


Common Misunderstandings
About Anti Tax Evasion Rules
文/科林 翻译/魏凌波(中国外汇)
自从2016年10月国家税务总局发布《非居民金融账户涉税信息尽职调查管理办法(征求意见稿)》 以来,有关经合组织(OECD)《统一报告标准》(CRS)的讨论就成为中国财富管理市场的热点话题,媒体报道、专家解读,可谓是沸沸扬扬。
In October 2016, the State Administration of Taxation released the draft version of the Measures for the Administration of Due Diligence on Tax Information of Non-resident Financial Accounts and asked for public comments. It was an effort to conform to the requirements of the CRS.
The CRS is an outgrowth of economic globalization. It facilitates the automatic exchange of tax-related information from financial accounts across borders in an effort to combat tax evasion. In the following article, the author relies on the European experience of international tax data exchanges to examine 10 areas of frequent misunderstandings of the CRS framework and the worldwide effort to prevent tax evasion.
所谓全球征税(Worldwide Taxation),是指纳税人如果是某国的税收居民,则其在全球的收入都应当在该国申报和缴纳所得税。纳税人担负的这种全球纳税义务也称“全面纳税义务”或者“无限纳税义务”。全球征税本质上是一个所得税范畴的概念。而CRS实施的目的就是通过跨国之间的金融账户涉税信息的自动交换,实现一国纳税人在海外所持有账户的“透明化”,以便该国税务机关能准确把握其税收居民在海外的收入是否在本国依法履行了纳税义务。但是,这并不等于一国纳税人在海外的资产都要被全球征税。因为从所得税尤其是个人所得税的角度看,其征税对象是该个人的所得或者收入,而并非纳税人所拥有的资产本身。如果只是持有资产,但并没有所得,自然也不会存在所得税上的全球征税问题。
Misunderstanding 1: The CRS is Global Taxation
Global taxation means that a taxpayer’s worldwide income should be declared in the country where he or she resides. This worldwide tax liability is also described as full or unlimited tax liability. Worldwide taxation refers to income tax, and the CRS is designed to increase the transparency of overseas accounts held by a country’s taxpayers through cross-border automatic exchanges of tax-related information on financial accounts. This is to allow tax authorities to accurately apply taxes on overseas income in accordance with the law of the land. However, a taxpayer’s assets held overseas are not the objective of the CRS guidelines. The objective is to assess the taxable income, and assets that do not produce income should not trigger worldwide taxation.
Case Study
In the following case, an individual we will call Mr. Wang is a tax resident in China who has deposits in a Swiss bank. Assuming his bank account balance is US$1.5 million when the standard takes effect and it generates interest income of US$40,000 in the same tax year. Under the CRS information exchange rules, Mr. Wang’s account information would be declared and exchanged with China’s tax authorities. However, this does not mean that the US$1.5 million would be subject to income tax levied by Chinese tax authorities. Tax authorities would be concerned with ensuring the taxable income of US$40,000 generated from the US$1.5 million is in fact taxed in China.
According to requirements of the Notice on Income Individual Income Tax Policy on Savings Deposit Interest (issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation in 2008, Tax Document No.132), interest income on individual savings deposits are exempt from individual income tax. However, the document does not specify whether interest income on offshore savings deposits are entitled to the same tax treatment.
Misunderstanding 2: Corporate Account Balances of Less than US$250,000
For business or institutional accounts, financial institutions should conduct due diligence inspections on existing balances and the extent of increases in funds in those accounts. This requirement starts from the time when the country where the financial institutions are based begins to implement the CRS provisions. A financial institution may choose to exempt itself from due diligence and filing requirements if the balance in the account is less than US$250,000. If the account balance exceeds US$250,000, the financial institution needs to conduct due diligence and determine whether it is an account that requires a declaration.
