

// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package main

import (
	mkparser "android/soong/androidmk/parser"

	bpparser ""

const (
	clear_vars      = "__android_mk_clear_vars"
	include_ignored = "__android_mk_include_ignored"

type bpVariable struct {
	name         string
	variableType bpparser.Type

type variableAssignmentContext struct {
	file    *bpFile
	prefix  string
	mkvalue *mkparser.MakeString
	append  bool

var rewriteProperties = map[string](func(variableAssignmentContext) error){
	// custom functions
	"LOCAL_32_BIT_ONLY":           local32BitOnly,
	"LOCAL_AIDL_INCLUDES":         localAidlIncludes,
	"LOCAL_ASSET_DIR":             localizePathList("asset_dirs"),
	"LOCAL_C_INCLUDES":            localIncludeDirs,
	"LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDE_DIRS": exportIncludeDirs,
	"LOCAL_JARJAR_RULES":          localizePath("jarjar_rules"),
	"LOCAL_LDFLAGS":               ldflags,
	"LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS":          prebuiltClass,
	"LOCAL_MODULE_STEM":           stem,
	"LOCAL_MODULE_HOST_OS":        hostOs,
	"LOCAL_RESOURCE_DIR":          localizePathList("resource_dirs"),
	"LOCAL_SANITIZE":              sanitize(""),
	"LOCAL_SANITIZE_DIAG":         sanitize("diag."),
	"LOCAL_STRIP_MODULE":          strip(),
	"LOCAL_CFLAGS":                cflags,
	"LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE":  invert("installable"),
	"LOCAL_PROGUARD_ENABLED":      proguardEnabled,
	"LOCAL_MODULE_PATH":           prebuiltModulePath,

	// composite functions
	"LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS": includeVariableIf(bpVariable{"tags", bpparser.ListType}, not(valueDumpEquals("optional"))),

	// skip functions
	"LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES": skip, // TODO: check for only .mk files?
	"LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION":           skip,
	"LOCAL_MODULE_SUFFIX":           skip, // TODO
	"LOCAL_PATH":                    skip, // Nothing to do, except maybe avoid the "./" in paths?
	"LOCAL_PRELINK_MODULE":          skip, // Already phased out
	"LOCAL_USE_AAPT2":               skip, // Always enabled in Soong
	"LOCAL_JAR_EXCLUDE_FILES":       skip, // Soong never excludes files from jars

	"LOCAL_ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR_CLASSES": skip, // Soong gets the processor classes from the plugin
	"LOCAL_CTS_TEST_PACKAGE":             skip, // Obsolete
	"LOCAL_JACK_ENABLED":                 skip, // Obselete
	"LOCAL_JACK_FLAGS":                   skip, // Obselete

// adds a group of properties all having the same type
func addStandardProperties(propertyType bpparser.Type, properties map[string]string) {
	for key, val := range properties {
		rewriteProperties[key] = includeVariable(bpVariable{val, propertyType})

func init() {
			"LOCAL_MODULE":                  "name",
			"LOCAL_CXX_STL":                 "stl",
			"LOCAL_MULTILIB":                "compile_multilib",
			"LOCAL_ARM_MODE_HACK":           "instruction_set",
			"LOCAL_SDK_VERSION":             "sdk_version",
			"LOCAL_MIN_SDK_VERSION":         "min_sdk_version",
			"LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT":         "stl",
			"LOCAL_JAR_MANIFEST":            "manifest",
			"LOCAL_CERTIFICATE":             "certificate",
			"LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME":            "name",
			"LOCAL_MODULE_RELATIVE_PATH":    "relative_install_path",
			"LOCAL_PROTOC_OPTIMIZE_TYPE":    "proto.type",
			"LOCAL_MODULE_OWNER":            "owner",
			"LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_TARGET_API": "renderscript.target_api",
			"LOCAL_NOTICE_FILE":             "notice",
			"LOCAL_JAVA_LANGUAGE_VERSION":   "java_version",
			"LOCAL_INSTRUMENTATION_FOR":     "instrumentation_for",
			"LOCAL_MANIFEST_FILE":           "manifest",

