~~ 这是一个分析inlfuxdb源码的系列。在此之前,已经分析了数据的基本模型,以及写入流程。在上一章数据写入部分,我们分析的是数据写入的基本流程,怎么从一个http的请求解析数据,然后计算shardgroup,shard等元数据信息,最后写入到具体的shard上。这一章分析数据写入的细节。
~~~ 在上一章节中,数据解析部分的流程是:读取数据并且返回一个[]Point的slice同时也说到了,解析point是遵循了influxdb 的行协议,解析到的过程是一个状态机。这一小节,就来看看具体的逻辑。还是从ParsePointsWithPrecision出发:
func parsePoint(buf []byte, defaultTime time.Time, precision string) (Point, error) {
// scan the first block which is measurement[,tag1=value1,tag2=value2...]
pos, key, err := scanKey(buf, 0)
pos, fields, err := scanFields(buf, pos)
var maxKeyErr error
err = walkFields(fields, func(k, v []byte) bool {
if sz := seriesKeySize(key, k); sz > MaxKeyLength {
maxKeyErr = fmt.Errorf("max key length exceeded: %v > %v", sz, MaxKeyLength)
return false
return true
// scan the last block which is an optional integer timestamp
pos, ts, err := scanTime(buf, pos)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
这个函数的逻辑说明:解析一个point分为三个部分:scan key,scan Fields ,scanTime
在influxdb中,key指的是measurement+tagks+tagvalues.所以scan key就分为两个主要的步骤,scan measurement和scan tags
// scanKey scans buf starting at i for the measurement and tag portion of the point.
// It returns the ending position and the byte slice of key within buf. If there
// are tags, they will be sorted if they are not already.
func scanKey(buf []byte, i int) (int, []byte, error) {
start := skipWhitespace(buf, i)
i = start
// Determines whether the tags are sort, assume they are
sorted := true
// indices holds the indexes within buf of the start of each tag. For example,
// a buf of 'cpu,host=a,region=b,zone=c' would have indices slice of [4,11,20]
// which indicates that the first tag starts at buf[4], seconds at buf[11], and
// last at buf[20]
indices := make([]int, 100)
// tracks how many commas we've seen so we know how many values are indices.
// Since indices is an arbitrarily large slice,
// we need to know how many values in the buffer are in use.
commas := 0
// First scan the Point's measurement.
state, i, err := scanMeasurement(buf, i)
if err != nil {
return i, buf[start:i], err
func scanMeasurement(buf []byte, i int) (int, int, error) {
// Check first byte of measurement, anything except a comma is fine.
// It can't be a space, since whitespace is stripped prior to this
// function call.
if i >= len(buf) || buf[i] == ',' {
return -1, i, fmt.Errorf("missing measurement")
for {
if i >= len(buf) {
// cpu
return -1, i, fmt.Errorf("missing fields")
if buf[i-1] == '\\' {
// Skip character (it's escaped).
// Unescaped comma; move onto scanning the tags.
if buf[i] == ',' {
return tagKeyState, i + 1, nil
// Unescaped space; move onto scanning the fields.
if buf[i] == ' ' {
// cpu value=1.0
return fieldsState, i, nil
// Optionally scan tags if needed.
if state == tagKeyState {
i, commas, indices, err = scanTags(buf, i, indices)
if err != nil {
return i, buf[start:i], err
func scanTags(buf []byte, i int, indices []int) (int, int, []int, error) {
var (
err error
commas int
state = tagKeyState
for {
switch state {
case tagKeyState:
// Grow our indices slice if we have too many tags.
if commas >= len(indices) {
newIndics := make([]int, cap(indices)*2)
copy(newIndics, indices)
indices = newIndics
indices[commas] = i
i, err = scanTagsKey(buf, i)
state = tagValueState // tag value always follows a tag key
case tagValueState:
state, i, err = scanTagsValue(buf, i)
case fieldsState:
indices[commas] = i + 1
return i, commas, indices, nil
if err != nil {
return i, commas, indices, err
这里分解为scanTagKey和scanTagValue,scan系列的操作,返回值都是一样的,第一个是state,然后是下标。 这里也就是之前说的,解析的过程是一个状态机。这里有一个很有用的信息indices数组。
~~~ 注意到,在状态流转到tagKeyState时,会记录当前的下标,注意这里记录的其实并不是tagkey开始的地方,而是它前面那个逗号,所以这里的变量名字叫做commas,中文解释为逗号的意思。通过这个数组,我们就可以知道每个tags开始和结束的位置。
~~~ 到这里keys信息已经解析完毕了,可以发现这里的解析是非常轻量级的,只是找到了一些关键的分界点。
for j := 0; j < commas-1; j++ {
// get the left and right tags
_, left := scanTo(buf[indices[j]:indices[j+1]-1], 0, '=')
_, right := scanTo(buf[indices[j+1]:indices[j+2]-1], 0, '=')
// If left is greater than right, the tags are not sorted. We do not have to
// continue because the short path no longer works.