对于账户持有人来说,其是否可以享受25万美元的豁免门槛规定,首先要考虑金融机构所在国家的法规是否有该豁免门槛的规定;其次,由于该豁免门槛并非强制性规定,金融机构可以根据其实际需要来决定是否适用该25万美元的门槛(参见经合组织《统一报告标准实施手册》〔CRS Implementation Handbook〕第14页第9项规定)。在实践中,一些金融机构为了避免对豁免门槛下的账户进行持续监控带来的合规麻烦,可能会考虑不适用该25万美元的门槛,而选择将所有的存量机构账户进行尽职调查和信息申报。
Whether account holders can enjoy the US$250,000 cutoff depends on whether there are corresponding tax exemptions in the financial institution’s home country. Moreover, the exemption threshold is not mandatory, and the financial institutions can decide to apply the US$250,000 threshold according to the actual situation. In practice, some financial institutions may consider not applying this threshold and instead conduct due diligence on all deposits in order to avoid regulatory complications.
Misunderstanding 3: Individual Accounts of Less than US$1 Million
Under the CRS, due diligence is required for individual accounts, whether new or existing, and regardless of the balance, including zero or negative balances. There are no provisions for excluding accounts of less than US$1 million.
Financial institutions often have a large number of individual accounts. This means they must adopt a uniform standard for account due diligence, resulting in significant compliance costs. In view of this, the CRS provides the threshold of US$1 million for the division of individual accounts into high-value individual accounts and low-value ones as these are subject to different due diligence procedures. Financial institutions may choose to apply relatively simplified due diligence procedures (such as residence address testing) for low-value individual accounts, in order to reduce the compliance burden on financial institutions. Due diligence on low-value individual accounts usually lags that of high-value individual accounts by one year, allowing financial institutions more time to meet their compliance obligations with their low-value individual accounts.
However, it should be noted that financial institutions may also choose not to apply the above-mentioned procedural requirement. Instead, they may adopt a uniform compliance procedure for all accounts. It is possible to complete due diligence and information declarations on all high and low-value individual accounts in the first declaring period of the CRS. In practice, the internal policies of the financial institutions take precedence.
Misunderstanding 4: Non-financial Assets
Under the CRS, the core of automatic exchanges of tax information is the sharing of financial account information, not financial asset information. A financial account may involve both financial assets and non-financial assets. The need for a declaration does not depend solely on the financial assets themselves. If a financial account requires declaration, all assets held under the account, financial or non-financial, must be declared and the information exchanged.
王先生是中国税收居民,其在开曼群岛设立了一家私人投资公司(Private Investment Company, “PIC”)A公司。A公司持有的资产中80%为金融资产,20%为非金融资产。那么在CRS下,如果该A公司属于金融机构(如投资机构),那么A公司在申报其金融账户(即投资机构的股权权益或者债权权益)时,其所持有的金融资产和非金融资产的价值全都应当作为账户余额来进行申报。
Case Study
Another individual whose surname is Wang is a tax resident of China. He owns a private investment company set up in the Cayman Islands, and 80% of the assets held by this company are financial while 20% are non-financial. Under the CRS guidelines, if the company belongs to a financial institution (such as an investment company), when the same company declares its financial account the financial and non-financial assets must be declared.
Misunderstanding 5: Offshore Trusts
Offshore trusts have incomparable advantages over other investment frameworks in terms of asset segregation and preservation, tax optimization and privacy of information. Therefore, they are favored by many high net worth individuals and families in their global asset allocation. Under the CRS, a trust may be treated as a financial institution with due diligence required on its account holder (including the principal and beneficiaries), or it may be treated as a passive non-financial institution. If a financial institution holds an account, there is a requirement that information be provided on the person who actually controls the trust, such as the principal and the beneficiary.
However, the inclusion of a trust in the declaration system under the CRS does not result in the trust losing its key advantages. From the point of view of China’s tax authorities, although the relevant financial account information of China’s tax residents’ overseas trusts will be declared and exchanged with Chinese authorities, this does not mean that the trusts will lose their secrecy. Only the tax authorities have access to the asset information under the CRS, and there are strict confidentiality requirements for information exchanges.