			"LOCAL_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_CLASS_LISTING": "dex_preopt.profile",
			"LOCAL_TEST_CONFIG":                      "test_config",
			"LOCAL_SRC_FILES":                     "srcs",
			"LOCAL_SRC_FILES_EXCLUDE":             "exclude_srcs",
			"LOCAL_HEADER_LIBRARIES":              "header_libs",
			"LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES":              "shared_libs",
			"LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES":              "static_libs",
			"LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES":        "whole_static_libs",
			"LOCAL_SYSTEM_SHARED_LIBRARIES":       "system_shared_libs",
			"LOCAL_ASFLAGS":                       "asflags",
			"LOCAL_CLANG_ASFLAGS":                 "clang_asflags",
			"LOCAL_CONLYFLAGS":                    "conlyflags",
			"LOCAL_CPPFLAGS":                      "cppflags",
			"LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES":              "required",
			"LOCAL_OVERRIDES_MODULES":             "overrides",
			"LOCAL_LDLIBS":                        "host_ldlibs",
			"LOCAL_CLANG_CFLAGS":                  "clang_cflags",
			"LOCAL_YACCFLAGS":                     "yaccflags",
			"LOCAL_SANITIZE_RECOVER":              "sanitize.recover",
			"LOCAL_LOGTAGS_FILES":                 "logtags",
			"LOCAL_EXPORT_HEADER_LIBRARY_HEADERS": "export_header_lib_headers",
			"LOCAL_EXPORT_SHARED_LIBRARY_HEADERS": "export_shared_lib_headers",
			"LOCAL_EXPORT_STATIC_LIBRARY_HEADERS": "export_static_lib_headers",
			"LOCAL_INIT_RC":                       "init_rc",
			"LOCAL_VINTF_FRAGMENTS":               "vintf_fragments",
			"LOCAL_TIDY_FLAGS":                    "tidy_flags",
			// TODO: This is comma-separated, not space-separated
			"LOCAL_TIDY_CHECKS":           "tidy_checks",
			"LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_INCLUDES": "renderscript.include_dirs",
			"LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_FLAGS":    "renderscript.flags",

			"LOCAL_JAVA_RESOURCE_DIRS":    "java_resource_dirs",
			"LOCAL_JAVACFLAGS":            "javacflags",
			"LOCAL_ERROR_PRONE_FLAGS":     "errorprone.javacflags",
			"LOCAL_DX_FLAGS":              "dxflags",
			"LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES":        "libs",
			"LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES": "static_libs",
			"LOCAL_AAPT_FLAGS":            "aaptflags",
			"LOCAL_PACKAGE_SPLITS":        "package_splits",
			"LOCAL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITE":   "test_suites",
			"LOCAL_OVERRIDES_PACKAGES":    "overrides",


			"LOCAL_PROGUARD_FLAGS":      "optimize.proguard_flags",
			"LOCAL_PROGUARD_FLAG_FILES": "optimize.proguard_flags_files",

			// These will be rewritten to libs/static_libs by bpfix, after their presence is used to convert
			// java_library_static to android_library.
			"LOCAL_STATIC_ANDROID_LIBRARIES": "android_static_libs",
			"LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_CERTIFICATES":  "additional_certificates",

			// Jacoco filters:
			"LOCAL_JACK_COVERAGE_INCLUDE_FILTER": "jacoco.include_filter",
			"LOCAL_JACK_COVERAGE_EXCLUDE_FILTER": "jacoco.exclude_filter",

			// Bool properties
			"LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE":             "host",
			"LOCAL_CLANG":                      "clang",
			"LOCAL_FORCE_STATIC_EXECUTABLE":    "static_executable",
			"LOCAL_NATIVE_COVERAGE":            "native_coverage",
			"LOCAL_NO_CRT":                     "nocrt",
			"LOCAL_ALLOW_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS":    "allow_undefined_symbols",
			"LOCAL_RTTI_FLAG":                  "rtti",
			"LOCAL_NO_STANDARD_LIBRARIES":      "no_standard_libs",
			"LOCAL_PACK_MODULE_RELOCATIONS":    "pack_relocations",
			"LOCAL_TIDY":                       "tidy",
			"LOCAL_USE_CLANG_LLD":              "use_clang_lld",
			"LOCAL_PROPRIETARY_MODULE":         "proprietary",
			"LOCAL_VENDOR_MODULE":              "vendor",
			"LOCAL_ODM_MODULE":                 "device_specific",
			"LOCAL_PRODUCT_MODULE":             "product_specific",
			"LOCAL_PRODUCT_SERVICES_MODULE":    "product_services_specific",
			"LOCAL_EXPORT_PACKAGE_RESOURCES":   "export_package_resources",
			"LOCAL_PRIVILEGED_MODULE":          "privileged",
			"LOCAL_AAPT_INCLUDE_ALL_RESOURCES": "aapt_include_all_resources",
			"LOCAL_USE_EMBEDDED_NATIVE_LIBS":   "use_embedded_native_libs",
			"LOCAL_USE_EMBEDDED_DEX":           "use_embedded_dex",

