
基于《懂你英语》:Level 3 Unit 3 Part 4 Dialogue-An Urgent Call

今天的主题是:Call Like a Pro 专业应对商务电话


Part 1:如何拨打商务电话

This is XXX.
It's XXX.

1.1 自报家门
Hello,this is XXX(company or name).
Hi,it's XX from XX(company or name).

on behalf of = 代表
Hello ,I am calling on behalf of XX.

On behalf of the company,I would like to thank you for your hard work during the past year.
On behalf of Bob Dylan,I accept this Nobel Prize for Literature.

1.2 你要找谁?
I'd like to speak with Mr. Bennett please.

I'd like to speak to XX,please.
May I speak to XX,please.
Could I please speak with XX?

1.3 为什么要找Ta
It's urgent that I speak with him.
It's an emergency.

I'm calling to ...
For example:
I am talking to ask about the job opening posted on your website.
I am talking to discuss your office supply needs.

I heard your company just got a new round of funding!Big congratulations!

modal verb = 情态动词
Could you tell me ...
For example:
Could you tell me the address of the upcoming conference?

I just wanted to ask about the address of the upcoming conference.

1.4 找到人不在怎办?

Option 1:leave a message.
Could you please take a message?
I'd like to leave a message.
I'd like to leave a message for XX.

Option 2:call back
When is a good time to call back?
When is he/she going to be back?

For example:
It's important to learn a foreign language.
It's urgent that I speak with him.

Could you ask him to call me back,please?

Part 2:如何应答商务电话

2.1 Greeting
This is XX.
It's XX.
XX speaking.

How may I help you?
Good morning,Tom speaking,how may I help you?

2.2 询问身份
May I ask who's calling,please?

2.3 Figure out the purpose of the call
May I ask what this is about?
May I ask what this is regarding?

2.4 Transfer a call
Could you hold for a monment please?
I'll just put you through.

I'm sorry,but he's not here right now.Would you like to leave a voice message?

Step 1:告知对方要找的人不在
XX is not hear right now.
XX is not available right now.

Step 2:询问对方是否需要留言?
Would you like to leave a mesage?
Can I take a message?

leave a message VS take a message
leave a message:针对要留言的一方
For example:
I would like to leave a message.
take a message:针对记录留言的一方
For example:
Can I take a message?
I will give him your message as soon as he gets back.

Could you give your contact information,please?

2.5 Decline request for certain information
Without more details,I'm afraid I can't give you his number.

I'm afraid I can't give you that information.

be(not) allowed to = (不被)允许做某事
For example:
Sorry,but I'm not allowed to give details about that.
People under the age of 21 are not allowed to drink alcohol in the United States.

Part 3:高效商务电话小贴士

No.1 Be polite
Your attitude can only be reflected in your tone during a phone call.
You can use modal verb to leave a good impression.

I'm afraid ...
For example:
I'm afraid I can't give you that information.

No.2 Be fully prepared
You can prepare bullet points for the things you need to mention.

No.3 Jotting things down can help you keep track.

I'm sorry,I didn't get that.Could you please repeat it?

No.4 Know the boundaries
Don't force the other speaker to give you information.
