What does discipline mean? 自律意味着什么?

Discipline means choices


Every time when you say yes to a goal or objective, you say not many more. Every prize has its price. The prize is the yes; the price is the no.


Mr.Scott Peck, the author of <The Road Less Traveled > , discribes this tool of discipline as " a process of scheduling the pain and pleasure of life in such a way as to enhance the pleasure by meeting and experiencing the main first and getting it over with."

《捷径》的作者斯考特 ` 派克是这样形容他的自律方法的:“这是一个合理安排苦乐时序的过程。这一过程使我们由苦及甜,从而让幸福升级。”

This might involve routine daily decisions - something as simple as skpping a favorite late-night TV show and getting to bed early, to be wide awake for a meeting the next morning.


True discipline achieves a balance of producing, not driving. Even discipline needs to be managed. When you understand that discipline is self-caring, not self-castigating, you won't cringe at its mention, but will cultivate it.


Many a person's downfall comes in trying to change a bad habit by focusing on an undesirable behavior to replace it. Countless people tell me they'd like to eat better but don't want to "give up" tasty food. Rather than thinking about what they can't have, they should think about what they can eat.


It isn't easy to change old habits. Discipline is habit-forming. When you finally overcome inertia, you will feel better all around. We are at our best - physically and mentally - when we are disciplined.

改掉老习惯并非易事。自律是习惯的形成过程。一旦彻底克服了旧习性,你就会感觉更好。当我们自律了 - 无论是身体上还是精神上 - 我们都处于最佳状态。

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