			"LOCAL_DEX_PREOPT":                  "dex_preopt.enabled",
			"LOCAL_DEX_PREOPT_APP_IMAGE":        "dex_preopt.app_image",
			"LOCAL_DEX_PREOPT_GENERATE_PROFILE": "dex_preopt.profile_guided",

			"LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APIS": "platform_apis",
			"LOCAL_JETIFIER_ENABLED":      "jetifier",

type listSplitFunc func(bpparser.Expression) (string, bpparser.Expression, error)

func emptyList(value bpparser.Expression) bool {
	if list, ok := value.(*bpparser.List); ok {
		return len(list.Values) == 0
	return false

func splitBpList(val bpparser.Expression, keyFunc listSplitFunc) (lists map[string]bpparser.Expression, err error) {
	lists = make(map[string]bpparser.Expression)

	switch val := val.(type) {
	case *bpparser.Operator:
		listsA, err := splitBpList(val.Args[0], keyFunc)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		listsB, err := splitBpList(val.Args[1], keyFunc)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		for k, v := range listsA {
			if !emptyList(v) {
				lists[k] = v

		for k, vB := range listsB {
			if emptyList(vB) {

			if vA, ok := lists[k]; ok {
				expression := val.Copy().(*bpparser.Operator)
				expression.Args = [2]bpparser.Expression{vA, vB}
				lists[k] = expression
			} else {
				lists[k] = vB
	case *bpparser.Variable:
		key, value, err := keyFunc(val)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if value.Type() == bpparser.ListType {
			lists[key] = value
		} else {
			lists[key] = &bpparser.List{
				Values: []bpparser.Expression{value},
	case *bpparser.List:
		for _, v := range val.Values {
			key, value, err := keyFunc(v)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			l := lists[key]
			if l == nil {
				l = &bpparser.List{}
			l.(*bpparser.List).Values = append(l.(*bpparser.List).Values, value)
			lists[key] = l
		panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %t", val))

	return lists, nil

// classifyLocalOrGlobalPath tells whether a file path should be interpreted relative to the current module (local)
// or relative to the root of the source checkout (global)
func classifyLocalOrGlobalPath(value bpparser.Expression) (string, bpparser.Expression, error) {
	switch v := value.(type) {
	case *bpparser.Variable:
		if v.Name == "LOCAL_PATH" {
			return "local", &bpparser.String{
				Value: ".",
			}, nil
		} else {
			// TODO: Should we split variables?
			return "global", value, nil
	case *bpparser.Operator:
		if v.Type() != bpparser.StringType {
			return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("classifyLocalOrGlobalPath expected a string, got %s", v.Type())

		if v.Operator != '+' {
			return "global", value, nil

		firstOperand := v.Args[0]
		secondOperand := v.Args[1]
		if firstOperand.Type() != bpparser.StringType {
			return "global", value, nil

		if _, ok := firstOperand.(*bpparser.Operator); ok {
			return "global", value, nil

		if variable, ok := firstOperand.(*bpparser.Variable); !ok || variable.Name != "LOCAL_PATH" {
			return "global", value, nil

		local := secondOperand
		if s, ok := secondOperand.(*bpparser.String); ok {
			if strings.HasPrefix(s.Value, "/") {
				s.Value = s.Value[1:]
		return "local", local, nil
	case *bpparser.String:
		return "global", value, nil
		return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("classifyLocalOrGlobalPath expected a string, got %s", v.Type())


func sortedMapKeys(inputMap map[string]string) (sortedKeys []string) {
	keys := make([]string, 0, len(inputMap))
	for key := range inputMap {
		keys = append(keys, key)
	return keys

