FreeForm Templates and form data access interface

Templates and form data access interface



To support enterprise business, The FreeForm forms engine must be open outside the template and data access interfaces, although also based on XML, We are not the same sa some commercial products, such as InfoPath, using InfoPath make form, then you must use the Office InfoPath at client side,at the server must use SharePoint, InfoPath XML data is also difficult to apply to an external program, not to mention the template XML file, which is really a closed environment.


The FreeForm template and data are open to external access interface, now offers three ways:

1, WCF + database, you can choose SQL Server, Oracle, My SQL or ACCESS ...

2, the client side local database storage, we have created a Silverlight client database, no server side database environment needs for the user;

3, XML storage, this is no Namespace in XML, external third-party programs to access very convenient.

Client side local database storage

FreeForm have a local object database, hosted at the client Silverlight, without requiring the user to install any database system,you can also access the form template and form data,without server database environment.


First we create a form, click on "New Template" as shown below:



Modify the name of the template; click the "Template Options"


Modify to My Template

Drag and drop some controls in the template:


Into the Template page, click the "Save To LoaclDB"


If successful tips, it said that it has stored in the local database.


Into the Template page, click the "Load from LoaclDB"


Select the template you just created


Then, we can see, the template is loaded.


Template XML storage


First, first create a form, click on "New Template" as shown below:


Drag and drop layout of some controls in the template:


Into the Template page, click the "Save To Loacl", then save it locally.




Into the Template page, click "Load From Local"


Select the template you just created




WCF + database mode

First, establish a database to SQL Server as an example:

Template table, the form template definition stored here.

Form data database table, where the stored form data


We can see TempateXml and DataXml is an XML type.


Create table script as follows:


USE [FreeFormDB]









CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Template](

    [Guid] [nvarchar](36) NULL,

    [TemplateName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,

    [TemplateXml] [xml] NULL,

    [Type] [nvarchar](10) NULL,

    [Version] [nvarchar](10) NULL,

    [UpdatedDateTime] [datetime] NULL





CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FormData](

    [InstanceID] [nvarchar](36) NULL,

    [TemplateID] [nvarchar](36) NULL,

    [TemplateName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [DataXml] [xml] NULL,

    [UpdatedDateTime] [datetime] NULL





Then, the client configuration file, you must first configure the server match the certificate with the code, so that only authenticated users can access the WCF + FreeForm database interface.




First we create a form, click on "New Template" as shown below:


Drag and drop layout of some controls in the template:



Into the Template page, click the "Save To Server"


If successful tips, it said that it has stored in the local database.


Into the Template page, click "Load From LoaclDB"


Select the template you just created


Then, we can see, the template was loaded.



Load form data

Into the form designer Runtime Design, simulation run time can be read and stored in the device in the form to show read and will have more ways to save.





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