
An audio frame, or sample, contains amplitude (loudness) information at that particular point in time. To produce sound, tens of thousands of frames are played in sequence to produce frequencies.

In the case of CD quality audio or uncompressed wave audio, there are around 44,100 frames/samples per second. Each of those frames contains 16-bits of resolution, allowing for fairly precise representations of the sound levels. Also, because CD audio is stereo, there is actually twice as much information, 16-bits for the left channel, 16-bits for the right.


在 CD 音质的情况下,每秒包含 44100 个Frame,每个 Frame 分为左右两个通道(Channel),每个通道包含一个 16位的采样数据。

另外在 CD 音质的情况下,每秒的数据量为:16 * 2 *44100 = 1411200 bit = 176400 byte = 172KB

不知道对不对,大 B 小 B 的,现在都忘记了。