// splitAndAssign splits a Make list into components and then
// creates the corresponding variable assignments.
func splitAndAssign(ctx variableAssignmentContext, splitFunc listSplitFunc, namesByClassification map[string]string) error {
	val, err := makeVariableToBlueprint(ctx.file, ctx.mkvalue, bpparser.ListType)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	lists, err := splitBpList(val, splitFunc)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for _, nameClassification := range sortedMapKeys(namesByClassification) {
		name := namesByClassification[nameClassification]
		if component, ok := lists[nameClassification]; ok && !emptyList(component) {
			err = setVariable(ctx.file, ctx.append, ctx.prefix, name, component, true)
			if err != nil {
				return err
	return nil

func localIncludeDirs(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
	return splitAndAssign(ctx, classifyLocalOrGlobalPath, map[string]string{"global": "include_dirs", "local": "local_include_dirs"})

func exportIncludeDirs(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
	// Add any paths that could not be converted to local relative paths to export_include_dirs
	// anyways, they will cause an error if they don't exist and can be fixed manually.
	return splitAndAssign(ctx, classifyLocalOrGlobalPath, map[string]string{"global": "export_include_dirs", "local": "export_include_dirs"})

func local32BitOnly(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
	val, err := makeVariableToBlueprint(ctx.file, ctx.mkvalue, bpparser.BoolType)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if val.(*bpparser.Bool).Value {
		thirtyTwo := &bpparser.String{
			Value: "32",
		setVariable(ctx.file, false, ctx.prefix, "compile_multilib", thirtyTwo, true)
	return nil

func localAidlIncludes(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
	return splitAndAssign(ctx, classifyLocalOrGlobalPath, map[string]string{"global": "aidl.include_dirs", "local": "aidl.local_include_dirs"})

func localizePathList(attribute string) func(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
	return func(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
		paths, err := localizePaths(ctx)
		if err == nil {
			err = setVariable(ctx.file, ctx.append, ctx.prefix, attribute, paths, true)
		return err

func localizePath(attribute string) func(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
	return func(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
		paths, err := localizePaths(ctx)
		if err == nil {
			pathList, ok := paths.(*bpparser.List)
			if !ok {
				panic("Expected list")
			switch len(pathList.Values) {
			case 0:
				err = setVariable(ctx.file, ctx.append, ctx.prefix, attribute, &bpparser.List{}, true)
			case 1:
				err = setVariable(ctx.file, ctx.append, ctx.prefix, attribute, pathList.Values[0], true)
				err = fmt.Errorf("Expected single value for %s", attribute)
		return err

// Convert the "full" paths (that is, from the top of the source tree) to the relative one
// (from the directory containing the blueprint file) and set given attribute to it.
// This is needed for some of makefile variables (e.g., LOCAL_RESOURCE_DIR).
// At the moment only the paths of the `$(LOCAL_PATH)/foo/bar` format can be converted
// (to `foo/bar` in this case) as we cannot convert a literal path without
// knowing makefiles's location in the source tree. We just issue a warning in the latter case.
func localizePaths(ctx variableAssignmentContext) (bpparser.Expression, error) {
	bpvalue, err := makeVariableToBlueprint(ctx.file, ctx.mkvalue, bpparser.ListType)
	var result bpparser.Expression
	if err != nil {
		return result, err
	classifiedPaths, err := splitBpList(bpvalue, classifyLocalOrGlobalPath)
	if err != nil {
		return result, err
	for pathClass, path := range classifiedPaths {
		switch pathClass {
		case "local":
			result = path
			err = fmt.Errorf("Only $(LOCAL_PATH)/.. values are allowed")
	return result, err

func stem(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
	val, err := makeVariableToBlueprint(ctx.file, ctx.mkvalue, bpparser.StringType)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	varName := "stem"

	if exp, ok := val.(*bpparser.Operator); ok && exp.Operator == '+' {
		if variable, ok := exp.Args[0].(*bpparser.Variable); ok && variable.Name == "LOCAL_MODULE" {
			varName = "suffix"
			val = exp.Args[1]

	return setVariable(ctx.file, ctx.append, ctx.prefix, varName, val, true)

