请帮忙!在import copy
import numpy
import Queue
import random
import threading
import time
import timeit
# Create variable that determines the number of columns and
# rows in the matrix.
n = 4
# Create variable that determines the power we are taking the
# matrix to.
p = 2
# Create variable that determines the number of threads we are
# using.
t = 2
# Create an exit flag.
exitFlag = 0
# Create threading class.
class myThread (threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, threadID, name, q):
self.threadID = threadID
self.name = name
self.q = q
def run(self):
print "Starting " + self.name
process_data(self.name, self.q)
print "Exiting " + self.name
# Create a function that will split our data into multiple threads
# and do the matrix multiplication.
def process_data(threadName, q):
numCalc = ((n^3)/t)
for a in range(p-1):
for b in range((numCalc*(q-1)),(numCalc*(q))):
for c in range(n):
for d in range(n):
matrix[a+1][b][c] += matrix[a][b][d] * matrix[0][d][c]
# Create a three dimensional matrix that will store the ouput for
# each power of the matrix multiplication.
matrix = [[[0 for k in xrange(n)] for j in xrange(n)] for i in xrange(p)]
print matrix
# This part fills our initial n by n matrix with random numbers
# ranging from 0 to 9 and then prints it!
print "Populating Matrix!"
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
matrix[0][i][j] = random.randint(0,9)
# Tells the user that we are multiplying matrices and starts the
# timer.
print "Taking our matrix to the next level!"
start = timeit.default_timer()
threadLock = threading.Lock()
threads = []
threadID = 1
# Create new threads
for tName in range(t):
thread = myThread(threadID, "Thread-0"+str(tName), threadID)
threadID += 1
# Wait for all threads to complete
for x in threads:
stop = timeit.default_timer()
print stop - start
print "Exiting main thread!"
print matrix