// If the tags are equal, then there are duplicate tags, and we should abort.
// If the tags are not sorted, this pass may not find duplicate tags and we
// need to do a more exhaustive search later.
if cmp := bytes.Compare(left, right); cmp > 0 {
sorted = false
} else if cmp == 0 {
return i, buf[start:i], fmt.Errorf("duplicate tags")
这里遍历整个tag列表,对比两个相邻的tag,如果不是从小到大的顺序,那么就没有排序!如果发现cmp值相等,说明是一样的tag,那么就打印错误。 那么这里就有疑问了,这里检查有没有排序是没有问题的,但是检查重复tag是有问题的,因为可能重复的tag并不是相邻的! 所以在接下来,如果是没有排序过,那么会做一个排序,接着检查是否有重复tag。
if !sorted && commas > 0 {
// Get the measurement name for later
measurement := buf[start : indices[0]-1]
// Sort the indices
indices := indices[:commas]
insertionSort(0, commas, buf, indices)
// Create a new key using the measurement and sorted indices
b := make([]byte, len(buf[start:i]))
pos := copy(b, measurement)
for _, i := range indices {
b[pos] = ','
_, v := scanToSpaceOr(buf, i, ',')
pos += copy(b[pos:], v)
// Check again for duplicate tags now that the tags are sorted.
for j := 0; j < commas-1; j++ {
// get the left and right tags
_, left := scanTo(buf[indices[j]:], 0, '=')
_, right := scanTo(buf[indices[j+1]:], 0, '=')
// If the tags are equal, then there are duplicate tags, and we should abort.
// If the tags are not sorted, this pass may not find duplicate tags and we
// need to do a more exhaustive search later.
if bytes.Equal(left, right) {
return i, b, fmt.Errorf("duplicate tags")
return i, b, nil
func insertionSort(l, r int, buf []byte, indices []int) {
for i := l + 1; i < r; i++ {
for j := i; j > l && less(buf, indices, j, j-1); j-- {
indices[j], indices[j-1] = indices[j-1], indices[j]
scanKey结束之后,返回的是一个slice,和一个下标。这个slice 代表的就是measurement+tags的所有信息。
return i, buf[start:i], nil
上面分析完scanKey之后,接下来就是scanTime和scanField,这里不准备再一一分析了,因为逻辑都是类似的。就不再占用篇幅。有兴趣的读者,可以自己看看实现。基本的逻辑就是按照行协议来解析byte 数组里面的数据。
在完成scan 操作之后,就需要返回数据了。这里是解析的一个point,所以返回:
pt := &point{
key: key,
fields: fields,
ts: ts,
ParsePointsWithPrecision 是按照换行符把数据分为一行一行,然后每一行使用parsePoint 解析出来一个Point结构,这个结构里面只有三个值:key,fields,ts。然后把每一行生成的Point组成一个Slice返回,完成数据解析。可以看到,这里的解析也是一种部分解析,没有感知key里面的tags具体信息,也就是没有把tagk和tagv解析出来。
当完成解析之后,接下来要做的就是做map,把point 映射到具体的shardgroup里面的shard上,完后执行shard的WritePointsWithContext函数,完成对point的写入。前面映射部分,在上一章有详细的讲过,可以翻出来看看,就不再赘述。接下来看看WritePointsWithContext的逻辑
defer s.mu.RUnlock()
engine, err := s.engineNoLock()
if err != nil {
return err
var writeError error
atomic.AddInt64(&s.stats.WriteReq, 1)
points, fieldsToCreate, err := s.validateSeriesAndFields(points)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(PartialWriteError); !ok {
return err
// There was a partial write (points dropped), hold onto the error to return
// to the caller, but continue on writing the remaining points.
writeError = err
写入开始前,还是加锁保证来防止并发写入问题。接着是validateSeriesAndFields这个逻辑是干啥的呢?从返回值和签名来看,是检查点是不是合法并且返回了一些需要create 的field。
// validateSeriesAndFields checks which series and fields are new and whose metadata should be saved and indexed.
