数据库:PostgreSQL加载timescaledb拓展异常FATAL: extension "timescaledb" must be preloaded

FATAL:  extension "timescaledb" must be preloaded
提示:  Please preload the timescaledb library via shared_preload_libraries.

This can be done by editing the config file at: C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/11/data/postgresql.conf
and adding 'timescaledb' to the list in the shared_preload_libraries config.
        # Modify postgresql.conf:
        shared_preload_libraries = 'timescaledb'

Another way to do this, if not preloading other libraries, is with the command:
        echo "shared_preload_libraries = 'timescaledb'" >> C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/11/data/postgresql.conf

(Will require a database restart.)

If you REALLY know what you are doing and would like to load the library without preloading, you can disable this check with:
        SET timescaledb.allow_install_without_preload = 'on';

翻译如下:简单来说,就是在postgresql.conf添加shared_preload_libraries=‘timescaleDB’,然后在服务那里重启PostgreSQL 11服务。。

      这可以通过在:c:/program files/postgresql/11/data/postgresql.conf编辑配置文件来完成。





echo“shared_preload_libraries='timescaledb'”>>c:/program files/postgresql/11/data/postgresql.conf

