9 Type Checking

In this chapter we will develop a small object-oriented DSL, which can be seen as a smaller version of Java that we call SmallJava. We will use this DSL to show some type checking techniques that deal with object-oriented features such as inheritance and subtyping (type conformance). This will also allow us to learn other features of Xtext grammars and to see some good practices in Xtext DSL implementations.



The language we develop in this chapter is a simplified version of Java, called SmallJava. This language does not aim at being useful in practice and cannot be used to write real programs such as Java. However, SmallJava contains enough language features that will allow us to explore advanced type checking techniques that can also be reused for other DSLs which have OOP mechanisms such as inheritance and subtyping.


The implementation we see in this chapter will not be complete, since some features of this language, such as correct member access, will be implemented in the next chapter when we introduce the mechanism of local and global scoping. In a Java-like language type checking and scoping are tightly connected and complement each other;for the sake of readability, we will split typing and scoping into two separate chapters.


We will not write a code generator or an interpreter for SmallJava: we are more interested in statically checking SmallJava programs rather than executing them.However, a code generator or an interpreter could easily be implemented reusing the same techniques illustrated in Chapter 5, Code Generation and Chapter 8,An Expression Language respectively.


Let us stress that implementing the whole Java language and, in particular, its complete type system, would not be feasible in this book. The Java type system is complex due to advanced features such as inner classes, static methods,method overloading, and generics. Furthermore, all these concepts require a solid background on type theory, which is out of the scope of this book. Instead we concentrate on a small subset of Java features, which, as hinted previously, are common also to other object-oriented languages. If your DSL needs to access Java types and to be interoperable with Java, you may want to consider using Xbase,briefly described in Chapter 12, Xbase. If your DSL does not have to interact with Java,the concepts described in this chapter can be reused and adapted to fit your DSL.


Creating the project 详见P207

SmallJava grammar


• Classes have no explicit constructors 

• There is no cast expression 

• Arithmetic and boolean expressions are not implemented 

• Basic types (such as int, boolean, and so on) and void methods are not considered (methods must always return something) 

• There is no method overloading

• Member access must always be prefixed with the object (even if it is this) 

• super is not supported (but it will be implemented in the next chapter) 

• The new instance expression does not take arguments (since there are only implicit default constructors)




•基本类型(如int、boolean等)和void方法不可用 已考虑(方法必须始终返回某些内容) 


Basically, the features that we are interested in and that will allow us to have a case study for type checking and scoping (next chapter) are class inheritance,field and method definitions, and blocks of statements with local variable definitions.


Rules for declarations

The rules in the grammar are prefixed with SJ to avoid confusion with the classes and terms in Java that they mimic.

The first rule is straightforward it states that a SmallJava program is a possibly empty sequence of classes:




SJClass: 'class' name=ID ('extends' superclass=[SJClass])? '{'

members += SJMember*

'}' ;


SJField | SJMethod ;


type=[SJClass] name=ID ';' ;


type=[SJClass] name=ID

'(' (params+=SJParameter (',' params+=SJParameter)*)? ')'

body=SJMethodBody ;

Each class can have a superclass (that is, a reference to another SmallJava class) and a possibly empty sequence of members. An SJMember object can be either an SJField object or an SJMethod object; note that since both fields and methods have a type and a name feature, these two features will end up in their common base class SJMember.


The body of a method is a sequence of SJStatement (defined later) enclosed in curly brackets:



'{' statements += SJStatement* '}';

If we define the rule for the method body as in the preceding code snippet, we get a warning:


The rule 'SJMethodBody' may be consumed without object instantiation. Add an action to ensure object creation, for example,'{SJMethodBody}'.

In fact, the only assignment is to the feature statements, which is based on SJStatement*; if no statement is parsed, the rule will be valid, but the feature will not be assigned and no object will be instantiated (see the Digression on Xtext grammar rules section, Chapter 8, An Expression Language for an explanation of how object instantiation and feature assignment in a rule are connected). As suggested by the warning, we add an action to ensure object creation:



{SJMethodBody} '{' statements += SJStatement* '}';

Rules for statements and syntactic predicates

These are the rules for statements:


SJVariableDeclaration |

SJReturn |

SJExpression ';' |




'return' expression=SJExpression ';'



type=[SJClass] name=ID '=' expression=SJExpression ';'



'if' '(' expression=SJExpression ')' thenBlock=SJIfBlock

(=>'else' elseBlock=SJIfBlock)?



statements += SJStatement

| '{' statements += SJStatement+ '}' ;

The blocks for an if statement can also be specified without curly brackets; in this case, a single statement can be specified.


