

Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: Attempted to make calls on more than one thread in single threaded mode. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010102 (RPC_E_ATTEMPTED_MULTITHREAD)) ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80010102): Attempted to make calls on more than one thread in single threaded mode. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010102 (RPC_E_ATTEMPTED_MULTITHREAD))
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequestInternalClass.SetVar(String bstrUrl, String bstrName, String bstrValue)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.SetVar(String bstrUrl, String bstrName, String bstrValue)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.SetVar(String bstrUrl, String bstrName, String bstrValue)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItemCollection.EnsureListItemsData()
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItemCollection.Undirty()
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPBaseCollection.System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
   at OA2.MossAccessBlock.Portal.NewsHelper.GetAreaNewsDom(String subType, String area, Int32 pictureNum, Int32 newsNum) in D:\OA2_BuildVersion\MossAccessBlock\Portal\NewsHelper.cs:line 191

上面的异常的意思是说:在单线程模式下尝试进行多线程呼叫。在压力测试的过程中,出现了诸如“服务器内存不足”、“连接不到数据库服务器”、“找不到网站”等一些在单用户(用户访问量较小的情况下)使用的时候不会出现的异常,而在这些异常出现后的一段时间内,服务器会给出HTTP500的响应(MOSS服务器挂了),幸运的话过一段时间等压力降下来后服务器会自动地活过来,这现象比较神奇;倒霉的话应用程序池会自动停止,但我们一般都是RESET IIS就了事了,就是因为这样,如果没有做大量的压力测试,不容易给人发现。
If you create your own SPSite object, you can use the Dispose method or the Close method to close the object. However, if you have a reference to a shared resource, such as when the object is provided by the SPControl.GetContextSite method in a Web Part, do not use either method to close the object. In scenarios where you have a reference to a shared resource, instead let Windows SharePoint Services or your portal application manage the object. Using either method on a shared resource causes an access violation error to occur.

我们在使用SPSite的时候有两种途径能获得该对象:1. New SPSite(siteURL); 2. SPControl.GetContextSite(this.Context)
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteURL or siteGUID))
       // your code here

           SPSite site = null;
                    site = new SPSite(siteURL or siteGUID);
                    // your code here
    using (SPSite site = new SPSite(web.Site.ID))
       // do things assuming the permission of the "system account"
在使用特权代码时,必须注意在特权代码中的SPSite和SPWeb 对象必须是独立创建的对象,不能使用共享对象,否则也会抛异常,就是说不能写成像下面的代码:
    using (SPSite site = SPControl.GetContextSite(this.Context))
       // do things assuming the permission of the "system account"




void SPControlBADPractice()


    SPSite siteCollection = SPControl.GetContextSite(Context);

    siteCollection.Dispose();   // DO NOT DO THIS

    SPWeb web = SPControl.GetContextWeb(Context);

    web.Dispose(); // DO NOT DO THIS



void SPControlBestPractice()


    SPSite siteCollection = SPControl.GetContextSite(Context);

    SPWeb web = SPControl.GetContextWeb(Context);

    // Do NOT call Dispose()



void SPContextBADPractice()


    SPSite siteCollection = SPContext.Current.Site;

    siteCollection.Dispose(); // DO NOT DO THIS

    SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web;

    web.Dispose(); // DO NOT DO THIS



void SPContextBestPractice()


    SPSite siteCollection = SPContext.Current.Site;

    SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web;

    // Do NOT call Dispose()



Interesting SPSite leak pattern

Today I came across a very interesting coding pattern:

public void enumSiteCollection(SPSiteCollection spSites, int min, int max)


    for (int i = min; i<max; i++)


        if (spSites[i] != null)






On a first look the code look ok, right? Ok, no try/catch blog and so on but for normal operations it looks as if the SPSite objects used from the SPSiteCollection object are correctly disposed, right?

The problem here is hidden in the internal implementation of the indexer of the SPSiteCollection object. What happens under the hood is that for every single use of spSites[i] a new independent SPSite object is created.

That means the code above creates 3 SPSite objects - but only disposes one.

A correct implementation of the code would look like this:

public void enumSiteCollection(SPSiteCollection spSites, int min, int max)


    for (int i = min; i<max; i++)


        SPSite site = spSites[i];

        if (site != null)







That will ensure that only one single SPSite object is created, reused and finally disposed.


Ok, completely correct it should be something like this:


public void enumSiteCollection(SPSiteCollection spSites, int min, int max)

    SPSite site = null;

    for (int i = min; i<max; i++)




            site = spSites[i];

            if (site != null)






            if (site != null)







or this:


public void enumSiteCollection(SPSiteCollection spSites, int min, int max)


    for (int i = min; i<max; i++)


        using (SPSite site = spSites[i])


            if (site != null)








Here you can find more coding patterns which need to be avoided:


