



       看到这我有一种既想笑,但很能体会那种feeling。当你遇到很match的人,然后She's gone.

当他走入Serendipity商店,遇到刚离别的女孩,双眼一对,怎么这么像Before Sunset开始时隔9年两人相见那一幕啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊.




Do you trust destiny?

Difinitely!  But It's up to people.

Cuz 同样按了23层,Sarah提前到达,Jonathan却百般艰辛才到达23。


A few years later

Jonathan saw her receipt,finally got her address.

Sarah came to NY to check whether she could see him again who is on her mind all the time

Jonathan was about to get married.

She accidentally found his address on the plane, rushed off to his wedding place.


"It's over , yeah, the wedding is over"

"Don't worry, they will get your present back."

“Excuse me?”

"You asked ever is it over. The truth is it never even begins!"

She watched the glove and cried.


Jonathan Trager,

prominent television producer for ESPN,

died last night from complications of losing his soul mate and his fiance.

He was 35 years old and soft-spoken and obsessive.

Trager never looked the part of a hopeless romantic.

But in the final days of his life,

he revealed an unknown side of his psyche.

This hidden quasi-Jungian persona...

surfaced during the Agatha Christie-like pursuit for his long-reputed soul mate,a woman whom he only spent a few precious hours with.

Sadly,the protracted search ended late Saturday night...

incomplete and utter failure.

Yet even in certain defeat,

the courageous Trager secretly clung to the belief...

that life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences.Uh-uh.But rather it's a tapestry of events...

that culminate in an exquisite,sublime plan.

Asked about the loss of his dear friend, Dean Kansky,

the Pulitzer Prize-winning author and executive editor of the New York Times,

described Jonathan as a changed man in the last days of his life.

"Things were clear for him,"Kansky noted.

Ultimately, Jonathan concluded that if we are to live life in harmony with the universe,

wo must all possess a powerful faith in what the ancients used to call"fatum,"

-what we currently refer to as destiny


    一只手套落下 他知道 Something happens

        她慢慢向他走来 两人双眼泪目

              I‘m Jonathan

              I'm Sarah"

  And    I'm crying

The Fault in Our Stars

I believe we have a chioce in this world about how to tell sad stories.

On the one hand,  you can sugarcoat it.

The way they do in movies and romance novels.

where beautiful people learn beautiful lesson..

where nothing is too messed up that can't be fixed

with an apology and a Peter Gabriel song.

I like that version as much as the next girl does, believe me.

It's just not the truth.

This is the truth.



    但我希望我在乎的每个人 都还惦记着我 就够了"

”Gosh , What a line!!!“

                                                                        正在播放  《Wait》

                                                                  ●━━━━━━─────── 2:11   

                                                                    ⇆          ◁      ❚❚      ▷          ↻

"See ,the thing is,we all want to be remembered"

"but Hazel's different"

"Hazel knows the truth"

"She didn't want a million admirers. She just wanted one"

"And she got it"

"Maybe she wasn't loved widely, but she was loved deeply"

"And isn't that more than most of us get?"

"When Hazel was sick, I knew I was dying..."

"but I didn't want to say so."

"and I sat with her, before I got caught"

"Her eyes were closed. Her skin, pale"

"But her hands were still her hands"

"Still warm, and her nails were painted this dark blue-black color..."

"and I just held them"

"And I willed myself to imagine a world without us..."

"and waht a worthless world that would be"

"She's so beautiful"

"You don't get tired of looking at her"

"You never worry if she's smarter than you.."

"because you know she is"

"She's funny without ever being mean"

"God, I love her"

"I'm so lucky to love her, Van Houten"

"You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...."

"but you do have a say in who hurts you"

"and I like my choices"

"I hope she likes hers"

"okay, Hazel Grace? "










K歌情人,当然我觉得最著名的还是那首 Way back into love


例如 Once--Falling slowly(这首歌 哎)

男-What's the Czech for Do you love him (怎么用捷克语说你爱他吗)

男-noor-esh-ho  你爱他吗(捷克语)

女-noor-oh-tebbe 我爱你(捷克语)


begin again《再次出发之纽约遇见你》,Sing street《唱街》,爱乐之城 等音乐电影呜呜呜



我觉得这是一个很好的爱情例子,I was moved.


“What do you want”


你是想fill that void in your heart 还是 Find the love that you want?

"Will you do something for me"


"Will you just picture your life for me?"

"30 years from now, 40 years from now, what's it look like?"

"If it's with that guy. go! Go!"

"If I thought it's what you really wanted"

"But don't you take the easy way out"

"what easy way? There is no easy way out"

"no matter what I do, somebody gets hurt"

"Would you stop thinking about everyone wants"

"Stop thinking about what I want, waht he wants"

"what do you want?"

"Goddamn it, WHAT DO YOU WANT?"

What do I want?

我也问过自己很多次,其实我要的, 就是懂我的人(懂我说话,懂我情感表达的人),无论是在爱情,友情方面也是。

-You look like you're pretty good at socializing.

-oh.really? My life has different layers and aspects.I like to talk to different people but It turns out that I'm not extrovert person actually.

-I enjoy to be alone unless it has to. I know me so well
