


My take on this is: All classifications will be imperfect. It is of course best to go down the meteorological path and capture the physics of the precipitation formation processes. These will as Michael writes be site-specific. However I believe you can get a reasonable classification also from within-storm intensity fluctuations and other external variables (e.g. CAPE), as many have shown. For example we have tried the presence of lightning to identify an intensity threshold for convective rain (http://www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/18/1561/2014/hess-18-1561-2014.html).


高翠翠,李昀英,寇雄伟,等. 2017. 中国东部暖季对流云与层状云的比例及与降水的对应关系 [J]. 大气科学, 41 (3): 490−500. Gao Cuicui, Li Yunying,
Kou Xiongwei, et al. 2017. The ratio of convective clouds to stratiform clouds and corresponding precipitation during the warm season in eastern China [J].
Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences (in Chinese), 41 (3): 490−500, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1610.16138.




TRMM 2A25产品可提供降水类型和三维降雨结构(Iguchi等,2000)。此外,作为非太阳同步卫星,在其进动期间,它在整个昼夜周期的不同时间对降雨进行采样。值得注意的是,用于生产TRMM 2A25产品的反射率 - 降雨率算法可以提供比其他遥感代理更加物理直接的近地表降雨量测量,如红外云顶温度和低频微波亮度温度(Nesbitt和Zipser 2003)。本文利用TRMM PR测量得到的2A25产品,探讨了中国南部两种降雨事件的基本日变化特征,并将数据集与小时雨量记录进行了比较,研究了降雨量的日变化。持续时间不同的事件。它将加强有关昼夜变化的区域特征的知识和相应的机制。


冬季降雪地上直接観测によるGPM / DPR降水タイプ判别アルゴリズムの地上検证[日语]
通过直接观测固体降水对GPM / DPR雨型分类算法进行地面验证[日语]

Ground Validation of GPM DPR Precipitation Type Classification Algorithm by Precipitation Particle Measurements in Winter

The GPM DPR product used in this study is 2ADPR version
05A. The “typePrecip” and “flagHeavyIcePrecip” variables in the
Classification module are used.

5 根据降水量的大小来判断的


Due to the limitations in Trop-ical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) data, comparativestudies on the diurnal variations in convective and stratiformprecipitation only give results over the region south of 35◦Nin China (e.g., Liu and Fu, 2010; Yu et al., 2010). Note thatthere is no definite threshold of hourly precipitation to com-pletely distinguish stratiform precipitation from its convec-tive counterpart (e.g., Wallace, 1975; Steiner et al., 1995).However, Steiner et al. (1995) pointed out that stratiform pre-cipitation intensity is seldom greater than 10 mm h−1. There-fore, one of our aims is to obtain the diurnal variations withdifferent precipitation intensities to show whether their char-acteristics are consistent with the revealed features of strati-form precipitation or convective precipitation (e.g., Yu et al.,2010; Zhang and Zhai, 2011; Chen et al., 2013).