Misunderstanding 6: The Safety of Deposits in China
Some people believe that after the implementation of CRS, tax residents in China can sit back and relax as long as they deposit their money in a Chinese financial institution. They believe their money will not be affected by the declaration of information under the CRS and that Chinese tax authorities will not be aware of the information regarding these accounts. Indeed, under China’s CRS regulations, financial institutions need only declare information about accounts held by non-Chinese tax residents. However, even though information exchanges apply to non-residents now, Chinese residents will no doubt be included in the future.
The State Council’s Legislative Affairs Office promulgated the draft version of the Revised Tax Collection and Management Law of the People’s Republic of China in January 2015, and that specifically added more provisions on tax information disclosure. Article 32 of the tax provisions stipulates that banks and other financial institutions shall provide tax authorities with the account holders’ account numbers, balance, investment income and total interest income and the like. Any information regarding single transactions of 50,000 yuan or withdrawals of 50,000 yuan in a single business day should be reported by the financial institutions to tax authorities. The interconnection mechanism between the account information of financial assets and the tax administration has already been implemented in developed countries in the West. Now under the CRS, the information exchange mechanism between foreign financial institutions and domestic tax authorities has been established. There are reasons to believe that domestic financial institutions and domestic tax authorities will soon establish an Internet network. There are no longer any secure havens for hiding money.
Misunderstanding 7: The US Is Not a CRS Participant, So Putting Money in the US is Safe
The US is indeed not a CRS participant, but that does not mean it is absolutely safe to deposit money in the United States.
Although the US does not participate in the CRS, the US and China reached an intergovernmental agreement called the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) in 2014. Although the FATCA agreement is still in the drafting stage, China has been listed by the US Treasury as a participant in valid intergovernmental agreements. Based on this, China’s financial institutions will not be subject to mandatory compliance under FATCA and will be exempt from a penalty of 30% withholding income tax on non-compliant financial institutions. In addition, the US government has started to urge countries that signed on to FATCA via a draft document to formally adopt and implement the FATCA agreement based on the Provisions on Tax Procedures (No.2016-27) promulgated by the US Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service in July 2016, These countries were required to submit specific arrangements and interpretations to the US Department of the Treasury on implementing FATCA by December 31, 2016. According to the US Treasury Department, China remains on the list of countries participating in valid intergovernmental agreements and it can be concluded that the signing of a formal FATCA accord with the US is not far off.
In addition, regarding the bilateral exchange of information under FATCA, according to the US Treasury and IRS Tax Regulations (No. 2016-56), US financial institutions have begun to collect data on institutional deposit interest information in the US from residents of related countries, including China. At the same time, according to the Taxation Procedure Provisions (No.2017-46) issued by the US Treasury Department and the IRS in September 2017, foreign residents must submit their taxpayer identification number and other information when opening an account at US financial institutions. The author believes that such tax laws and regulations are in preparation for the automatic exchange of bilateral mutual tax-related information between the US and FATCA partner countries.
Misunderstanding 8: An Offshore Shell Company Set up in a Tax Haven Need Not to Be Inspected
When a financial institution identifies an institutional account holder, if the holder does not engage in positive business activities whose majority of income is passive income derived from interest, dividends and the like, then the institutional account holder is a passive non-financial institution (i.e., it is not considered a financial institution). In such cases, the financial institutions need to identify the actual controlling party of such an account.
In fact, the majority of offshore shell companies that are based in tax havens are passive non-financial institutions. Most of these companies are set up to avoid tax or evade foreign exchange controls and have no substantive business activities. In particular, many foreign trade companies established in offshore tax havens have the main function of signing contracts with overseas companies and collecting payments. The company itself merely holds assets that generate passive income instead of having employees or an actual place of business. Therefore, under the CRS, it should belong to passive non-financial institutions which need to be inspected.
To be sure, tax evasion is not the only reason for setting up offshore tax havens. For example, in the red chip market structuring, some listed companies registered their business in the Cayman Islands. Such companies, under the CRS, usually should be considered active non-financial institutions. They regularly disclose their financial information, so there is little possibility of cross-border tax evasion. Identifying the actual controlling party has no real meaning.