The rule for the if statement shows another important feature of Xtext grammars:syntactic predicates represented by the symbol =>. These are useful to solve ambiguities in a grammar; we will use the if statement as an example to describe such situations. If we write the rule for the if statement as follows:

if语句的规则显示了Xtext的另一个重要特性grammars:syntactic predicates 由符号=>表示。这些都有助于解决语法中的歧义;我们将以if语句为例来描述这种情况。如果我们为If语句编写如下规则:


Rules for expressions(略)

The complete grammar(略)

Utility methods

As we did for previous DSLs, we write an Xtend class, SmallJavaModelUtil,with static utility methods for accessing the AST model of a SmallJava program:


import static extension org.eclipse.xtext.EcoreUtil2.*

class SmallJavaModelUtil {

def static fields(SJClass c) {



def static methods(SJClass c) {



def static returnStatement(SJMethod m) {



def static containingClass(EObject e) {



def static containingBlock(EObject e) {



def static containingProgram(EObject e) {



def static containingMethod(EObject e) {




Since the feature members in an SJClass object contains both the SJField and SJMethod instances, it is useful to have utility methods to quickly select them based on type. We will use these static methods in other Xtend classes with an import static extension statement so that we will be able to write expressions such as:

• c.methods

• c.fields

由于SJClass对象中的要素成员同时包含SJField和SJMethod实例,因此让实用程序方法根据类型快速选择它们是很有用的。我们将在带有import static extension语句的其他Xtend类中使用这些静态方法,以便能够编写如下表达式:

• c.methods

• c.fields

As we will see in the rest of the chapter, we will often need to directly access the containing class, the containing block, the containing program, and the containing method of an expression or statement thus, we write the corresponding utility methods (recall that getContainerOfType comes from EcoreUtil2, whose static methods are imported as extension methods). Finally, the method to quickly access the return statement will be useful when writing unit tests for the DSL.


Testing the grammar

As you should know by now, we should write unit tests for the parser as soon as we write some rules for the DSL grammar. In this chapter we show only a few interesting cases, in particular the tests for the associativity of expressions such as assignments and member selection (see Chapter 8, An Expression Language, for the technique for testing associativity). We use the SmallJavaModelUtil utility methods to write cleaner tests:


First validation rules

Before getting to the main subject of this chapter, we will first implement some constraint checks that are complementary to type checking.


Checking cycles in class hierarchies

Checking member selections

Checking return statements

Checking for duplicates

Type checking

Type provider for SmallJava

The type provider for SmallJava expressions we are about to construct will compute the type of any SJExpression. The concept of type will be represented by SJClass since SmallJava does not support native types (such as int, boolean, and so on).


We write a single typeFor method which returns an SJClass object by using a type switch (the default case simply returns null).


import static extension org.eclipse.xtext.EcoreUtil2.*

class SmallJavaTypeProvider {

def typeFor(SJExpression e) {

switch (e) {

SJNew: e.type

SJSymbolRef: e.symbol?.type

SJMemberSelection: e.member?.type

SJThis : e.getContainerOfType(typeof(SJClass))




In the preceding method, the type of a new instance expression is clearly the class that we are instantiating (the feature: type). The type of a symbol reference is the type of the referred symbol. Similarly, the type of a member reference is the type of the referred member. The type for this is simply the type of the containing class. Note that while at runtime the actual object replacing this could be an object of a subclass, statically, its type is always the class where this is being used. In all of the preceding cases, the type always corresponds to an existing SJClass.


Now we need to provide a type for the remaining terminal expressions, that is,null and the constant expressions. For these expressions, there are no existing SJClass instances that we can use as types: we will create static instances in SmallJavaTypeProvider (for convenience, we will also give them a name):


class SmallJavaTypeProvider {

public static val stringType =

SmallJavaFactory::eINSTANCE.createSJClass => [name='stringType']

public static val intType =

SmallJavaFactory::eINSTANCE.createSJClass => [name = 'intType']

public static val booleanType =

SmallJavaFactory::eINSTANCE.createSJClass =>[name='booleanType']

public static val nullType =

SmallJavaFactory::eINSTANCE.createSJClass => [name = 'nullType']

def typeFor(SJExpression e) { switch (e) { ...continuation SJNull: nullType SJStringConstant: stringType SJIntConstant: intType SJBoolConstant: booleanType } } def isPrimitive(SJClass c) { c.eResource == null } ...

Note that it is convenient to have a way of identifying the types we created for null and for constant expressions, which we call primitive types; we have a specific method for that called isPrimitive. An easy way to identify such types is to check that they are not part of a resource. We will need this distinction in the next chapter. 