func (s *Shard) validateSeriesAndFields(points []models.Point) ([]models.Point, []*FieldCreate, error) {
validateSeriesAndFields是这样写的,检查哪些series和field需要新建,和哪些meta需要被索引 函数的开始部分:
// Create all series against the index in bulk.
keys := make([][]byte, len(points))
names := make([][]byte, len(points))
tagsSlice := make([]models.Tags, len(points))
// Check if keys should be unicode validated.
validateKeys := s.options.Config.ValidateKeys
var j int
for i, p := range points {
tags := p.Tags()
// Drop any series w/ a "time" tag, these are illegal
if v := tags.Get(timeBytes); v != nil {
if reason == "" {
reason = fmt.Sprintf(
"invalid tag key: input tag \"%s\" on measurement \"%s\" is invalid",
"time", string(p.Name()))
// Drop any series with invalid unicode characters in the key.
if validateKeys && !models.ValidKeyTokens(string(p.Name()), tags) {
if reason == "" {
reason = fmt.Sprintf("key contains invalid unicode: \"%s\"", string(p.Key()))
keys[j] = p.Key()
names[j] = p.Name()
tagsSlice[j] = tags
points[j] = points[i]
points, keys, names, tagsSlice = points[:j], keys[:j], names[:j], tagsSlice[:j]
keys,names,tagsSlice 是用来保存最后生成的结果。然后遍历上面解析好的Point slice,
// Tags returns the tag set for the point.
func (p *point) Tags() Tags {
if p.cachedTags != nil {
return p.cachedTags
p.cachedTags = parseTags(p.key, nil)
return p.cachedTags
~~~ 接下来是检车tag是不是合法,这里就不展开了。检查通过的数据保存起来,并且在最后做一下重新赋值。这样上半部分逻辑就完成了,上半部分主要是去掉一些tag非法的point
~~~ 检查部分结束之后,得到了一些新的数组,接下来的逻辑:
// Add new series. Check for partial writes.
var droppedKeys [][]byte
if err := engine.CreateSeriesListIfNotExists(keys, names, tagsSlice); err != nil {
switch err := err.(type) {
// TODO(jmw): why is this a *PartialWriteError when everything else is not a pointer?
// Maybe we can just change it to be consistent if we change it also in all
// the places that construct it.
case *PartialWriteError:
reason = err.Reason
dropped += err.Dropped
droppedKeys = err.DroppedKeys
atomic.AddInt64(&s.stats.WritePointsDropped, int64(err.Dropped))
return nil, nil, err
~~~ series属于是元数据信息,这些信息被索引了起来。也就是被Index模块管理。Index在influxdb中有两种实现,一种是inmem的,也就是纯内存实现,另外一种是tsi:Time Series Index.是一种倒排索引,支持落盘。这里CreateSeriesListIfNotExists就是在更新索引,如果是内存索引,那就是更新内存信息,如果是tsi,不仅要更新tsi的Cache,还有可能出发tsi的compact。这部分我们将在下一章进行完整的解析。
func (e *Engine) CreateSeriesListIfNotExists(keys, names [][]byte, tagsSlice []models.Tags) error {
return e.index.CreateSeriesListIfNotExists(keys, names, tagsSlice)
for i, p := range points {
name := p.Name()
// 查询所有的field
mf := engine.MeasurementFields(name)
// 大量的check,去除掉不规范的point
points[j] = points[i]
// Create any fields that are missing.
iter := p.FieldIterator()
for iter.Next() {
fieldKey := iter.FieldKey()
// Skip fields named "time". They are illegal.
if bytes.Equal(fieldKey, timeBytes) {
// check field是不是存在
if mf.FieldBytes(fieldKey) != nil {
dataType := dataTypeFromModelsFieldType(iter.Type())
if dataType == influxql.Unknown {
fieldsToCreate = append(fieldsToCreate, &FieldCreate{
Measurement: name,
Field: &Field{
Name: string(fieldKey),
Type: dataType,
return points[:j], fieldsToCreate, err
返回的值第一个是合法的point slice,然后是需要创建的field结构。
atomic.AddInt64(&s.stats.FieldsCreated, int64(len(fieldsToCreate)))
// add any new fields and keep track of what needs to be saved
if err := s.createFieldsAndMeasurements(fieldsToCreate); err != nil {
return err
func (m *MeasurementFields) CreateFieldIfNotExists(name []byte, typ influxql.DataType) error {
fields := m.fields.Load().(map[string]*Field)
// Ignore if the field already exists.
