How to Get Shit Done

If you don't have discipline, you don't deserve to dream.- Unkown

You need to be a Results Maker.

Dreams, ideas and theories are nice, but the problem is that many people just lost in the dreams. And ideas and theories are talking shit. They don't mean anything unless you know how to translate into real world. That is ability. You train yourself to do.

Why people are bad at making results. It is because they don't hold their own feet to the fire of reality. Siting here and thinking about all kinds of cool ideas is like me living in my little fantasy bubble. It won't connected to reality anyway. When you get older and older and get to job marketing . All the sudden, it is like the rubber meets the road. It is emotionally disturbing and uncomfortable for us to have our bubbles popped. You have to grounding yourself. This grounding process doesn't just happen once. You have to keep doing it again and again and again and again. This is what a really good results maker is able to do is he's able to hold his own feet to the fire of reality whereas other people are just dreamers and big talkers.

The translation process is a very messy, dirty emotionally difficult thing to undertake. First of all, you have to be flexible enough to relinquish a lot of your fantasies and beliefs. Reality doesn't change for you, you got to change for reality. When your ideas doesn't work, you have to mature and evolve. You have to let go about the way you think things should work and then actually you have to humble enough to let reality work on you. This is called holding feet to the fire of reality.

If you want to be a results marker, you have to bite the bullet at some point of your life.

Juicy list of ways to get results done.

  • Value tangible results [mindset and attitude things]
  • Creator [See life as a series of projects I am working on.]
  • Create impact; Desire to impact people.[Change people think and feel, change the world.]
  • Talk is cheap. [Go fu*king do it and then come talk to me about it.]
  • Work for excellence; value excellence; put out there the best you can be putting out.
  • Take personal responsibility for making it happen whatever it is. [It is your job and nobody else is going to do it for you. Stop waiting for somebody else to lead you, to show you the way, to tell you what to do.]
  • Working the big picture. [High level understanding of purpose of doing. What and why]
  • Work ethic. [Learn from past famous people]
  • Be willing to use brute force. If you see mineral labor in short period of time can get you to the next level, then you have to be willing to go there and do it.
  • Sacrifice comfort. [stay up late, skip next vacation.]
  • Willing to Change yourself to achieve results.
  • Throw yourself into demanding situations.[Moving to a new country, start a new business, launching a new relationship.]
  • Be around exceptional people. [They will bring you up to their level]
  • Start your own business. [Nothing holds your feet to the fire more than starting your own business and seeing the harsh cutthroat and brutal realities of the marketplace.]
  • Think about your death.[To show how little time to you to get shit done. You don't have eternity, you just have a very short window within which to make your results happen.]

Holding the feet to the fires makes burning. Burning is a good thing (The secret to life). When people feel that burn, they don't like it. It is not comfortable to them, so they run away. You have to train yourself to love that burn.

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