To test the type provider and keep the tests clean and compact, we implement a method that contains the skeleton of the test logic where a single passed expression is replaced. This way, the actual test methods are compact and simple since they only specify the expression and the expected type name:



@InjectWith(typeof(SmallJavaInjectorProvider))class SmallJavaTypeProviderTest { 

@Inject extension ParseHelper 

@Inject extension ValidationTestHelper

@Inject extension SmallJavaTypeProvider

def private assertType(CharSequence testExp,

String expectedClassName) {


class R { public V v; }

class P extends R { public R m() { return null; } }

class V extends R { public N n; }

class N extends R {}

class F extends R {}

class C extends R {

F f;

R m(P p) {

V v = null;


return null;



'''.parse => [








def private statementExpressionType(SJStatement s) {

(s as SJExpression).typeFor


@Test def void thisType() {"this".assertType("C")}

@Test def void paramRefType() {"p".assertType("P")}

@Test def void varRefType() {"v".assertType("V") }

@Test def void newType() {"new N()".assertType("N")}

@Test def void fieldSelectionType() {"this.f".assertType("F")}

...other cases...

@Test def void intConstantType() {'10'.assertType("intType")}

@Test def void nullType() {'null'.assertType("nullType")}

This technique is useful when you need a complete program to perform tests.In SmallJava you cannot type an expression without having a containing method and a containing class.


Type conformance (subtyping)类型一致性(子类型)

In an object-oriented language, the type system must also take type conformance (or Subtyping) into account: an object of class C can be used in a context where an object of a superclass of C is expected. For instance, the following code is well-typed:


C c = new D();

provided that D is a subclass (subtype) of C. This holds true in every context where an expression is assigned, for example, when we pass an argument in a method invocation.


We implement type conformance in a separate class, SmallJavaTypeConformance.


To check whether a class is a subclass of another class, we need to inspect the class hierarchy of the former and see whether we find the latter. In SmallJavaModelUtil,we already have a method that computes the class hierarchy avoiding infinite loops in case of a cyclic hierarchy, and we implement the method isSubclassOf as follows:


import static extension org.example.smalljava.util.


class SmallJavaTypeConformance {

def isSubclassOf(SJClass c1, SJClass c2) {



Type conformance deals with subclasses as well as other special cases. For instance,a class is not considered a subclass of itself, but it is of course conformant to itself.Another special case is the expression null; it can be assigned to any variable and field and passed as an argument for any parameter. The type for null, which is represented by the static instance nullType in SmallJavaTypeProvider, must be conformant to any other type.


This is the initial implementation of type conformance for SmallJava:

import static org.example.smalljava.typing.SmallJavaTypeProvider.*

class SmallJavaTypeConformance {


def isConformant(SJClass c1, SJClass c2) {

c1 == nullType || // null can be assigned to everything

c1 == c2 ||



For the moment, we are not considering other cases (we need some additional concepts, as we will see in the next chapter). We test this implementation as follows: @RunWith(typeof(XtextRunner)) @InjectWith(typeof(SmallJavaInjectorProvider)) class SmallJavaTypeConformanceTest { @Inject extension ParseHelper @Inject extension SmallJavaTypeConformance @Inject extension SmallJavaTypeProvider

@Test def void testClassConformance() { ''' class A {} class B extends A {} class C {} '''.parse.classes => [ // A subclass of A get(0).isConformant(get(0)).assertTrue // B subclass of A get(1).isConformant(get(0)).assertTrue // C not subclass of A get(2).isConformant(get(0)).assertFalse ] } @Test def void testNullConformance() { ''' class C {} class D { C m() { return null; } } '''.parse.classes => [ val typeOfNull = last.methods.head. returnStatement.expression.typeFor // null can be assigned to anything typeOfNull.isConformant(get(0)).assertTrue typeOfNull.isConformant(get(1)).assertTrue ] }...

Expected types

Checking type conformance

Checking method overriding

Improving the UI


In this chapter we presented type checking techniques that are typical for a DSL with object-oriented features. A small Java-like language was introduced to demonstrate how to parse features such as member access and inheritance and how to handle validation of type conformance.


然而,还有一个关键的方面我们仍然需要处理:对成员(字段和方法)的正确访问。实际上,选择表达式e.f 仅当字段f在类e中声明时才是类型良好的(类似于方法)或者在e类的任何超类中。如果你做一些实验,你会注意到此时,您可以访问未在类中声明的成员接收方表达式,并且不能访问层次结构的所有成员接收方表达式类的。此外,局部变量访问不需要在当前实现中正确工作:还可以引用定义的变量在内部块中定义的变量。



你可能感兴趣的:(9 Type Checking)