if f := fields[string(name)]; f != nil {
if f.Type != typ {
return ErrFieldTypeConflict
return nil
defer m.mu.Unlock()
fields = m.fields.Load().(map[string]*Field)
// Re-check field and type under write lock.
if f := fields[string(name)]; f != nil {
if f.Type != typ {
return ErrFieldTypeConflict
return nil
fieldsUpdate := make(map[string]*Field, len(fields)+1)
for k, v := range fields {
fieldsUpdate[k] = v
// Create and append a new field.
f := &Field{
ID: uint8(len(fields) + 1),
Name: string(name),
Type: typ,
fieldsUpdate[string(name)] = f
return nil
type contextWriter interface {
WritePointsWithContext(context.Context, []models.Point) error
switch eng := engine.(type) {
case contextWriter:
if err := eng.WritePointsWithContext(ctx, points); err != nil {
atomic.AddInt64(&s.stats.WritePointsErr, int64(len(points)))
atomic.AddInt64(&s.stats.WriteReqErr, 1)
return fmt.Errorf("engine: %s", err)
// Write to the engine.
if err := engine.WritePoints(points); err != nil {
atomic.AddInt64(&s.stats.WritePointsErr, int64(len(points)))
atomic.AddInt64(&s.stats.WriteReqErr, 1)
return fmt.Errorf("engine: %s", err)
这里WritePointsWithContext的实现是Engine完成的。也就是Shard的WritePointsWithContext最后是Shard结构中的Engine结构实现。这个Engine结构就是常说的TSM(TimeSeries Engine)
WritePointsWithContext首先遍历所有的点,然后把多个field的点,拆分成单个field的点。也就是把多值拆分成单值 这里是非常重要的逻辑。由于逻辑比较长,我简化一下:
for _, p := range points {
// Beforehand we should measure the performance impact.
// key=measurement+tags
keyBuf = append(keyBuf[:0], p.Key()...)
keyBuf = append(keyBuf, keyFieldSeparator...)
baseLen = len(keyBuf)
iter := p.FieldIterator()
t := p.Time().UnixNano()
for iter.Next() {
// Skip fields name "time", they are illegal
if bytes.Equal(iter.FieldKey(), timeBytes) {
// key=key+fieldKey
keyBuf = append(keyBuf[:baseLen], iter.FieldKey()...)
if e.seriesTypeMap != nil {
// Fast-path check to see if the field for the series already exists.
if v, ok := e.seriesTypeMap.Get(keyBuf); !ok {
if typ, err := e.Type(keyBuf); err != nil {
// Field type is unknown, we can try to add it.
} else if typ != iter.Type() {
// Existing type is different from what was passed in, we need to drop
// this write and refresh the series type map.
seriesErr = tsdb.ErrFieldTypeConflict
e.seriesTypeMap.Insert(keyBuf, int(typ))
// Doesn't exist, so try to insert
vv, ok := e.seriesTypeMap.Insert(keyBuf, int(iter.Type()))
// We didn't insert and the type that exists isn't what we tried to insert, so
// we have a conflict and must drop this field/series.
if !ok || vv != int(iter.Type()) {
seriesErr = tsdb.ErrFieldTypeConflict
} else if v != int(iter.Type()) {
// The series already exists, but with a different type. This is also a type conflict
// and we need to drop this field/series.
seriesErr = tsdb.ErrFieldTypeConflict
var v Value
// 这里省略了switch case逻辑。
values[string(keyBuf)] = append(values[string(keyBuf)], v)
keyBuf = append(keyBuf[:baseLen], iter.FieldKey()...)
keyBuf被append了fieldKey,那么这个就变成了series。接下来是对series的校验,如果不存在就创建。注意这里也在创建series,在上面的validateSeriesAndFields中,也会创建。但是这里不会重复创建。创建完成后,构建Value结构。Value结构是两部分构成:time和fieldValue。 然后把这个信息保存下来。
defer e.mu.RUnlock()
// first try to write to the cache
if err := e.Cache.WriteMulti(values); err != nil {
return err
if e.WALEnabled {
if _, err := e.WAL.WriteMulti(values); err != nil {
return err
// if requested, store points written stats
if pointsWritten, ok := ctx.Value(tsdb.StatPointsWritten).(*int64); ok {
*pointsWritten = npoints
// if requested, store values written stats
if valuesWritten, ok := ctx.Value(tsdb.StatValuesWritten).(*int64); ok {
*valuesWritten = nvalues