visitors, there is a possibility that this will translate to high traffic levels for similar sites.

不要忽略由于其他高流量站点的错字而被转移到域名的流量。 使用上述工具,检查流向相似或类型错误的域的流量。 还应考虑因名称变化而产生的流量,例如域名的缩写形式或首字母缩写词。 如果这些域的访问者数量很高,则可能会转化为类似站点的高流量。

Alexa can be useful tool for doing this — it offers a feature that lists other web sites that visitors of a given domain also visit. For example, an Alexa search on the domain hotmial.com shows that many visitors to this domain also visit hotmail.com.

Alexa是执行此操作的有用工具,它提供了列出给定域的访问者也访问的其他网站的功能。 例如, 在域名hotmial.com上的Alexa搜索显示,该域名的许多访问者也访问hotmail.com。

找到正确的域名 (Find the Right Domain)

Traffic is crucial for any revenue generating business on the Web. Finding the right domain with targeted traffic can take your business — and profits — to new heights. If you haven’t quite had the time to build that web site, simply park your domains, let your parking company place relevant advertisements on the domains’ pages, and sit back and monetize the traffic. Use the tools listed above to determine domain traffic and never make a wrong buying decision again.

流量对于网络上的任何创收业务都至关重要。 找到具有针对性的流量的正确域名,可以使您的业务和利润达到新的高度。 如果您还没有时间来建立该网站,只需停放您的域名,让您的停车公司在域名的页面上放置相关的广告,然后坐下来利用流量获利。 使用上面列出的工具来确定域流量,并且永远不会再做出错误的购买决定。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/find-money-making-domains/

