
Chapter1 Computer Abstractions and Technology


1.1 introduction


  • automobiles
  • cell phones
  • Human genome project
  • world wide web
  • search engines


  • PCs
  • Servers
  • Embedded computers


  • 最大特点就是PMD替换PC
  • PMD:Personal Mobile Device


  • 高级软件语言(C,JAVA)如何转为硬件能理解的语言,硬件如何执行程序;
  • 软硬件接口是什么,软件如何让硬件执行特定功能;
  • 什么决定了程序的性能,怎么提高性能;
  • 硬件工程师可利用什么技术提高性能;
  • 硬件工程师可利用什么技术提高energy efficiency;
  • Parallelism的原因及其后续演进;
  • 现代计算机架构中个great ideas;

1.2 Eight Great Ideas in Computer Architecture.

过去60年,计算机架构出现了8个great ideas

  • Design for Moore's Law
  • Use Abstraction to Simplify Design
  • Make the Common Case Fast
  • Performance via parallelism
  • Performance via Pipelining
  • Performance via Prediction
  • Hierarchy of Memories
  • Dependability via Redundancy

1.3 Below Your Program

Application software在system software之上,而system software又在hardware之上;

有两种system software:

  1. operating system
  2. compiler

From a High-Level Language to the Language of Hardware

1.4 Under the Covers


1.5 Technologies for Buildig Processors and Memory

the cost of an integrated circuit can be expressed in 3 simple equations:
Cost per die=Cost per water/(Dies per wafer x yield)
Dies per wafer=wafer area /Die area
Yield=1/(1+(Defects per area x Die area/2))^2

1.6 Performance

  • Defining Performance
  • Measuring Performance
    • time is the measure of computer performance,时间有不同的定义方式:
      • wall clock time 经过时间
      • response time 响应时间
      • elapsed time 运行时间
    • CPU execution time/CPU time
      • user CPU time:单纯执行程序的时间
      • system CPU time:为了执行程序而调用操作系统的时间;
      • 二者很难精确区分;
    • 一般我们喜欢用elapsed time来评价一个程序的性能,其实elapsed time和CPU time还是有区别的
      • we will use the term system performance to refer to elapsed time on an unloaded system and CPU performance to refer to user CPU time;
    • 如一些server对IO很依赖,从而性能需要评价软硬件综合性能,而一些application则可能只关注throughput或者response time,或者两者的组合。所以为提高performance,你必须要知道哪些方面构成了performance matric matters,从而方便找到performance的瓶颈。
  • CPU Performance and its Factors
    • 减少应用程序的时钟个数或者提高时钟频率
  • Instruction Performance
    • 时钟周期数=指令个数指令平均时钟个数
    • 指令平均时钟个数:clock cycles per instrunction,简称CPI
      • 每个指令执行的时钟个数不同,CPI为所有指令执行的时钟个数的平均数;
      • CPI provides one way of comparing two different implementations of the identical instruction set architecture,since the number of instructions executed for a program will, of course, be the same.
  • The Clasic CPU Performance Equation
    • CPU time=Instrunction count CPIClock cycle time(or 1/Clock rate)
    • 注意IPC=1/CPI,IPC: instructions per clock
    • 注意现在很多CPU有变频特点,如Intel i7可以将频率提升10%直到CPU太热在降回来,这种技术被称为turbo技术;

1.7 The Power Wall

首先介绍了8代Intel CPU的频率和功耗走势图;需要注意的是在Pentium4(2001)时,频率达到3.6GHz,功耗达到103M,起后频率与功耗都有降低;

Energy1/2Capacitive load Voltages2
Power1/2Capacitive load Voltages2 Frequency switched

Frequency switched和时钟频率相关;
with regard to the Figure, how could clock rates grow by a factor of 1000 while power increased by only a factor of 30?(频率有1000倍增长而功耗只有30倍增长)
Energy and thus power can be reduced by lowering the voltage,每代CPU都采用这种技术,即每代电压减少15%(0.0225)

In 20 years, voltages have gone from 5V to 1V, which is why the increase in power is only 30 times.(0.0225x1000=22.530)

现代的问题是,继续降低电压会使晶体管too leaky(服务器芯片40%功耗来源于leakage)

to try to adress the power problem, designers have already attached large devices to increase cooling. and they turn off parts of the chip that are not used in a given clock cycle.

Power is a challenge for integrated circuits for 2 reasons:

  1. power must be brought in and distributed around the chip;现代芯片可能需要数百个ground和power的引脚
  2. power is dissipated as heat and must be removed.(功耗消耗为热量需要更贵的散热设备)

1.8 The Sea Change: The Switch from Uniprocessors to Multiprocessors


For parallel programming, the challenges include scheduling,load balancing,time for synchronization and overhead for communication between the parties .

后面介绍各个章节为parallel revolution而引入的内容;

1.9 Real Stuff: Benchmarking the Intel Core i7


如今的Benchmark大多出自SPEC:System Performance Evaluation Cooperative

1.10 Fallacies and Pitfalls


1.11 Concluding Remarks


1.12 Historical Perspective and Further Reading

online reading
