RT-Thread studio学习笔记6:触摸驱动





      第二步,在RT-Thread settings中打开TOUCH组件,打开I2C组件。找到board.h中找到I2C CONFIG BEGIN,可以看到使用I2C的方法,1.在RT-Thread settings中打开I2C设备驱动;2.定义与I2C总线相关的宏;3.根据I2C端口对应的管脚,修改相关I2C端口和管脚信息。通过正点原子的手册可知,SDA接在了PF11,SCL接在了PB0,则对应做出修改,在RT-Thread settings找到软件包中的外围库和驱动程序中的触摸输入设备,发现其中就有GT9147,直接打开(刚好我手上的屏幕用的是GT9147的屏幕)。执行编译。

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/*-------------------------- I2C CONFIG BEGIN --------------------------*/

/** if you want to use i2c bus(soft simulate) you can use the following instructions.
 * STEP 1, open i2c driver framework(soft simulate) support in the RT-Thread Settings file
 * STEP 2, define macro related to the i2c bus
 *                 such as     #define BSP_USING_I2C1
 * STEP 3, according to the corresponding pin of i2c port, modify the related i2c port and pin information
 *                 such as     #define BSP_I2C1_SCL_PIN    GET_PIN(port, pin)   ->   GET_PIN(C, 11)
 *                             #define BSP_I2C1_SDA_PIN    GET_PIN(port, pin)   ->   GET_PIN(C, 12)
#define BSP_USING_I2C1
#ifdef BSP_USING_I2C1
#define BSP_I2C1_SCL_PIN    GET_PIN(B, 0)
#define BSP_I2C1_SDA_PIN    GET_PIN(F, 11)

        第三步,编译报错,'struct rt_touch_config' has no member named 'irq_pin'    gt9147.c  ,rt_touch_config这个结构体中没有没有指定irq_pin。找到touch.h的rt_touch_config中找到,我们这里使用中断的方式读取触摸数据。打开RT-Thread settings,找到TOUCH设备驱动程序,打开touch irq use pin irq,添加#define GT9147_IRQ_PIN            GET_PIN(B, 1)/* GT9147中断 */
#define GT9147_RST_PIN            GET_PIN(C, 13)/* GT9147中断 */宏定义,编译通过。

struct rt_touch_config
    struct rt_device_pin_mode   irq_pin;       /* Interrupt pin, The purpose of this pin is to notification read data */
    char                        *dev_name;     /* The name of the communication device */
    void                        *user_data;

RT-Thread studio学习笔记6:触摸驱动_第4张图片


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 RT-Thread studio学习笔记6:触摸驱动_第6张图片