func hostOs(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
	val, err := makeVariableToBlueprint(ctx.file, ctx.mkvalue, bpparser.ListType)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	inList := func(s string) bool {
		for _, v := range val.(*bpparser.List).Values {
			if v.(*bpparser.String).Value == s {
				return true
		return false

	falseValue := &bpparser.Bool{
		Value: false,

	trueValue := &bpparser.Bool{
		Value: true,

	if inList("windows") {
		err = setVariable(ctx.file, ctx.append, "", "enabled", trueValue, true)

	if !inList("linux") && err == nil {
		err = setVariable(ctx.file, ctx.append, "target.linux_glibc", "enabled", falseValue, true)

	if !inList("darwin") && err == nil {
		err = setVariable(ctx.file, ctx.append, "target.darwin", "enabled", falseValue, true)

	return err

func sanitize(sub string) func(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
	return func(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
		val, err := makeVariableToBlueprint(ctx.file, ctx.mkvalue, bpparser.ListType)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if _, ok := val.(*bpparser.List); !ok {
			return fmt.Errorf("unsupported sanitize expression")

		misc := &bpparser.List{}

		for _, v := range val.(*bpparser.List).Values {
			switch v := v.(type) {
			case *bpparser.Variable, *bpparser.Operator:
				ctx.file.errorf(ctx.mkvalue, "unsupported sanitize expression")
			case *bpparser.String:
				switch v.Value {
				case "never", "address", "coverage", "thread", "undefined", "cfi":
					bpTrue := &bpparser.Bool{
						Value: true,
					err = setVariable(ctx.file, false, ctx.prefix, "sanitize."+sub+v.Value, bpTrue, true)
					if err != nil {
						return err
					misc.Values = append(misc.Values, v)
				return fmt.Errorf("sanitize expected a string, got %s", v.Type())

		if len(misc.Values) > 0 {
			err = setVariable(ctx.file, false, ctx.prefix, "sanitize."+sub+"misc_undefined", misc, true)
			if err != nil {
				return err

		return err

func strip() func(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
	return func(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
		val, err := makeVariableToBlueprint(ctx.file, ctx.mkvalue, bpparser.StringType)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if _, ok := val.(*bpparser.String); !ok {
			return fmt.Errorf("unsupported strip expression")

		bpTrue := &bpparser.Bool{
			Value: true,
		v := val.(*bpparser.String).Value
		sub := (map[string]string{"false": "none", "true": "all", "keep_symbols": "keep_symbols"})[v]
		if sub == "" {
			return fmt.Errorf("unexpected strip option: %s", v)
		return setVariable(ctx.file, false, ctx.prefix, "strip."+sub, bpTrue, true)

func prebuiltClass(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
	class := ctx.mkvalue.Value(ctx.file.scope)
	if _, ok := prebuiltTypes[class]; ok {
		ctx.file.scope.Set("BUILD_PREBUILT", class)
	} else {
		// reset to default
		ctx.file.scope.Set("BUILD_PREBUILT", "prebuilt")
	return nil

func makeBlueprintStringAssignment(file *bpFile, prefix string, suffix string, value string) error {
	val, err := makeVariableToBlueprint(file, mkparser.SimpleMakeString(value, mkparser.NoPos), bpparser.StringType)
	if err == nil {
		err = setVariable(file, false, prefix, suffix, val, true)
	return err

// If variable is a literal variable name, return the name, otherwise return ""
func varLiteralName(variable mkparser.Variable) string {
	if len(variable.Name.Variables) == 0 {
		return variable.Name.Strings[0]
	return ""

func prebuiltModulePath(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
	// Cannot handle appending
	if ctx.append {
		return fmt.Errorf("Cannot handle appending to LOCAL_MODULE_PATH")
	// Analyze value in order to set the correct values for the 'device_specific',
	// 'product_specific', 'product_services_specific' 'vendor'/'soc_specific',
	// 'product_services_specific' attribute. Two cases are allowed:
	//   $(VAR)/
	// The last case is equivalent to $(TARGET_OUT_VENDOR)/
	// Map the variable name if present to `local_module_path_var`
	// Map literal-path to local_module_path_fixed
	varname := ""
	fixed := ""
	val := ctx.mkvalue
	if len(val.Variables) == 1 && varLiteralName(val.Variables[0]) != "" && len(val.Strings) == 2 && val.Strings[0] == "" {
		fixed = val.Strings[1]
		varname = val.Variables[0].Name.Strings[0]
	} else if len(val.Variables) == 2 && varLiteralName(val.Variables[0]) == "PRODUCT_OUT" && varLiteralName(val.Variables[1]) == "TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR" &&
		len(val.Strings) == 3 && val.Strings[0] == "" && val.Strings[1] == "/" {
		fixed = val.Strings[2]
		varname = "TARGET_OUT_VENDOR"
	} else {
		return fmt.Errorf("LOCAL_MODULE_PATH value should start with $()/ or $(PRODUCT_OUT)/$(TARGET_COPY_VENDOR)/")
	err := makeBlueprintStringAssignment(ctx.file, "local_module_path", "var", varname)
	if err == nil && fixed != "" {
		err = makeBlueprintStringAssignment(ctx.file, "local_module_path", "fixed", fixed)
	return err

func ldflags(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
	val, err := makeVariableToBlueprint(ctx.file, ctx.mkvalue, bpparser.ListType)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	lists, err := splitBpList(val, func(value bpparser.Expression) (string, bpparser.Expression, error) {
		// Anything other than "-Wl,--version_script," + LOCAL_PATH + "" matches ldflags
		exp1, ok := value.(*bpparser.Operator)
		if !ok {
			return "ldflags", value, nil

		exp2, ok := exp1.Args[0].(*bpparser.Operator)
		if !ok {
			return "ldflags", value, nil

		if s, ok := exp2.Args[0].(*bpparser.String); !ok || s.Value != "-Wl,--version-script," {
			return "ldflags", value, nil

		if v, ok := exp2.Args[1].(*bpparser.Variable); !ok || v.Name != "LOCAL_PATH" {
			ctx.file.errorf(ctx.mkvalue, "Unrecognized version-script")
			return "ldflags", value, nil

		s, ok := exp1.Args[1].(*bpparser.String)
		if !ok {
			ctx.file.errorf(ctx.mkvalue, "Unrecognized version-script")
			return "ldflags", value, nil

		s.Value = strings.TrimPrefix(s.Value, "/")

		return "version", s, nil
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if ldflags, ok := lists["ldflags"]; ok && !emptyList(ldflags) {
		err = setVariable(ctx.file, ctx.append, ctx.prefix, "ldflags", ldflags, true)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	if version_script, ok := lists["version"]; ok && !emptyList(version_script) {
		if len(version_script.(*bpparser.List).Values) > 1 {
			ctx.file.errorf(ctx.mkvalue, "multiple version scripts found?")
		err = setVariable(ctx.file, false, ctx.prefix, "version_script", version_script.(*bpparser.List).Values[0], true)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	return nil

func cflags(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
	// The Soong replacement for CFLAGS doesn't need the same extra escaped quotes that were present in Make
	ctx.mkvalue = ctx.mkvalue.Clone()
	ctx.mkvalue.ReplaceLiteral(`\"`, `"`)
	return includeVariableNow(bpVariable{"cflags", bpparser.ListType}, ctx)

func proguardEnabled(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
	val, err := makeVariableToBlueprint(ctx.file, ctx.mkvalue, bpparser.ListType)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	list, ok := val.(*bpparser.List)
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("unsupported proguard expression")

	set := func(prop string, value bool) {
		bpValue := &bpparser.Bool{
			Value: value,
		setVariable(ctx.file, false, ctx.prefix, prop, bpValue, true)

	enable := false

	for _, v := range list.Values {
		s, ok := v.(*bpparser.String)
		if !ok {
			return fmt.Errorf("unsupported proguard expression")

		switch s.Value {
		case "disabled":
			set("optimize.enabled", false)
		case "obfuscation":
			enable = true
			set("optimize.obfuscate", true)
		case "optimization":
			enable = true
			set("optimize.optimize", true)
		case "full":
			enable = true
		case "custom":
			set("optimize.no_aapt_flags", true)
			enable = true
			return fmt.Errorf("unsupported proguard value %q", s)

	if enable {
		// This is only necessary for libraries which default to false, but we can't
		// tell the difference between a library and an app here.
		set("optimize.enabled", true)

	return nil

func invert(name string) func(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
	return func(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
		val, err := makeVariableToBlueprint(ctx.file, ctx.mkvalue, bpparser.BoolType)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		val.(*bpparser.Bool).Value = !val.(*bpparser.Bool).Value

		return setVariable(ctx.file, ctx.append, ctx.prefix, name, val, true)

