python 使用ssh连接服务器进行远程命令行操作

ssh $ip “nohup sh > log 2>&1 &”

import os
import re
import time
import sys
import pyssh
from threading import Thread 

class SSHController(Thread): 

    """Connect to remote host with SSH and issue commands.
    This is a facade/wrapper that uses PySSH to spawn and control an SSH client.
    You must have OpenSSH installed. 

    @ivar host_name: Host name or IP address
    @ivar user_name: User name
    @ivar password: Password
    @ivar prompt: Command prompt (or partial string matching the end of the prompt)
    @ivar ssh: Instance of a pyssh.Ssh object
    def __init__(self, host_name, user_name, password, cmd):
        @param host_name: Host name or IP address
        @param user_name: User name
        @param password: Password
        @param prompt: Command prompt (or partial string matching the end of the prompt)
        self.host_name = host_name
        self.user_name = user_name
        self.password = password
        self.port = '22'  #default SSH port
        self.ssh = None
        self.cmd = cmd 

    def login(self):

        """Connect to a remote host and login.
        self.ssh = pyssh.Ssh(self.user_name, self.host_name, self.port)

    def run_command(self, command):
        """Run a command on the remote host.
        @param command: Unix command
        @return: Command output
        @rtype: String
        response = self.ssh.sendcmd(command)
        return self.__strip_output(command, response) 

    def logout(self):
        """Close the connection to the remote host.

    def run_atomic_command(self, command):
        """Connect to a remote host, login, run a command, and close the connection.
        @param command: Unix command
        @return: Command output
        @rtype: String
        command_output = self.run_command(command)
        return command_output

    def __strip_output(self, command, response):
        """Strip everything from the response except the actual command output.
        @param command: Unix command
        @param response: Command output
        @return: Stripped output
        @rtype: String
        lines = response.splitlines()
        # if our command was echoed back, remove it from the output
        if command in lines[0]:
        # remove the last element, which is the prompt being displayed again
        # append a newline to each line of output
        lines = [item + '\n' for item in lines]
        # join the list back into a string and return it
        return ''.join(lines)

    def run(self):        

print time.ctime()
pinglist = []
for host in range(1,2):
   ip = "10.0.0."+str(host)
   print ip
   current = SSHController(ip,"tao","123456","ls")

for pingle in pinglist:

print time.ctime()

如果需要使用sudo命令需要到/etc/sudoers 中关闭终端连接选项 开启 tty 功能

通过 /etc/rc.local 或者 cfagent 执行 sudo 命令时,会得到这个错误,意思是执行sudo 的shell 需要一个控制终端。在 /etc/rc.local 或者 cfagent 中的命令,是没有控制终端的。

在 上找到了答案,因为是英文的,总结其解决方案如下:

1. 编辑 /etc/sudoers

  1)Defaults    requiretty,修改为 #Defaults    requiretty,表示不需要控制终端。

  2)Defaults    requiretty,修改为 Defaults:nobody !requiretty,表示仅 nobody 用户不需要控制终端。

       如果修改为 Defaults:%nobody !requiretty,表示仅 nobody 组不需要控制终端。

2. 给 ssh 加上 -t 选项,表示不要控制终端。

    ssh -t hostname sudo

可以 man sudoers,获取更多相关信息。

