2017-11-30 经济丨吃不了兜着走


Turkey Day: Trump's Full Plate
① On Tuesday President Donald Trump pardoned Wishbone and Drumstick, two Minnesota-bred turkeys, before jetting off to his resort in Florida, where he is spending Thanksgiving.
② His plate will remain full for the rest of the year.
③ Congress must pass a spending bill before December 8th, or the federal government will run out of money.
④ Getting the necessary 60 Senate votes requires eight Democrats—no easy task.
⑤ Mr Trump wants a tax-reform bill on his desk by Christmas, a desire driven less by economic necessity (America's economy is growing healthily, unemployment is low and the stockmarket, as he never tires of reminding people, keeps rising) than political calculations: he does not want to end his first year in office without a signature legislative victory.
⑥ The House passed its tax-reform bill last week; the Senate, where passage remains far from assured, may hold a vote next week.
⑦ Enjoy your turkey, Mr President; prepare for weeks of indigestion ahead.


  1. Pardon: 赦免
  2. Wishbone:西餐串肉叉。
  3. Drumstick:鸡腿(麦当劳等处可以用)
  4. Resort:(n)度假村 (v)诉诸于~手段 resort to sb/sth.
  5. Lobby :利益交换
  6. Jet off:flight.
  7. Political calculations :政治考量
  8. Run out of : 花光,用光
  9. Stockmarket keeps rising :搭配。
  10. Don’t bite of more than you can chew. 贪多嚼不烂,吃不了兜着走。
  11. Pass a spending bill:通过~~法案。
  12. Economy is growing healthy:搭配。
  13. Sb never tires of doing sth. 毫无疲倦做sth。
  14. In office 执政


  1. Full plate: 有大量的事情需要做
    I have a full plate ahead me.
    There is a lot on my plate.
  2. Spend / celebrate the holiday 平淡 / 欢快的度过假期
  3. Minnesota-bred city-born city-bred 出生于城市,成长于城市
  4. Must XXX or ZZZ : If not XXX, will ZZZ. 另一种说法。
    You must work hard or you will not find a good job.
  5. Getting the necessary 60 Senate votes requires eight Democrats—no easy task.
    a) 进行点评时,可以使用破折号表示,而非使用It is not an easy task to get the…
  6. Desire driven less by economic necessity : driven,motivated:被XXX驱动的
  7. Address the problem:处理问题
  8. He does not want to end his first year in office without a signature legislative victory.
    Not + without 双重否定表示肯定的含义。
    I will not leave here without you pay for it. 你不给钱我就不走。
    I won’t leave without being paid.
    If you don’t give me the money i will not leave.
  9. Far from 有否定的含义在其中。
    I haven’t finished my homework. = it is far from being finished

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