// given a conditional, returns a function that will insert a variable assignment or not, based on the conditional
func includeVariableIf(bpVar bpVariable, conditional func(ctx variableAssignmentContext) bool) func(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
	return func(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
		var err error
		if conditional(ctx) {
			err = includeVariableNow(bpVar, ctx)
		return err

// given a variable, returns a function that will always insert a variable assignment
func includeVariable(bpVar bpVariable) func(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
	return includeVariableIf(bpVar, always)

func includeVariableNow(bpVar bpVariable, ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
	var val bpparser.Expression
	var err error
	val, err = makeVariableToBlueprint(ctx.file, ctx.mkvalue, bpVar.variableType)
	if err == nil {
		err = setVariable(ctx.file, ctx.append, ctx.prefix,, val, true)
	return err

// given a function that returns a bool, returns a function that returns the opposite
func not(conditional func(ctx variableAssignmentContext) bool) func(ctx variableAssignmentContext) bool {
	return func(ctx variableAssignmentContext) bool {
		return !conditional(ctx)

// returns a function that tells whether mkvalue.Dump equals the given query string
func valueDumpEquals(textToMatch string) func(ctx variableAssignmentContext) bool {
	return func(ctx variableAssignmentContext) bool {
		return (ctx.mkvalue.Dump() == textToMatch)

func always(ctx variableAssignmentContext) bool {
	return true

func skip(ctx variableAssignmentContext) error {
	return nil

// Shorter suffixes of other suffixes must be at the end of the list
var propertyPrefixes = []struct{ mk, bp string }{
	{"arm", "arch.arm"},
	{"arm64", "arch.arm64"},
	{"mips", "arch.mips"},
	{"mips64", "arch.mips64"},
	{"x86", "arch.x86"},
	{"x86_64", "arch.x86_64"},
	{"32", "multilib.lib32"},
	// 64 must be after x86_64
	{"64", "multilib.lib64"},
	{"darwin", "target.darwin"},
	{"linux", "target.linux_glibc"},
	{"windows", ""},

var conditionalTranslations = map[string]map[bool]string{
	"($(HOST_OS),darwin)": {
		true:  "target.darwin",
		false: "target.not_darwin"},
	"($(HOST_OS), darwin)": {
		true:  "target.darwin",
		false: "target.not_darwin"},
	"($(HOST_OS),windows)": {
		true:  "",
		false: "target.not_windows"},
	"($(HOST_OS), windows)": {
		true:  "",
		false: "target.not_windows"},
	"($(HOST_OS),linux)": {
		true:  "target.linux_glibc",
		false: "target.not_linux_glibc"},
	"($(HOST_OS), linux)": {
		true:  "target.linux_glibc",
		false: "target.not_linux_glibc"},
	"($(BUILD_OS),darwin)": {
		true:  "target.darwin",
		false: "target.not_darwin"},
	"($(BUILD_OS), darwin)": {
		true:  "target.darwin",
		false: "target.not_darwin"},
	"($(BUILD_OS),linux)": {
		true:  "target.linux_glibc",
		false: "target.not_linux_glibc"},
	"($(BUILD_OS), linux)": {
		true:  "target.linux_glibc",
		false: "target.not_linux_glibc"},
		false: "product_variables.unbundled_build"},
		false: "product_variables.unbundled_build"},
	"($(TARGET_BUILD_PDK),true)": {
		true: "product_variables.pdk"},
	"($(TARGET_BUILD_PDK), true)": {
		true: "product_variables.pdk"},

func mydir(args []string) []string {
	return []string{"."}

func allFilesUnder(wildcard string) func(args []string) []string {
	return func(args []string) []string {
		dirs := []string{""}
		if len(args) > 0 {
			dirs = strings.Fields(args[0])

		paths := make([]string, len(dirs))
		for i := range paths {
			paths[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s/**/"+wildcard, dirs[i])
		return paths