Misunderstanding 9: Investment Immigrants
The exchange of account information under the CRS is based on the tax resident status of the account holders. Some people see changing nationality and tax resident status as a convenient way to bypass the CRS.
Indeed, if individuals convert their tax residence from CRS declaring countries to non-CRS participating or to low-tax countries and territories, they can avoid the CRS requirement. A Chinese tax resident who becomes a tax resident of a non-CRS participating country in Africa or the Caribbean and is not a tax resident of another CRS participating country, for example, would not be covered by the CRS for his or her accounts held by a CRS participating financial institution. The individual would be considered tax-exempt.
然而,现实生活中,让意图规避CRS申报的富豪们举家搬到非洲或者加勒比海地区的非CRS参与国实际居住,从而成为当地的税收居民显然不太现实。于是,像塞浦路斯、马耳他以及其他一些太平洋岛国开发了一种专供富人规避CRS的所谓“居民投资计划 (Residence by investment scheme)”,即富豪通过在当地购置房产或者投资并满足相关条件后,可以获得当地的国籍以及税收居民身份,甚至有的还可以提供当地的居住地址证明,但富豪本人大部分时间仍生活在中国或者其他CRS需申报国家。这些人在CRS参与国持有金融账户时可以直接出示其在“居民投资计划”下所获得的税收居民身份和居住地址,同时隐瞒自己的中国税收居民身份,试图 “完美”地规避CRS
However, in real life, it is impractical for taxpayers to move their family to a non-CRS participating country just to sidestep the CRS provisions. There are some ways to get around this hurdle, however. For example, Cyprus, Malta and some Pacific island countries have developed so-called “residence by investment” programs for wealthy individuals which permit the bypassing of CRS obligations. Wealthy individuals can obtain local citizenship as well as tax resident status by acquiring real estate or investing locally. In addition, some regions may even provide local residential documents, even while the individual actual resides elsewhere. These individuals, when holding financial accounts in the CRS participating countries, are able to present their tax resident status and residential address obtained under a “residence by investment” program that helps bypass the CRS framework.
In the author’s opinion, there are two major risks in the above mentioned scenario. First, under the CRS, the account holders need to declare all their tax resident status in the Tax Resident Identity Self-declaration they submit to a financial institution. Although a Chinese resident may obtain a passport and resident status from a small country by participating in the “residence by investment” program, he or she still must declare such information based on his Chinese residency if the individual’s actual residence is China or another CRS compliant country. Any concealment of the information may result in civil or criminal penalties for the financial institution in such cases. Concealment or falsification of identity may mean the financial institution runs afoul of anti-money laundering laws.
Additionally, as the general coordinator of the CRS worldwide implementation, the OECD has long been aware of tax avoidance through these investment schemes, and has already started to take countermeasures. In an interview with the UK’s Financial Times in December 2016, Pascal Oman, director of Centre for Tax Policy and Administration of the OECD, said that steps to address this issue were already being taken and such schemes would not last much longer.
Misunderstanding 10:World’s 102 CRS Participating Countries
As of the end of October 2017, 102 countries and regions around the globe had promised to execute the first automatic exchange of tax of information on the financial accounts under the CRS by September 2018. Ninety-five countries have already signed the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement. However, this does not mean that financial account information will be exchanged among so many countries automatically. The automatic exchange of account information between countries under the CRS will require an additional activation process based on multilateral treaties and related data security systems. Only those countries where the mutual exchange relations are activated successfully can there be an automatic exchange of account information under the CRS.
According to information released by the OECD on its official website, more than 2,000 CRS exchange relations have been activated worldwide. China has activated exchange relationships with 47 countries and regions including Canada, Guernsey, Jersey, Liechtenstein and Malta under the CRS. The author expects that by the end of May 2018 as the first CRS declaration deadline, more countries will activate their exchange relations with China.
