Look into Your Eyes




Eye Anatomy

我们通常所说的视网膜是位于眼球后部内侧的组织,其又可以进一步细分成 10 层层叠的视锥和视柱细胞。在眼底图像中,视网膜中心凹、黄斑、视杯、视盘以及遍布期间的血管形状和分布情况是重要的疾病信息诊断的依据。


The retina is a spherical anatomic structure on the inner side of the back of the eye as shown above. It can be subdivided into ten layers supporting the extraction of visual information by photoreceptor cells: the rods and the cones. As any other tissue, the retina also has blood support through the vascular system, which is clearly visible from outside with an ophthalmoscope during clinical examinations. At the center of the retina a darker, round spot, the macula resides, whose center is known as the fovea, which is responsible for sharp vision. The optic disc – including the optic cup – is a bright oval patch, where the optic nerve fibers leave the eye and where the major arteries and veins enter and exit.

The special structure of the retina limits the possible appearances of distortions caused by different diseases. Namely, the most common lesions appear as patches of blood or fat in retinal images. Diseases affecting the blood vessel system cause similar vascular distortions here than in any other part of the body, but are easier and better seen if examined by an experienced professional.

In automatic image analysis, the fovea, macula, optic disc, optic cup, and blood vessels are the most essential anatomic landmarks to extract.


  • 虹膜 iris
  • 角膜 cornea
  • 巩膜 sclera
  • 晶状体 lens
  • 睫状体 ciliary body, corpus ciliare
  • 玻璃体 vitreum, vitreous body
  • 脉络膜 tapetum, choroid membrane
  • 葡萄膜 uvea, uveal tract
  • 视神经 optic nerve
  • 视网膜 retina
  • 视锥细胞 cone cell
  • 视杆细胞 rod cell
  • 视网膜色素上皮 retina pigment epithelium
  • 瞳孔 pupil
  • 眼底 fundus
  • 黄斑 macula
  • 视网膜中心凹 fovea
  • 糖尿病视网膜病变 diabetic retinopathy, DR
  • 白内障 cataract
  • 无需散瞳的 non-mydriatic
  • 视网膜前膜 epiretinal membranes, ERM
  • 脉络膜玻璃疣 drusen
  • 遗传性视网膜营养不良 inherited retinal dystrophies
  • 后葡萄膜炎 posterior uveitis
  • 眼底的 subhyaloid
  • 视网膜黄斑水肿 macular retinal edema, MRE
  • 地图状萎缩 geographic atrophy
  • 中心浆性视网膜病变 central serous retinopathy

没有语境的单词记忆是低效的,为了更好的理解眼部的生理构成,权且复制一下 American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 的这个 概述 ,版权归这家协会所有。

External (Extraocular) Anatomy

The conjunctiva is a transparent mucous membrane that covers the inner surface of the eyelids and the surface of the eye. When it is inflamed or infected it becomes red or pink. This is called conjunctivitis or “pinkeye”.

Lacrimal Gland
The lacrimal gland produces tears that lubricate the eye. It is located under the lateral edge of the eyebrow in the orbit.

Tenon’s Capsule
Tenon’s capsule is a layer of tissue that lies between the conjunctiva and the surface of the eye.

The sclera is the white outer wall of the eye. It covers nearly the entire surface of the eyeball. It is a strong layer made of collagen fibers. The tendons of the six extraocular muscles attach to the sclera.

The cornea occupies the front center part of the outer wall of the eye. It is made of collagen fibers in a very special arrangement so that the cornea is clear. One looks through the cornea to see the iris and pupil. The cornea bends light coming into the eye so that it is focused on the retina. The cornea is the part of the eye on which contact lenses are placed.

Internal (Intraocular)Anatomy

Anterior chamber
The anterior chamber is a fluid (aqueous humor) filled space inside the eye. The cornea lies in front of the anterior chamber, and the iris and the pupil are behind it.

The iris is the colored part of the eye. It is disc shaped with a hole in the middle (the pupil). Muscles in the iris cause the pupil to constrict in bright light and to dilate in dim light. The change in pupil size regulates the amount of light that reaches the posterior (back) part of the eye.

The lens of the eye is located directly behind the pupil. The lens bends light coming into the eye to help focus it on the retina. It changes shape to help the eye focus to see objects clearly at near. The lens is suspended from the wall of the eye by many small fibers (zonules) that attach to its capsule.

Ciliary Body
The ciliary body is attached to the outer edge of the iris near the wall of the eye. The ciliary body produces the fluid (aqueous humor) that fills the eye and nourishes its structures. It also helps to change the shape of the lens when focusing occurs.

The vitreous cavity lies between the lens and the retina and fills 4/5 of the space inside the back part of the eye. A gelatinous substance known as the vitreous humor fills the cavity. This plays an important role in nourishing the inner structures of the eye. Light comes into the eye through the pupil and passes through the vitreous to be projected on the retina.

The retina is a thin, transparent structure that covers the inner wall of the eye. The eye works like a camera, and the retina is similar to the film in the camera. It is where images are first projected before they are transmitted through the optic nerve to the brain. It is a very complex structure with 10 layers of specialized cells including the photoreceptor cells (rods and cones).

Photoreceptors are highly specialized cells of the retina that receive light impulses and change them into chemical energy that can be transmitted by nerve cells to the brain. The two types of photoreceptors are rods and cones. Rods perceive black and white and serve night vision primarily. Cones are responsible for color perception and central vision.

The macula is a small, specialized area of the retina that has very high sensitivity and is responsible for central vision.

Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE)
The retinal pigment epithelium is a layer of cells deep in the retina. This single layer of cells helps maintain the function of the photoreceptor cells in the retina by processing vitamin A products, turning over used photoreceptor segments, absorbing light, and transporting nutrients in and out of the photoreceptor cells.

The choroid is a tissue layer that lies between the retina and the sclera. The choroid has a rich supply of blood vessels that nourish the retina.

Uveal Tract
The uveal tract is a pigmented component of the eye that is comprised of 1) the iris, 2) the ciliary body, and 3) the choroid.

Optic Nerve
The optic nerve connects each eye to the brain. It is a structure that sends the picture seen by the eye to the brain so that they can be processed. The optic nerves end in a structure called the optic chiasm. In an adult, the optic nerve is about the diameter of a pencil. There are over 1 million individual nerve cells in the optic nerve.

Optic Chiasm
The optic chiasm is the place in the brain where the two optic nerves meet. The individual nerve fibers from each nerve are sorted in the chiasm. The sorting occurs in such a way that the right side of the brain controls the view of objects in left visual space and the left side of the brain controls the view of objects in right visual space.

Visual Cortex
This is an area of the brain in the posterior occipital lobe to which the neurons in the retina ultimately give visual information. The visual cortex helps to process information regarding the image such as its color, composition, and relation in space to other objects. This information is then sent to other parts of the brain that serve higher visual functions.


  1. Illustrations for Retinal Hemorrhage

  2. A review on automatic analysis techniques for color fundus photographs

  3. Simple Anatomy of the Retina by Helga Kolb

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