
Make A List(列一份清单)

Start your networking journey by putting together a " Who do you know ?" list. Who do you think they know?(现在开始你的构建人际关系之旅,首先将所有 “你认识的人”列成一份清单。你认为他们还认识谁?)

Start up tips:(启动提示:)

1. Build a list of all the people you think can help you in your career transition.(将你认为能帮助你实现职业转型的所有人列出来。)

2. Put their names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses into a record system on file cards, a folder or, best of all, into a database on your computer.(将他们的姓名、地址、电话号码和电子邮件地址整理记录在文件卡片上,放在一个文件夹内,最好的方式是在你的电脑中建立一个这样的数据库。)

3. Include sufficient space on your recording sheet for your comments on what was discussed.(在你的记录表上留出足够的空间,以便记录你对所谈问题的评注。)

4. Start thinking about your script for phone calls, meetings and e-mails.(先考虑和准备如何打电话、会面和发送电子邮件。)

5. Try to keep a simple but effective recording system.(尽量做到简单而有效地记录各种进展情况。)