func allSubdirJavaFiles(args []string) []string {
	return []string{"**/*.java"}

func includeIgnored(args []string) []string {
	return []string{include_ignored}

var moduleTypes = map[string]string{
	"BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY":        "cc_library_shared",
	"BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY":        "cc_library_static",
	"BUILD_HOST_SHARED_LIBRARY":   "cc_library_host_shared",
	"BUILD_HOST_STATIC_LIBRARY":   "cc_library_host_static",
	"BUILD_HEADER_LIBRARY":        "cc_library_headers",
	"BUILD_EXECUTABLE":            "cc_binary",
	"BUILD_HOST_EXECUTABLE":       "cc_binary_host",
	"BUILD_NATIVE_TEST":           "cc_test",
	"BUILD_HOST_NATIVE_TEST":      "cc_test_host",
	"BUILD_NATIVE_BENCHMARK":      "cc_benchmark",
	"BUILD_HOST_NATIVE_BENCHMARK": "cc_benchmark_host",

	"BUILD_JAVA_LIBRARY":             "java_library_installable", // will be rewritten to java_library by bpfix
	"BUILD_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARY":      "java_library",
	"BUILD_HOST_JAVA_LIBRARY":        "java_library_host",
	"BUILD_HOST_DALVIK_JAVA_LIBRARY": "java_library_host_dalvik",
	"BUILD_PACKAGE":                  "android_app",

	"BUILD_CTS_EXECUTABLE":          "cc_binary",               // will be further massaged by bpfix depending on the output path
	"BUILD_CTS_SUPPORT_PACKAGE":     "cts_support_package",     // will be rewritten to android_test by bpfix
	"BUILD_CTS_PACKAGE":             "cts_package",             // will be rewritten to android_test by bpfix
	"BUILD_CTS_TARGET_JAVA_LIBRARY": "cts_target_java_library", // will be rewritten to java_library by bpfix
	"BUILD_CTS_HOST_JAVA_LIBRARY":   "cts_host_java_library",   // will be rewritten to java_library_host by bpfix

var prebuiltTypes = map[string]string{
	"SHARED_LIBRARIES": "cc_prebuilt_library_shared",
	"STATIC_LIBRARIES": "cc_prebuilt_library_static",
	"EXECUTABLES":      "cc_prebuilt_binary",
	"JAVA_LIBRARIES":   "java_import",
	"ETC":              "prebuilt_etc",

var soongModuleTypes = map[string]bool{}

var includePathToModule = map[string]string{
	"test/vts/tools/build/": "vts_config",
	// The rest will be populated dynamically in androidScope below

func mapIncludePath(path string) (string, bool) {
	if path == clear_vars || path == include_ignored {
		return path, true
	module, ok := includePathToModule[path]
	return module, ok

func androidScope() mkparser.Scope {
	globalScope := mkparser.NewScope(nil)
	globalScope.Set("CLEAR_VARS", clear_vars)
	globalScope.SetFunc("my-dir", mydir)
	globalScope.SetFunc("all-java-files-under", allFilesUnder("*.java"))
	globalScope.SetFunc("all-proto-files-under", allFilesUnder("*.proto"))
	globalScope.SetFunc("all-aidl-files-under", allFilesUnder("*.aidl"))
	globalScope.SetFunc("all-Iaidl-files-under", allFilesUnder("I*.aidl"))
	globalScope.SetFunc("all-logtags-files-under", allFilesUnder("*.logtags"))
	globalScope.SetFunc("all-subdir-java-files", allSubdirJavaFiles)
	globalScope.SetFunc("all-makefiles-under", includeIgnored)
	globalScope.SetFunc("first-makefiles-under", includeIgnored)
	globalScope.SetFunc("all-named-subdir-makefiles", includeIgnored)
	globalScope.SetFunc("all-subdir-makefiles", includeIgnored)

	// The scope maps each known variable to a path, and then includePathToModule maps a path
	// to a module. We don't care what the actual path value is so long as the value in scope
	// is mapped, so we might as well use variable name as key, too.
	for varName, moduleName := range moduleTypes {
		path := varName
		globalScope.Set(varName, path)
		includePathToModule[path] = moduleName
	for varName, moduleName := range prebuiltTypes {
		includePathToModule[varName] = moduleName

	return globalScope
